Do I need to unplug my washing machine after washing from the outlet?
A washing machine is considered one of the most dangerous electrical appliances. There is a lot of evidence of this - YouTube is full of videos from owners of burnt-out machines. Especially if the equipment is constantly connected to the power supply or is operated in unsuitable conditions. Due to the risk of short circuits and fires, a logical question arises: is it necessary to unplug the washing machine after use? As an answer, we will consider the degree of danger and possible scenarios.
Expert opinion
A washing machine cannot operate without electricity - current is necessary for the functioning of the key components of the machine. But when connected to an outlet, the system does not start immediately; you must then press the power button. It seems that without a “start” key, the technique is absolutely safe. Is it so?
By removing the plug from the socket, the user completely cuts off the power. In this case, the machine ceases to be a conductor of electric current and becomes safe. This option is considered the best for equipment and residents, especially if a washing machine is installed in the bathroom. When placed in the kitchen, the danger is less, but the likelihood of leakage and water getting onto the contacts remains high. It is recommended not to take risks, but to disconnect the machine from the power supply.
Experts do not recommend leaving the washing machine connected to the power supply - this is unsafe for the equipment and residents!
In simple words, a washing machine that is disconnected from electricity is absolutely safe. If you do not pull the plug out of the socket, the situation will be different:
- the machine remains in operating mode, the power supply is activated, the capacitor is charged (only the executing mechanisms and indication are turned off);
- there will be an electric current in the network cable from the plug to the terminals of the machine, as well as further along the wires up to the control board;
- bare contacts will remain energized, which will cause an electric shock if touched;
- any contact of water on the contacts (accident, accident) will lead to a short circuit.
Sometimes the situation is aggravated by damaged insulation on the power cord or a “low” location of the clamp on the washing machine. The second option is more common on older generation machines. Modern models provide additional protection, so that hazardous areas are better isolated and placed in places inaccessible to water. But the risk remains high. Leaving the machine turned on after washing is also dangerous due to the power outlet. An electrical point with a poor insulation class and without a protective cover often causes a short circuit and fire. It’s better not to take risks and always disconnect equipment from the mains.
Reviews from affected users
Evgeniy, Krasnodar
There was no habit of pulling the plug out of the socket in the family. Both my wife and I believed that without pressing the power button, the equipment remained turned off. The result was a burned-out washing machine - a powerful surge in the electrical network completely “killed” the electronics.
The service center said so: the reason is a sudden power surge. To make matters worse, the washing machine is no longer under warranty, we are not entitled to free repairs, and we are being charged a hefty bill. It is cheaper and easier to buy a new machine than to repair an old one. Now we are looking for money, because it is difficult to live without a “home assistant”.
Lyudmila, s. Warsaw
Recently something terrible happened - all the equipment in the house burned down. The refrigerator, TV, washing machine and cooktop were plugged into outlets. Suddenly lightning struck and everything shut down. We were lucky that there was no fire or fire, but it wasn’t much easier. I need to buy new units, and I recently retired, so my income has dropped sharply. Now we have to do without “helpers”: do laundry by hand, keep food in the basement and make do with the radio.
A washing machine plugged into an outlet can burn out due to a sudden power surge or a lightning strike!
"Z", Novosibirsk
A neighbor's apartment caught fire because of a washing machine. The machine did not work, but was connected to the outlet. Interestingly, they recently completely replaced the electrical wiring in the house. But for the last two weeks, there have been power surges in all three apartments on the landing; it seems that this is the reason. During this time, a light bulb in my bathroom burst, my monitor and landline phone shorted out.
Sanya2009, Saratov
During the thunderstorm, the washing machine did not work, but remained connected to the network. I noticed the glitch only the next time I started the machine: my Samsung still didn’t blink. I opened the case and found soot on the board and varistor, a burnt capacitor and melted “legs”. By the way, that evening several light bulbs burned out, one exploded. According to the foreman, after the lightning the voltage surged in the electrical network, shorting out almost everything, right down to the motor. I had to give it to a friend of mine as a gift to a repairman.
1 reader comment
"Good advice". Considering that there is an electromagnetic water shut-off switch in the intake hose.
That is, if you turn it off, it weakens over time and water flows into the washing machine’s tank.