How to change the drain hose in an Ariston washing machine?
If the drainage hose begins to leak, then there is no point in patching the hole. It is necessary to install a new drain hose as soon as possible. Also, such a measure will be necessary if the element is clogged. In fact, you can make the replacement at home. To change the drain hose in an Ariston washing machine, you will have to climb inside the unit. We will discuss how to choose the right “sleeve” and analyze a detailed algorithm for the upcoming work.
How are we going to change it?
To disconnect the drainage hose, you will have to dig around inside the machine. Almost all Ariston washing machines do not have a bottom, which makes the element replacement procedure faster. To carry out the work, you need to prepare a screwdriver, dry rags, a container with low sides and pliers. To remove the drain sleeve:
turn off the power to the machine, disconnect the equipment from the sewerage system and water supply;
remove the false panel behind which there is a garbage filter;
tilt the body of the machine towards the wall, place a container under the machine to collect water;
Carefully unscrew the filter element. Please note that water will flow out of the hole;
move the washing machine away from the wall, cover the floor around with dry rags;
tilt the SMA body so as to gain access to the parts located below. It is allowed to lay the equipment on its right side;
find the area where the hose is attached to the pump;
loosen the clamp securing the tube;
disconnect the corrugation from the body of the washing machine.
After this, the old drainage hose will be in your hands. To add a new element:
screw the hose onto the fitting and secure it with a clamp on the drain pump;
make sure that the clamp securely fixes the “sleeve”;
connect the hose to the body of the machine;
return the washing machine to its original place;
connect the free end of the hose to the sewer outlet.
At the end of the work, be sure to run a test wash “idle” to make sure that the drain hose is installed properly.
Check to see if the hose will leak when the washer starts draining water. If droplets of water appear in the area where the hose is connected to the pump, you must urgently end the cycle and tighten the fixing clamps further.
Why change the sleeve?
During each wash, the drain hose passes several tens of liters of waste water through itself. It is not difficult to calculate how much stress a sleeve experiences even during a month of using the washing machine. The tube is subjected to mechanical stress, becomes clogged and wears out. The need to change an element may arise for a number of reasons.
Insufficient or excessive length. Sometimes, the sleeve included in the kit does not fit the meter. There is no need to lengthen the hose by attaching additional tubes to it, nor do you need to shorten it. The ideal option is to immediately install a new bend with the optimal length.
Defect. If the sleeve was often pressed down, creases could occur on it. Cracks also appear due to careless operation of equipment.
Blockage. In some cases, the drainage becomes clogged with large debris, or plaque forms on its walls. You can try to clean the cavity, but it is better to replace the tube immediately.
Sometimes the drain hose is damaged by rodents. There is no need to try to restore its integrity with improvised means. The price of the corrugation is acceptable, so it is better to buy a new sleeve and replace it.
We purchase components
The process of purchasing a drain hose does not cause any difficulties. You can remove the old hose from the Ariston washing machine and ask the store manager to select an element of the same diameter and length. In addition to metering the tube, you also need to understand the type of corrugation:
classic – made of standard polypropylene. The length of such a tube varies from 1 to 5 meters;
telescopic. Corrugation is characterized by a compressed shape. Can stretch approximately 3 times;
collapsible - consisting of several half-meter modules.
Even a non-professional can handle dismantling the hose. The main thing is to follow the instructions and be careful. It is also important to purchase a suitable replacement “sleeve”.
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