After replacing the brushes the washing machine smelled
Sometimes owners of automatic washing machines encounter an unpleasant problem: a smell after replacing the brushes on the washing machine. Is this due to the fact that the repair was done by hand and something went wrong, or is this a normal reaction of the machine to a new part? Let's figure it out.
Where did the smell come from?
In fact, a specific burning smell after replacing the brushes in the washing machine motor is absolutely normal. Current is supplied through the brushes, and their contact with the stator sets the motor in motion. But the whole point is that the engine parts fit very tightly to each other and the new brushes need time to “get used” to the motor stator. As soon as the graphite rods adjust to the “environment”, the smell will disappear. This usually takes several washes, or even less.
But what should really be alarming is the appearance of sparks under the body of the washing machine. If this happens after reinstalling the brushes, it means that the elements were installed incorrectly, and if the brushes have not been changed for a long time, then most likely they are worn out. In any case, you cannot hesitate, otherwise there is a possibility that the motor will fail or, even worse, the entire apartment will be left without light.
Why do brushes fail quickly?
Natural wear of brushes is unlikely to be the reason for their rapid failure - as a rule, the elements are designed for long-term operation. But many other factors can indeed provoke premature breakdowns, so it is necessary to identify the causes and eliminate them.
- The most common reason is overloading the washing machine drum, which causes the motor to overheat and all its elements quickly become unusable.
- Power outages. Voltage surges negatively affect all electrical elements of the washing machine and the brushes, including.
- If moisture somehow gets inside the motor, this also breaks the natural contact, so the brushes overheat.
- When any element is mechanically rubbed against metal, so-called metal-abrasive dust appears. If the washer is installed incorrectly or for other reasons, powder may accumulate inside the motor and interfere with full operation.
The above factors can not only provoke premature wear of brushes or other parts of the electric motor, but also lead to pieces of brushes breaking off, which is much more serious.
How do you know when you need to change your brushes?
Since untimely diagnosis of brush wear can cause many serious problems, the question naturally arises: how to determine that replacement is required? After all, constantly changing brushes just for prevention is energy-consuming and unprofitable. The following signs will help you:
- you get wet laundry out of the machine even at high spin speeds. This indicates insufficient engine power, which can be directly related to brush wear;
- uncharacteristic sounds (hum and crackling) emanating from the motor installation location when the machine is operating;
- unexpected stop of washing;
- if sparks fly out from under the washer body, smoke comes out, or a strong burning smell emanates from the entire unit, even though the brushes have been changed a long time ago;
- the corresponding error code appears on the washing machine display.Modern washing units, as a rule, are equipped with a self-diagnosis system, allowing the user to specifically determine what the problem is and immediately focus on repairs, rather than on finding the problem.
Important! Most washing machines do not have a special error code specifically for problems with brushes, but for problems with the motor - please! For example, for German Bosch washing machines this is the letter E or code F21.
In any case, artificial intelligence is not yet able to accurately determine the reasons for the incorrect operation of the washing machine, so the user needs to be prepared for the fact that inspection and diagnostics will have to be carried out independently.
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