When purchasing equipment in a store, you always receive documentation with all the technical information along with the unit. If you buy a washing machine at a flea market, then there is no information or characteristics - only the machine itself. As a result, to get to know the washing machine in detail and to purchase spare parts, you have to look for the model name and year of manufacture on its body. Thanks to factory stickers and codes, you can find out the model of your washing machine without instructions. You just need to find the marking and read it correctly.
Finding the desired combination of letters and numbers
Many people mistakenly believe that the surest way to determine the model of a washing machine is to look at the instructions supplied with it. But in reality this is not the case: due to cost savings, technical manuals are stamped as universal and signed for the entire production line at once. It is very difficult to find the necessary data among the extensive information, especially for an uneducated user.
You can find the model number without instructions. Manufacturers, for safety reasons and for consumer convenience, duplicate basic data several times using special stickers - “nameplates”. As a rule, information sheets are located in several places at once:
behind the hatch door;
next to the garbage filter;
on the back wall of the case.
Information sheets with the serial number, FD code, Z-Nr. code and E-Nr. code are located behind the hatch door, next to the garbage filter and on the back wall of the machine body.
Most washing machines have an information sticker located next to the drum. The piece of paper is glued to the inside of the door itself or directly behind it, on the body of the machine above the hatch.Its sizes are usually small, and more often it is a miniature long strip with 1-2 lines of letters and numbers.
The second place for factory markings is the space near the garbage filter. To get to the sticker, you need to pry the technical hatch door with a flat-head screwdriver and unhook it from the body. All! A piece of paper with a barcode and a combination of letters and numbers will be pasted above the trash can cap.
Also, an information sheet must be present on the back or side wall of the washing machine. Moreover, it is on this main nameplate that the most information is provided: not only the model name and serial number, but also the FD code, Z-Nr. code, technical specifications and country of assembly. It is enough to turn the machine to the desired side and decrypt the data.
Having found the nameplate, you should rewrite the combinations given on it, and ideally, take a photograph. This way you can simplify the process of decrypting data and save information for the future. It is worth understanding that over time, stickers may fade, tear, or come off the surface, especially if the washing machine is not used carefully. It's better to play it safe, make a duplicate and put it in a dry place.
What information does the model number hide?
It is easy to find the model name on the information sheet. As a rule, the required combination is given first and is accompanied by a special designation. There are three options: "E-Nr.", "Model" and the abbreviation for the latter "Mod." Next will be Latin letters and numbers.
To the uninitiated user, it seems that the washing machine model is a chaotic combination. But in fact, the manufacturers encrypt key information about the equipment in letters and numbers, from the type of load and series to the design and country of assembly.To read the code correctly, you need to divide the number into several components.
The first letter indicates the type of technology. The machines, regardless of the brand, will always have a “W”, which means “washing machine”. The second symbol is the type of washer. For Bosch, the options are "L", "O", "I", "A" or "K". The decoding is as follows:
“L” is a narrow front with a depth of up to 45 cm;
“O” – machine with vertical loading;
“I” – built-in front camera;
“A” – frontal model with a depth of 60 cm;
“K” – washer and dryer.
The third letter indicates the series of the machine. The decoding will vary depending on the brand of the machine. So, for Bosch the following options are acceptable:
“T”, “K” – 6 series;
“G”, “H” – series 4;
“S”, “W” – 8 series;
“Y” – “Home Professional” series.
The next two numbers indicate the maximum spin speed. If it is “20”, then the machine accelerates to 1000 rpm, if “24” – 1200. Further decoding is as follows: “28” – 1400, “32” – 1600, “36” – 1800, and “40” – 2000 .
After that, two numbers indicate the type of system control, most often “27” - electronics. The next symbol is design. As a rule, this is “1” - classic appearance. The outer letters indicate the country of assembly. Let's say the model is Bosch WLT20271OE. It stands for “a narrow horizontal-loading washing machine of the 6th series with a spin speed of up to 1000 revolutions, electronic control and a classic design, made in Russia, Belarus or Ukraine.”
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