Cleaning time in a Bosch dishwasher

Cleaning time in a Bosch dishwasherHow long does it take on average for a machine to wash dishes? Many users ask this question when thinking about buying a “home assistant.” In fact, cycle length will vary significantly depending on the program you choose. Let's figure out what modes are in the memory of modern Bosch PMMs.

Modes and their duration

All information about Bosch PMM programs is in the instructions for the equipment. Washing times will vary greatly depending on the selected algorithm. The memory has both short modes and long cycles lasting more than two hours.

Before putting the PMM into operation, it is recommended to study the instructions for the equipment in order to understand what algorithms are programmed in the machine’s memory.

Let's look at the main programs of Bosch dishwashers by time. Depending on the model, minor deviations are acceptable, but basically the duration of the algorithms is the same.

  • ECO mode. The algorithm is intended for dishes with medium degree of soiling. Water and kilowatt consumption when starting this program is minimal, on average 10 liters and 0.97 kW/h. When heating water to 50°C, the cycle duration will be 120 minutes. If you activate the “Vario Speed” option, then 80 min.
  • Intensive washing. A mode designed to care for heavily soiled dishes. There is an additional soaking step here. The washing temperature reaches 70°C. Next, four rinse cycles are started, then drying. The duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours, depending on the Bosch PMM model.
  • Normal. The program includes a pre-rinse phase, wash at 65°C, intermediate rinse, final rinse and drying.Suitable for cleaning pots, pans, plates. The algorithm lasts about two hours.
  • Delicate. A program designed for cleaning fragile dishes. Perfect for caring for crystal, porcelain, ceramics and glass. The cycle duration is about three hours.Bosch PMM programs
  • Quick wash (Express). Mode for lightly soiled dishes. Effectively copes with fresh dirt. The dishwasher heats the water to 45°C, there is no drying stage. The algorithm generally lasts from 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the Bosch model.
  • Night program. In this case, the water warms up to 50°C. The cycle duration is from 235 to 240 minutes. This is the longest algorithm provided on Bosch dishwashers.
  • Rinse. Can be run as a separate algorithm. The duration of the program is 15-20 minutes. The mode will ensure complete removal of detergent residues from the dishes.
  • Self-cleaning. A mode designed to care for your dishwasher. When starting the program, the PMM should be without dishes. Either a special detergent or citric acid is added to the dispenser. The bunker itself, the water heating container and the liquid distribution system are cleaned of bacteria.

Bosch PMM also has additional functions, the inclusion of which affects the execution time of the program. What options are we talking about?

  • Time saving (VarioSpeed). When the mode is activated, the time of the basic program is reduced by 20-50%, depending on the algorithm.
  • Hygiene Plus. When this option is enabled, the temperature in the washing chamber increases and is maintained for a very long time. This is done to ensure a disinfecting effect. The program execution time increases by 15-25 minutes.
  • Half load.This function is activated when a small amount of dishes needs to be washed. This saves water, electricity and reduces program execution time.half load PMM Bosch
  • Additional drying. In this case, the dishes are rinsed at elevated temperatures. Drying takes a few minutes longer, allowing cutlery to dry better.

As you can see, the time during which the machine washes the dishes varies greatly depending on the selected program. It is necessary to select a mode based on the degree of contamination and the type of dishes. There is no point in washing cutlery with dried pieces of food using a fast algorithm - the PMM may not cope with the task assigned to it.

Stages of dishwashing

The process of cleaning dishes in a machine is not much different from washing cutlery by hand. The standard cycle includes a washing, rinsing and drying phase. Depending on the program, soaking may be added to them.

Each stage of the cycle takes a certain amount of time. Much depends on the degree to which the water in the washing chamber warms up. The higher the washing temperature, the longer the program.

On average, the washing itself takes from 15 to 35 minutes, the rest of the time is spent heating the water, rinsing and drying.

Rinsing is a very important step. The detergent remains on the dishes, and if it is not washed off, it will be “eaten” by family members. Household chemicals can cause irreparable harm to health.dishes become shiny

On average, a dishwasher spends 20-25 minutes rinsing. To achieve complete removal of detergent particles from cutlery, you can connect the “Additional rinse” function to the cycle. This will “extend” the program by 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the program, the machine dries the dishes.Jets of warm air are directed onto the cutlery. This stage continues for another 15-20 minutes. This function is available on all Bosch models, but it is not provided in accelerated modes.

Thus, Bosch appliances spend different amounts of time washing dishes. You can run both an express mode, lasting 40 minutes, and a long night program, lasting about four hours. Everything will depend on the desire of the user and the degree of contamination of the cutlery.


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