The operation of the washing machine may not go according to plan at any stage, starting with the addition of water and ending with draining the used liquid. When water from the washing machine rises into the sink when draining, this is a sign of problems in the sewer system. At the same time, sewage poses a danger in the form of an unpleasant odor and deterioration in the appearance of the sink. This problem cannot be tolerated, so we will analyze in detail how to find and eliminate its causes.
Need to change the tee
If water from the washing machine goes into the sink, experts advise carefully examining the tee on the sewer pipe. This is due to the fact that it is precisely because of it that problems with draining water from the “home assistant” most often occur.
During draining, all the liquid from the SM goes into the sewer pipe, and if a tee is installed on it at 90 degrees, then the water will hit it and will be divided into two streams, splashing to the sides. This process is not affected by the slope of the pipe or the diameter, so part of the liquid goes as it should - towards the drain, while the second part goes to the sink.
The second half of the waste from the washer greatly increases the water level in the sink, where the liquid cannot flow back while the draining process takes place. At the same time, as soon as the final stage of the machine’s operating cycle is completed and the flow of water stops, the second part of the liquid in the sink can finally go into the sewer pipe.
There can be no questions about what to do in this situation - change the tee so that it smoothly distributes water in two directions, preventing the described reaction.
The pipe is clogged, there is air inside
The cause of the problem with the drain may be hidden not only in the tee, but also in the sewer pipe itself, which could simply be clogged. It is quite possible that the pipe is not completely clogged, but only partially. If this is true, then the contamination has seriously reduced the internal diameter of the pipe, making it harder for water to pass through it.
Because of this, water will first accumulate in the pipe, and then a reverse outflow will begin, due to which the liquid will go to the sink, rising up and creating loud gurgling sounds. The water can go back into the sewer only after the “home assistant” gets rid of all the liquid used during the operating cycle.
Almost any blockage can be quickly eliminated using household pipe cleaners or the classic combination of soda and vinegar.
In addition to blockage, another reason may be an air lock. It often forms during the drainage of sewage from the sewage system, when the liquid rapidly passes through the sewer pipe and thus creates a vacuum in the air. In this case, the resulting plug from the air will simply lift water from the sink siphon.
This happens because the sewer system lacks quality ventilation. This can only be corrected by replacing the sewer system, which is only possible during a major overhaul, which may not be approved by the management company if we are talking about an apartment building.
The slope and sewer pipes are too small
It also cannot be ruled out that the cause of the problematic drainage is pipes of different diameters. Builders practice this because the screed in the bathroom is often not thick enough, so the groove has to be made shallower, which is why sewer pipes may have transitions from a smaller diameter to a larger one and vice versa.
Another problem may be not only in different sewer pipes, but also in the slope of the pipe, which also often affects the quality of sewage discharge. If there is no slope or there is not enough of it, then drains can also fall into the sink. To prevent this from happening, the slope of a sewer pipe with a diameter of 50 millimeters must be at least 2.5-3 centimeters per meter.
Unfortunately, as in the case of lack of ventilation, it is not possible to correct the different diameters of pipes in the sewer system and insufficient slope on your own. To do this, you will also have to contact the management company so that it initiates major repairs and redoes the sewer system.
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