How to wash blinds in a washing machine?
Sometimes windows are decorated not with classic curtains, but with more modern and functional blinds. These are vertical fabric strips that can be adjusted in height or inclination for better protection from sunlight. But, like other curtains, they also need to be regularly cleaned from dust and dirt, and according to special rules. Ideally, such fabrics should be dry cleaned, but you can save money and wash the blinds in a washing machine or by hand. If everything is done correctly, the curtains will not be damaged.
Gather information about blinds
To ensure that cleaning blinds at home goes without surprises, you need to act slowly and as carefully as possible. The first step is to study the instructions from the manufacturer, find out the composition of the fabric and optimal cleaning conditions. The next step is to go to online forums and read reviews from consumers. Some slats cannot be washed even by hand, while others can be put into the washing machine without risk.
Before washing blinds, you must study the manufacturer's recommendations!
It is better to focus on the material used to make the lamellas - the type and nature of cleaning depends on it. If the blinds are made from natural expensive fabrics, jacquard and cotton, then it is recommended to forget about machine washing. It is forbidden to even wet such products; only dry and superficial cleaning is recommended. Otherwise, the canvas will shrink greatly and lose its original shape and color.
It is allowed to wash blinds made of synthetics, for example, polyester, acrylic and nylon.Unlike natural fabrics, synthetic ones are more resistant to humidity and temperature changes, so they can withstand both manual and machine cleaning without loss. However, there are also some nuances here: it is necessary to clean the curtains delicately and carefully, following the basic recommendations. Otherwise, the lamellas become deformed along with the entire mechanism.
Removal of textile elements
Not the entire structure is erased, but only the fabric “strips”. It is logical that before the procedure, the canvas must be removed from the supporting bar, freed from the sinkers and the guide chain. It is better to act strictly according to the manufacturer's instructions to prevent damage and jams. The main thing is to unhook the blinds carefully and consistently:
- use the control chain to turn the blinds to the “open” position;
- release each strip from the lower guide chains (remove the ropes from both the front and back sides);
- remove the sinkers;
- unhook the strips from the cornice.
To avoid getting confused during assembly, it is recommended to record your actions with a camera. In this case, it will be easy to repeat the procedure in reverse order.
Process description
Having decided on automatic washing and removing the blinds from the cornice, you can begin the procedure. But there is no need to rush and load the linens into the drum - first you need to prepare the washing machine itself and the lamellas for cleaning. At the first stage we deal with the machine:
- remove dirty laundry from the drum;
- we take out the powder receiver from the body and thoroughly rinse it under the tap, since the powder remaining in the cuvette can ruin the blinds;
- We run the washing machine “idle” on a quick program to wash off the remaining powder and dyes from previous washes from the walls of the drum.
After emptying and washing the machine, you can proceed to the second stage - choosing a detergent. The best option would be a liquid cleaner for delicate fabrics. We pay special attention to the color of the linen: for white we select a gel for light linen, for bright ones - for colored linen, and for dark ones - for black. We will discuss other nuances in more detail in a separate section.
Before loading into the drum of the washing machine, the blinds are rolled up and placed in a special protective bag.
At the third stage, we load the blinds removed from the cornice into the washing drum. There is no need to crumple, follow the instructions:
- we twist each strip into loose rolls (it is advisable to secure the “cup” with thread);
- We put all the rolls in a protective mesh bag;
- close the hatch door.
Afterwards, we fill the required dosage of gel into the main compartment of the powder receiver and proceed to setting up the machine. First, turn on the most gentle program, for example, “Delicate”, “Manual”, “Sensitive” or “Underwear”. If there is no suitable mode, set the parameters manually:
- spin – no more than 500 rpm, ideally – reduce to “0”;
- automatic drying – disable;
- temperature – up to 30 degrees;
- additional options such as EcoBubble, easy ironing or steam supply – disable;
- rinse – turn off.
All that remains is to activate the cycle and wait for it to complete. If everything is set correctly, the washer will wash the blinds carefully, similar to hand washing. At the end of the program, we send the strips to dry.
Removing moisture from blinds
Washed blinds must be dried properly so that the textiles straighten and do not shrink.First of all, we free the slats from the bag and threads: we unroll the rolls and hang the strips vertically on the clothesline. We cling to the “top” with a clothespin or clamp. They cannot be kept in a horizontal, twisted or bent position for a long time - otherwise deformation cannot be avoided.
Blinds are dried only in a vertical position and naturally.
For drying, it is recommended to choose a shaded and ventilated place in the fresh air, protected from direct sunlight. You don’t have to mess around and immediately hang the slats back on the cornice, still wet. The main thing is to return the sinkers to the ends of the strips so that the fabric straightens evenly.
It is strictly forbidden to speed up drying with heating devices or a hot hairdryer. Smoothing with an iron is also prohibited. Blinds are dried and straightened only naturally due to room temperature and their own weight.
Traditional cleaning
Washing blinds by hand is safer, but more difficult and time-consuming. If the strips only need to be refreshed or a few small stains removed, then cleaning can be done directly on the window without removing the fabric from the curtain rod. When a full wash is required, this will not work - you will have to unhook the slats and begin a difficult procedure. For manual cleaning, you will need a large basin or bathtub, a delicate detergent, a tap with running water, and a sponge or soft brush.
- A suitable detergent (gel with a gentle composition) is dissolved and foamed in a basin or bathtub.
- The removed lamellas are washed in turn under warm running water, and then the prepared soap solution is lowered.
- Soaking lasts at least 20-30 minutes, during which the stains will soak and come out of the fibers.
- The dirty water is drained, after which each strip is wiped with a sponge soaked in soap (it is important to clean in the direction of length, from top to bottom; circular or transverse friction will lead to abrasions, scratches, deformation and stains).
- Foam and dirt are immediately washed off.
- Clean sheets are stacked on top of each other, rolled up and sent to a container with clean water for rinsing.
You can only rub the blinds with a soft sponge, moving strictly from top to bottom.
All! All that remains is to take out the lamellas, shake them and send them to dry. You cannot wring out or twist the fabrics - the water must drain from the fibers naturally.
How to wash blinds?
The choice of detergent for washing blinds is of utmost importance. Aggressive components, bleaches, chlorine and alkalis, can damage the structure of the fabric and lead to deformation of the fabric. Dry powder mixtures will have a similar effect, since the granules do not dissolve well in cold water, are not washed out completely and get stuck in the fibers.
To clean blinds, choose a delicate liquid detergent.
The ideal option is a liquid concentrate for washing delicate fabrics and wool. Various chlorine-free gels are also perfect. It is worth paying attention to the color of the fabric being washed, since the product is selected in accordance with the shade of the curtain: for light, colored or dark.
If there is no special gel, then baby or laundry soap will do. It is necessary to grate the block and pour a suitable amount of chips into a drum or basin. It’s even better to first dissolve the soap pieces in a glass of water and pour in the prepared solution.
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