How to change the cuff on a Samsung washing machine
A defect in the sealing rubber surrounding the SMA hatch can be detected with the naked eye. Since it is located in a visible place, if you look a little closer, you can find cracks on its surface, severe dirt and other troubles that can worsen the operation of the washing machine. A gasket that is even slightly damaged will begin to leak water from the tank. Replacing the hatch cuff is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. We will tell you how to do this further.
Why do this?
It may be necessary to remove the sealing collar not only if external damage is detected. Often it looks intact, but it no longer performs its functions one hundred percent. Experts recommend periodically replacing the gasket with a new one, or cleaning it thoroughly. This will help prevent leaks and maintain the tightness of the system. So, the sealing gum will have to be removed to achieve the following goals:
- cleaning the cuff and its installation site from plaque, scale, dirt and debris accumulation;
- replacing a part if it has stopped functioning and cannot ensure the tightness of the automatic machine.
Important! It is very easy to diagnose the need to replace the sealing cuff. If you find a violation of the integrity of its surface, an unpleasant odor emanating from the gasket, or a leak that occurs during the washing process, you must urgently remove the old one and install a new one.
Getting ready for work
To change the door rubber on a Samsung washing machine with your own hands, you do not need to have any special tools or skills. To properly remove the cuff, you just need to understand the order of work, what and how to do at a certain stage, and also prepare a set of tools available in every family:
- screwdriver;
- Phillips and flathead screwdriver.
If you still don’t have a screwdriver at hand, all manipulations can be done without it, but then the process will require a little more effort from you. Having prepared the necessary tools and turned off the power to the washing machine, you can begin the replacement procedure.
Removing the outer clamp
The process of removing the old cuff is divided into two stages. First, the outer spring clamp is disconnected. To do this, using a flat-head screwdriver, slightly pull out the seal, pry the clamp (in the part where the metal spring is located) and carefully pull it towards you.
For the vast majority of Samsung SMAs, the clamp is made of metal and has an insert - a dense spring, by stretching which the ring can be dismantled without damaging the structure. There are models equipped with a plastic ring. In this case, fixation occurs using latches that open conveniently and easily. After removing the outer clamp, you should unhook the hatch door cuff from the outer body wall of the washer and tuck the rubber band inside the drum so that it does not interfere.
We dismantle the internal clamp and elastic band
Next, you should release the sealing collar from the second metal clamp, which holds the rubber band from the inside of the unit. To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm of actions:
- remove the top cover of the SMA body by unscrewing the two bolts that hold it in place (they are located on the back side of the washer, along the edges at the top);
- loosen the steel ring by unscrewing the tension bolt securing the inner clamp. The bolt is not unscrewed completely, but so that the ring can be pulled out freely;
- After loosening the clamp, pull the sealing collar along with the ring through the hatch door of the machine.
All actions must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the internal parts of the SMA with the tool, and if you only need to clean the seal and reinstall it, it is important not to tear the rubber band.
If the gasket was removed from the housing for cleaning, wash its surface thoroughly using various disinfectants. Do not forget to clean the space opened after the excavation, as well as all the recesses on the previously closed surface of the drum. Usually scale deposits accumulate at the place where the cuff is installed; special detergents will help to deal with it.
Removing the front wall of the case
Further installation of the rubber gasket is the most difficult and time-consuming step. Installation of the seal involves removing the facade of the automatic machine to gain free access to the inside of the drum, where the cuff is secured. To unscrew all the screws holding the front wall of the washing machine body, it is better to use a screwdriver; this will greatly facilitate your work and significantly speed up the progress of work.
First of all, unscrew the three screws located at the bottom. To reach them, try tilting the unit backwards. The top of the washing machine façade is secured with screws under the main control panel, so it must be unfastened and placed on top of the appliance.Another bolt can be found under the detergent dispenser tray. Under the retracted electronic panel there are 2 more screws along the edges. After all the fasteners have been unscrewed, you can remove the front wall of the case, thereby gaining access to the drum.
Some craftsmen use the method of replacing the cuff without removing the front wall of the machine, this reduces the time required for the procedure, but the process of securing the elastic from the inside will be a little more complicated.
We put on a new rubber band
Here it is very important to follow a certain sequence of actions, this will prevent subsequent problems with poor sealing and leakage of the gum. The main stages of the final part of the installation are as follows:
- insert the cuff immediately with the inner retaining ring into the body and put it on the protrusion of the drum located from the inside;
- carefully insert the gasket with the clamp around the circumference;
- check that the inner ring of the elastic band is tucked along the entire length of the recess around the seal, then tighten the clamp screw all the way;
- tuck the outer part of the rubber seal from the front side of the machine;
- After completely installing the gasket, place the outer clamp in its original place.
When the new or well-cleaned old sealing collar is put on and secured, you can proceed to installing the front and top covers of the unit in their original place. Attach the removed control panel and both walls, secure them with the screws unscrewed at the very beginning of the work. The process of replacing the cuff is completed, you can begin further operation of the Samsung washing machine.
1 reader comment
Very useful tips. Everything is described in detail. I took it apart myself, checked everything and put it back together! Works!