Without making sure that the bearing assembly is damaged, it is unreasonable to disassemble the washing machine and change the bearings - first you need to make sure that the damage is 100%. You can suspect problems with drum rotation based on several “symptoms” even without disassembling the machine. The main thing is to know what and where to look.
We look at indirect signs
If a bearing hums in a washing machine, then you should not immediately blame the entire assembly - perhaps the source of the uncharacteristic sound lies elsewhere. But only an experienced professional can diagnose problems with the shaft 100% without disassembling the housing. Moreover, accompanying problems appear only at the extreme stages of ring destruction. Only clips that have begun to deteriorate practically do not reveal their condition.
But there are several signs by which you can suspect bearing failure:
extraneous noise during washing, rinsing and spinning - metallic clanging, grinding and knocking;
poor spin (the drum cannot accelerate to maximum speed, and the laundry does not spin as before);
increased imbalance (if the bearings are damaged, the drum begins to sway, a slight backlash occurs, which may then intensify);
a damaged cuff, or more precisely, its edges.
With broken bearings, the washing machine not only makes noise, but hums and clangs. The smooth rotation of the drum becomes difficult, it spins jerkily, and when spinning, it hits the walls of the tank. The outgoing vibration intensifies, the machine begins to “jump”.
Troubleshooting continues with manual “testing”.It is necessary to disconnect the machine from the power supply, open the hatch door, place three fingers on the upper wall of the drum and, pressing, try to swing it. The cylinder should move with the tank on springs, without play or uneven vibrations. If the rotation is chaotic, it means the bearings have begun to deteriorate.
Then we try to spin the drum with our palm. Normally, the cylinder rotates freely, but with tension, producing a slight hum. If the washer knocks or makes a clanging sound, there is a problem with the bearing assembly. Bearings deteriorate for several reasons. Most often, the matter lies in banal wear and tear, less often - a factory defect or improper operation.
Remove the back wall of the case
It is better to confirm the guess by partially disassembling the machine and proving the destruction of the bearings. There is no need to get to the unit - just remove a couple of elements and inspect the “back” of the drum. It’s not difficult to cope with the task yourself, the main thing is to adhere to the following sequence:
disconnect the washing machine from communications;
move the equipment away from the wall, providing free access to the rear wall;
unscrew the bolts holding the backdrop and remove the panel;
remove the drive belt by holding the rubber with one hand and turning the pulley with the other;
inspect the back wall of the drum.
The fact is that when bearings are damaged, lubricant almost always leaks out, which breaks the seal and leads to corrosion. It is logical that there will be corresponding traces next to the cross: streaks of rust and sealant. In severe cases, rusty-smelling liquid leaks out through the bottom of the machine, leaving streaks on the back of the drum.
You cannot operate a washing machine with a damaged bearing assembly - the problem will worsen to the point of internal damage to the drum, crosspiece and tank.
Rust on the crosspiece will definitely prove that the bearing assembly requires urgent repairs. You cannot operate the washing machine with a broken shaft - the play will increase, the drum will hit the tank at high speed, damaging all surrounding parts and mechanisms.
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