Get rid of smell in the washing machine using folk remedies
An ideal remedy for odor in a washing machine, what should it look like and what properties should it have? This question is not so easy to answer, especially since you first need to understand the causes of the unpleasant odor, and only then make any decisions about the use of products. In this article we will try to understand the issues of choosing an odor remover, as well as the reasons for its appearance.
Review of folk remedies
Before asking yourself how to remove smell from a washing machine, you need to think about the reasons for its appearance. Everything is simple here, if you eliminate the cause of the smell, you will eliminate the smell itself, especially since finding such a reason is not so difficult. So, what can cause an unpleasant smell from a washing machine?
- The smell can be caused by wastewater, which, thanks to the “siphon effect,” flows from the sewer back into the washing machine tank. Cause: incorrectly installed drain.
The drain hose of the washing machine must be connected to the sewer through an elbow, otherwise a “siphon effect” may occur.
- The smell is caused by bacteria and mold living in the washing machine, and they have accumulated there because the user does not provide routine care for the home assistant.
- A pungent chemical odor can be caused by powder residues. If the powder is of poor quality and does not dissolve well in water, its residues begin to emit a rather unpleasant aroma. The problem can be solved by cleaning the machine and replacing the powder.
So, we have at least figured out the reasons for the smell from the washing machine, now let’s look at homemade home remedies that can be used to clean an automatic washing machine and remove the unpleasant odor coming from it.
Lemon acid. A washing machine that smells like mold and sewage can be cleaned very well with lemon. If the machine is correctly connected to the sewer and the unpleasant odor comes from it only because of the dirt accumulated inside, after the first cleaning you will feel the difference, and repeated cleaning will completely resolve the issue. How is such cleaning carried out?
We take about 200 g of lemon, pour it into the powder tray in the main wash compartment. Next, we need to make sure that there are no things in the drum, then close the hatch and run the washing program for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 90-950WITH.
Vinegar essence. You can also clean your washing machine using vinegar essence. Vinegar generally kills any smell and dirt, but it itself smells quite unpleasant. But the vinegar amber will disappear in 2-3 days, taking with it any other extraneous odors. How to clean?
- Pour a quarter glass of vinegar essence and dilute it by half with water.
- We start a long wash at a temperature of 90-950C, and then, when water starts to fill into the machine, open the powder tray and pour vinegar into it (into the main wash compartment).
- We are waiting for the program to complete. After the machine finishes washing, run a separate rinse with the addition of a few drops of essential oil - this will help fight off the smell of vinegar.
Chlorine bleach. Far from being the best, but quite an acceptable way to clean the inside of the machine from dirt, at the same time ridding it of an unpleasant odor.You should not get carried away with this method, but such cleaning must be carried out a couple of times a year. Cleaning with bleach works the same way as cleaning with vinegar. Take 100 ml of bleach and pour it into the main wash compartment, start the washing mode at a temperature of 90-950C at high speed for 1.5-2 hours.
Factory Tools Overview
Some home remedies may seem ineffective and unreliable and they will consider it better to use a factory cleaning powder that is guaranteed by the manufacturer rather than pouring God knows what into the washing machine. There is a rational grain in this, although you will have to pay much more for a factory-made powder for cleaning a machine than for the same pack of citric acid, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
Frau Schmidt. A universal cleaner for washing machines and dishwashers, which rids the insides of your “home assistant” of any dirt, mold, germs and, of course, unpleasant odors. A pack of product is enough for 2 cleanings. Open the bag of powder, pour it into the detergent tray and run a long washing program at high temperature. After the first cleaning, the result will be noticeable - the smell will disappear.
Frau Schmidt cleaner is equally suitable for both washing machines and dishwashers.
Nagara. A very effective, concentrated washing machine cleaner from Japan in tablets. Due to their unique formula, the tablets quickly dissolve in the water inside the washing machine, softening and removing dirt and mold. After cleaning, instead of an unpleasant odor, you will receive a subtle citrus aroma that will be emitted by the washer drum.
Fine by Well Done.A highly effective tablet product that helps not only remove unpleasant odors from the car, but also clean it of dirt accumulated inside. Fine leaves behind an unpleasant chemical smell, but it soon disappears and the washer begins to smell neutral. Our experts recommend this product as proven and inexpensive.
Hygienic cleaner for washing machines Dr. Beckmann. An excellent product from Germany that does an excellent job of removing any dirt deposited inside the washing machine. Dr. Beckmann removes most water stone, 99% of mold, 99% of other dirt the first time. The cleaner does not leave behind an unpleasant odor, so you can enjoy the freshness and cleanliness of your machine immediately after cleaning. Dr. Beckmann is used in the same way as all previous washing machine cleaning products we described earlier.
About the use of funds
We have already briefly talked about how to properly use odor control agents for a washing machine in the previous paragraphs, but in this case it is very important to clarify the procedure for using powders and tablets. In what cases is it better to take powder, and in which tablets? When should you not use a cleaning product at all? We will talk about all this within the framework of this paragraph.
If the inside of the washing machine is very dirty, you cannot clean it with tablets, and you cannot remove the unpleasant odors that this dirt creates. We know from experience that a powder product in such cases is more effective, but it is not able to completely clean the dirt the first time, so get ready to use it again.
If you suspect that the source of the odor is the sewer, or some other fundamental reasons, first eliminate these reasons, and only then proceed with chemical cleaning of the washing machine. It is also worth mentioning that if there are serious lime deposits on the washing element, their abrupt removal can lead to pieces of scale getting stuck in the drain system of the washing machine, but this does not happen often.
The general rules for using detergents for cleaning a washing machine come down to pouring them into the machine tray on time and starting the correct washing program. The choice of the latter will entirely depend on the brand and model of your “home assistant”.
Preventive measures
To prevent unpleasant odors and dirt from forming inside the washing machine in the future, you need to regularly perform a number of simple steps and never forget about them.
- If your washing machine is not properly connected to the drain, reconnect it yourself or hire a professional to do it for you. In the article Do-it-yourself installation and connection of the washing machine This process is described in detail.
- At least once every six months, dry clean the inside of the washing machine using home remedies or factory-made powders.
- After each wash, open the machine hatch wide for ventilation, and also pull out the powder tray so that it also dries.
- After each wash, wipe the hatch cuff, the inside of the drum, the hatch cover, and the tray dry with a soft cloth.
- After every third wash, unscrew the garbage filter, draining the remaining musty water from the bottom of the washing machine tank. The filter itself also needs to be cleaned.
In conclusion, let us note odor removers and washing machine cleaners - these are, by and large, the same thing. If you choose a good cleanser, then you will be able to get rid of the smell, even if not immediately, since some cleaning powders themselves emit an unpleasant odor. You can use both home remedies and newfangled factory-made powders and tablets; no one limits anyone here - the choice is yours!
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