How to change the heating element in a Beko washing machine?
If the water in the washing machine remains cold during the high-temperature program, it means that the machine has stopped heating. Several breakdowns can lead to problems with “heat”, and the most common of them is the failure of a tubular electric heater or heating element. It is strongly not recommended to turn a blind eye to heating problems - it is better to carry out diagnostics and repairs as soon as possible. Untimely replacement of the heating element in the Beko washing machine will lead to dire consequences. To avoid unpleasant “surprises”, you need to act strictly according to the instructions.
We will prepare everything you need
Almost anyone can dismantle a faulty heating element and install a new one with their own hands. Moreover, there is no need to purchase special tools and equipment - a standard home “set” will suffice. In more detail, for repairs you will need a ratchet with an 8-mm head, a Phillips and slotted screwdriver, a multimeter and any available technical lubricant.
The situation with selecting a replacement heater is no more complicated. You can order an analogue of a broken heating element at the nearest hardware store, at a service center, or via the Internet. The average price for a heating element varies between 8-10 dollars.
The main task is to choose the ideal heater. Each washing machine model is equipped with a certain type of heating element, and a discrepancy between the new device in terms of power or size will lead to premature failure. To avoid making a mistake with your purchase, you must:
rewrite the markings from the old heating element that are applied to the surface of the spiral;
dismantle the device and bring it to the store as a sample;
refer to the serial number of your existing Beko.
The average cost of a new heating element is $10.
In any case, it is necessary to determine the required power of the heating element as accurately as possible. As a rule, for washing machines from Beko, devices with ratings of 1850 W are purchased. However, some machines are capable of operating at values above - everything is purely individual.
We are looking for a heater in the housing
In washing machines from Beko, the tubular electric heater is located in a standard place for machines - under the tank. Getting to the heating element is not difficult: just disconnect the equipment from the network and water supply, unfold the case, remove the back panel, remove the drive belt and take a closer look. Immediately below the bottom of the drum there will be the desired element - a round metal “die” with many connected wires.
It is impossible to confuse the heating element with a motor or another element of the washing machine - it is always under the tank and surrounded by wiring. This is the first thing that catches your eye after disassembling the machine.
While it is not difficult to find and replace the heater, problems often arise in determining the cause of the breakdown. The heating element fails due to many problems, and before work it is recommended to carry out a comprehensive diagnostics of the device. As a rule, the following malfunctions lead to “thermal failures”:
sudden power surges in the network;
incorrect operation of the heating element temperature sensor;
overheating of the device due to a thick layer of scale (if the water in the water supply is dirty or too hard);
water getting on the contacts;
human inattention or error;
manufacturing defects.
Most often, the heating element burns out due to power surges.
In most cases, replacing a faulty heating element will eliminate the problem. It’s worse if the control board is “to blame.” A module that is not working correctly, for example, due to damaged “tracks” or loose contacts, must be repaired separately. However, it is strongly not recommended to repair the electronic unit yourself - it is safer to contact a service center.
We repair the machine ourselves
You cannot operate a machine with a faulty heating element. Firstly, when turned on, the self-diagnosis system will be triggered, displaying a signal about a breakdown on the display or through the LED indication. Secondly, washing in cold water will not remove stains. It’s better not to delay, but to start repairing.
Now step-by-step instructions on how to change the heating element at home. The first step is to check whether the washer is disconnected from the power supply. Next, access to water supply and sewerage is blocked. The third step will be to drain the remaining water in the unit, since during subsequent repairs the waste liquid may leak out and get onto the contacts.
Water is drained through a garbage filter:
we hook up the technical hatch with a screwdriver and remove it;
prepare rags and oilcloth;
place a container under the filter to collect water;
Unscrew the garbage filter, working clockwise;
collecting dirty water.
The empty machine is turned around and partially disassembled. First, after unscrewing the retaining bolts, the rear wall is removed, and then the drive belt is removed. As soon as access to the heater is free, we proceed to diagnostics:
we are looking for heating elements under the tank;
disconnect the connected wiring from the “chip”;
set the multimeter to “Resistance” mode;
apply the tester probes to the heater contacts;
We evaluate the displayed value - normally the resistance should fluctuate between 20-30 Ohms.
If the multimeter shows a value different from the norm, then replacement is necessary. To do this, we dismantle the old heater: just loosen the central bolt, push the fasteners inside, pry off the base of the heating element with a screwdriver and remove the device. It is important to act extremely carefully and not damage the rubber seal, which is responsible for the tightness.
When dismantling the heating element, do not damage the seal - a torn rubber band will begin to let water through, which will break the tightness.
Having removed the heating element, we thoroughly clean the seat. Next, screw the nut onto the heating element bolt, treat the rubber gasket with lubricant, place the device in the groove and fix it. At the “finish” we connect the wiring.
After completing the repair, we check the quality of the work done. We start a “idle” wash with water heating to 50-90 degrees and 20 minutes after the start, place your palm on the hatch door. If the glass is hot, it means the heater replacement was successful.
Does Calgon help preserve heating elements?
If you believe the advertising, then without the addition of Calgon, the washing machine will break down in a matter of days due to the heating element being overgrown with scale. The broadcast pictures and experiments are so plausible and scary that many washing machine owners pour the product into the tray every wash. However, experts say that the use of this powder does not bring the desired effect.
There are several counterarguments to the usefulness of Calgon.
Calgon does not protect against problems. No one can predict which tire will puncture faster: a clean one or a dirty one. It’s the same with heating elements - scale does not directly affect the performance of the device, and in the list of reasons leading to breakdowns, deposits take last place.It is much more important to operate the equipment correctly, choose a quality manufacturer and include a voltage stabilizer in the circuit.
The product does not provide guarantees. Calgon only slows down the settling of substances. It is much safer to organize a water filtration system.
The effectiveness of Calgon is controversial. There are more effective alternatives: annual cleaning with special cleaning agents or replacing the heating element every 3-5 years. Even such drastic measures will be cheaper than Calgon.
The heater requires special care, but the use of Calgon is not necessary. It is much more effective to regularly clean the machine and organize a water filtration system.
Thanks a lot. The video is very educational. Simple, understandable and nothing superfluous. Nice and interesting to watch. You are well done.