How to change the seal in an Indesit washing machine
There is nothing good in the breakdown of home appliances, because it always entails loss of time and money. However, if you suddenly find that you need to replace the seal in your Indesit washing machine, then this is even good. The fact is that a leaky seal that has lost its tightness is the first sign that the bearings in the washer may soon also fail, followed by the entire assembly. Therefore, replacing the oil seal is usually followed by changing the bearings. We will analyze in detail the nuances of replacing oil seals and bearings in the “home assistant” of the Indesit brand.
We dismantle the tank along with the drum
It’s unpleasant, but in order to change such important elements in the device, you will have to almost completely disassemble it. But do not rush to disassemble the device with your own hands - first you need to disconnect it from the water supply and electrical network, and then move it to a spacious room where it will be convenient for you to work. To disassemble the equipment, you need to prepare a screwdriver, screwdriver, hammer and WD-40 aerosol in advance. After all the preparations, you can start replacing parts.
We remove the top cover of the washing machine, for which it is necessary to remove the fixing screws, which are located on the back of the eyes.
Remove the tray intended for household chemicals by gently pulling it by the handle.
Having previously loosened the screws located around the perimeter, we remove the dashboard of the machine.
Using a screwdriver, you need to pry and remove the false panel located at the bottom right of the washing machine.
We open the hatch, inside of which you should loosen the outer clamp on the cuff, for which you need to carefully pry the clamp with a screwdriver.
Now you need to thread the cuff into the drum.
Carefully disconnect the wiring of the hatch locking device.
Be sure to take several photographs of the correct connection of the wires, so that later you will have an example at hand on how to connect the wiring correctly.
We remove the bolts that hold the front panel of the equipment, and then remove the panel.
So in eight points we will provide free access to the tank and drum of the washing machine. However, you should not proceed to further steps and remove containers from the case until you have secured the connected pipes and wires to them. What's next?
First of all, remove the filler pipe.
Next, disconnect the pipes that go directly to the tray for household chemicals.
Remove the metal false panel located on the back of the washing machine.
Lower the counterweights by loosening the center bolts.
Disconnect the thermistor after removing the wires from the chip.
Disconnect the wires of the water heating element, and then remove the heating element itself.
We've sorted out the wiring, all that remains is to prepare the tank itself for work. Since there is already free access to it from the front, now you need to prepare the back of the washing machine, that is, loosen the pulley and also remove the drive belt. The instructions are as follows:
unscrew all five screws that secure the back panel of the washing machine;
remove the belt from the pulley;
loosen the nut that holds the pulley;
remove the machine drum.
When you finally have the drum in your hands, you can check the current state of the cross. Pay attention to the shaft - if there are no marks, abrasions or chips on it, then everything is in order with the element. In this case, you need to leave the part alone and start working with the bearings.If there are problems with the shaft, you will first have to restore the blades or simply buy a new unit.
You can't do without sawing the tank
It's a shame, but the Indesit "home assistant" tanks cannot be disassembled. Representatives of the company believe that if the bearings are damaged, the owner of the equipment will either buy a completely new tank with a drum, or even buy a brand new washing machine. Of course, it is much cheaper to simply replace the bearings, so you will have to carefully saw the tank with your own hands, change the parts, and then put the tank back together.
This task is easier to handle if you have an electric jigsaw. Unfortunately, not every home has such a tool, so most people work with the tank at home using a hacksaw. Almost everyone has this basic and inexpensive tool, but the disadvantage of using such a hacksaw is the speed - you will have to spend several hours or more just to cut the tank into two parts. This is acceptable for one-time repairs of your own household appliances, but is completely unsuitable for daily repairs at a service center.
The work will go much faster with a Gross wood hacksaw, which is distinguished by its fine, hardened teeth, thanks to which it will cope perfectly with the washing machine tank.
If you nevertheless decide to speed up the process and purchase an ordinary jigsaw, then you will also need two washers, a bearing for a 4-point bolt, and a hacksaw blade. The latter is necessary because the standard blade of an electric jigsaw is too wide, so it will be much more convenient to adapt a thin blade from a regular manual jigsaw.It must first be given a shape similar to the shape of a jigsaw blade so that the tip of such a blade is well connected to the electrical device.
When the blade is shaped so that it can be inserted into an electric jigsaw, secure the entire structure with washers, a bearing and a bolt. To do this, you need to install the washers on the sides, place the bearing in the middle and securely fasten everything with a bolt.
When the tool is ready, start sawing the tank. Of course, this can be done with a standard blade from a regular jigsaw, but it will be much more convenient and faster to adapt the blade to a jigsaw.
There are few nuances in the cut. The most important thing is to cut strictly along the seam, trying to do it as evenly as possible. The more evenly you can divide the tank into two halves, the easier it will be to glue it together later.
We change parts with our own hands
Finally, we move on to the crucial moment - removing the bearings. For such an important stage of repair, you only need an ordinary hammer and a special drift. Let's get to work.
Remove the oil seal.
Place the end of the drift in the very center of the rear bearing and begin tapping the metal rod with a hammer.
Under no circumstances hit the same place - change the direction of the rod each time.
After completing the first bearing, proceed to remove the second bearing.
If, when dismantling the bearing, the inner race flew out, but the outer race remained, then for the convenience of dismantling the bearing it is permissible to carefully saw and chip the part.
Once you're done with the bearings, take the time to clean up - clean the machine of rust, scale, dirt, stagnant water and other contaminants.The drum shaft should also be cleaned. When the cleaning is completed, you can begin preparing the bearings, lubricating the seat and installing the seals.
The size of the oil seal for the Indesit washing machine is 22 by 40 by 10 millimeters. Don’t forget that you need to purchase two of these parts for the washing machine at once. As for the bearings, usually the first one should be type 6203 closed type 2RS, and the second one should be 6202, the same type 2RS. In order to accurately buy the right part, first remove the damaged oil seals with bearings, and then take them to the store as an example.
Having purchased new parts, you need to place the bearing in the seat intended for it, pre-treated with lubricant. Gently tap the bearing on the outer race using the same hammer with a metal rod. The bearing must sit evenly in its seat. Installation of the second bearing is carried out according to the same scheme. Afterwards, be sure to lubricate the seals and install them on top of the bearings.
We return the integrity of the tank
We've sorted out the bearings and seals, all that remains is to assemble the tank piece by piece. To do this, you will have to make an effort and carefully follow the instructions. What should be done?
Buy moisture-resistant silicone sealant, several fasteners that will help secure the two halves of the tank, as well as screws and nuts.
Degrease the seam on the two halves of the tank.
Apply sealant liberally to the connecting seam of the element.
Make sure that absolutely every section of the cut is properly lubricated with a sealant that can withstand not only sudden temperature changes, but also strong pressure, vibration of the washing machine, and moisture.
Connect the halves, pressing down on the lid as you place it on the base of the tank.
To ensure that both parts of the tank do not slide when fixed, they need to be secured, for which two awls are suitable, which need to be installed on the sides of the tank in the holes that are on the welding seam.
Finally, place screws around the entire perimeter of the seam and tighten the nuts securely to ensure that the tank halves do not fall apart during the operating cycle.
After completing the work, you must wait at least a few hours until the sealant dries. Only after this can the tank be installed in its place and the washing machine reassembled according to our instructions in reverse order.
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