How to change the power cord of a washing machine?
If you need to replace the power cord of your washing machine, then you should not postpone this repair. Suspicious traces of burning, a strong bend or obvious damage will quickly lead to a short circuit and combustion, even a fire. You shouldn’t hope for a miracle - it’s better to immediately turn off the power supply, call a specialist, or get down to business yourself. The wire that does not reach the socket should also be replaced. If you decide to do it yourself, then study the step-by-step instructions.
Description of the replacement procedure
To change the machine's power cord, you just need to set aside 30 minutes and prepare a standard set of tools. So, insulating tape, a screwdriver and a knife will come in handy. Next, we check whether the power supply is turned off and turn off the water supply to the washing machine. We also drain the remaining liquid by opening the technical hatch in the lower right corner of the housing and using the emergency drain. Next we proceed like this.
- We turn the washing machine 90 degrees and place it on the side surface next to which the powder receptacle is located. It is strictly forbidden to turn the machine over to the other side - water from the dispenser will cause leakage and failure of the control board.
- We disconnect the bottom by unscrewing the eight bolts.
- We are looking for an interference filter to which the power cord is connected.
- We loosen the screw fastening of the interference filter, move it and lift it from the body of the machine. We squeeze the inner clips of the plastic stopper and squeeze it out.
- We move the cord and push it inside, after which access to the filter will open.
- Disconnect the protective cover and release the wire contacts.
We remember about the color marking of the cores - green shades indicate “earth”, black or brown indicate the phase, and blue-blue color indicates “zero”.
Before you start disconnecting the cable contacts, you should take care of marking or photographing. It is necessary to mark phase, ground and zero so that during assembly the location of the conductors is not confused. Afterwards, we open the terminals and carefully pull the cord out of the washing machine. The new wire is connected in the reverse order.
In what cases is the wire changed?
If the cord you just purchased is reliable, then over time and if used incorrectly it will overheat, melt and become a real threat. The main reason for excessive heating is connecting the cable to a weak electrical network. A standard washing machine produces about 2 kW of power, which requires a separate outlet and a personal machine on the panel.
Washing machines cannot be connected to the electrical network through extension cords and tees.
In addition to incorrect connection, trivial problems can lead to the need to replace the cord.
- Factory defective plug or wire, as well as mechanical damage. If integrity violations occur, melting will begin, followed by fire. The problem will be indicated by the characteristic acrid smoke of burning plastic. It is prohibited to use a melted plug or cord - the contacts are damaged and overheat, which will lead to a full-fledged fire during further use.
- Cable break due to repeated bending. Repeated strong bending of the cord provokes rupture of the cores and loss of contact. The current does not reach the machine, being “lost” in the insulation.Attempts to cut out the problem area and twist the conductors with electrical tape will not save the situation - such connections are fire hazardous and unreliable.
- A similar problem occurs with broken or crushed cords. For example, when moving a washing machine carelessly, when the cable gets under the bottom or leg. Inattention will result in voltage surges, chaotic switching on and off of the current until the contact is lost forever. Removing the damaged area and twisting the wires will also not work - only a complete replacement of the network cable.
There is also a trouble-free option - the length of the factory cord is insufficient. The washing machine is connected to electricity only directly, without using an extension cord, which is not always possible. The solution would be to replace it with a longer analogue. To do this, you need to purchase a ready-made new network cable from specialized stores. Or assemble it from scratch: buy a wire with a length of 2 to 4 meters of the PVS brand 3 by 2.5 and a detachable plug. The cord is replaced in the same way as when working with a damaged conductor.
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