Which compartment should I pour powder into in my LG washing machine?
Although washing machines have long become an indispensable household item, there are people who experience difficulties or doubts when using their washing machines. This is what happens, for example, with the powder compartments: not everyone understands where to put the powder in the LG washing machine? It's time to remove this issue from the agenda once and for all.
Purpose of the tray compartments
Specifically, for units of this brand, the dispenser consists of 3 cells. Why are other compartments needed if all the products can be poured into one? Depending on the type of detergent, as well as its purpose, you need to choose a compartment. Each compartment is numbered with a Roman numeral or indicated by a symbol. The location of the compartments may vary, and the designations will help you avoid confusion and choose the right department.
- Roman numeral I is usually the first compartment on the right. It is used if the item is heavily soiled and needs pre-washing. Accordingly, if you turn on the pre-wash option, be sure to use this compartment.
- Roman numeral II is located on the left of LG machines. This is the basic compartment into which powder is poured during standard washing modes, that is, in most cases.
- * icon or flower. This tray is designed for conditioners/rinse aids and other additional softening agents; it looks slightly different than others (in shape, color and volume of the contents that fit, it is difficult to accidentally confuse it with other compartments).
Important! It is not recommended to pour or pour the product directly into the drum, since during washing the water is drained and collected several times.Thus, the first batch will wash out all the powder, and it will flow into the machine gradually through the dispenser.
What happens if you put the powder in the wrong place?
Nothing particularly bad will happen in this case, but the quality of the wash will definitely suffer. The fact is that, depending on the washing mode, the machine “decides” at what moment and from which compartment to remove the powder. For example, you poured detergent into the rinse aid compartment instead of the base compartment. The unit knows that it is necessary to take the substance from that compartment after the washing is completed, which it does. As a result, the powder will not have time to wash out, and you will end up with poorly rinsed clothes.
If, on the contrary, you use a pre-wash, but pour the powder into cell * instead of cell I, this risks the fact that instead of pre-wash, your laundry will simply be rinsed in water and the procedure will be, one might say, in vain: the stains are not washed out, but for normal cleaning that amount of powder will not be enough.
You can always wash the linen again, taking into account all the mistakes; you won’t wear linen with powder residues - it causes allergies and simply spoils the aesthetic appearance of the products. So it’s better not to let this happen and put the washing powder in the compartment for its intended purpose, otherwise you’ll end up with a complete anti-saving of water, electricity, product and your time. But if you follow all the rules and be careful, the quality of your washing will be excellent!
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