What types of narrow built-in dishwashers are there?

narrow built-in dishwashersHousehold appliances and technology play a huge role in our lives. Built-in appliances are in greatest demand today, as they make it easier to create an interesting and modern interior design in the kitchen.

Moreover, from built-in models, due to the features and small space of the kitchen, people take narrow models that fit perfectly into the furniture. Built-in narrow dishwasher - this article is dedicated to it.

Types of narrow dishwashers

Narrow dishwashers are usually called machines whose width does not exceed 45 cm, which is 15 cm narrower than standard models, but at the same time not less than 40 and even more so 30 cm. Moreover, they can be fully or partially built-in.

When fully built-in, the dishwasher is hidden behind a decorative facade so that you may not even realize that it is hidden there. The partially built-in model has a control panel with a display on the façade. The narrowest dishwasher has a width of 44-45 cm; there are no dishwashers 30 cm wide; this is beyond technical capabilities.

In addition, depending on the dimensions, a narrow dishwasher can be:

  • floor-standing - such a dishwasher is installed on the floor on adjustable legs and hidden in a kitchen cabinet; its average dimensions (WxDxH) are 45x60x82 cm;
  • compact - this model has dimensions - 45x48x46 cm, slightly larger than a microwave oven, but it is not built-in, although it can also be hidden in a closet.

Features of narrow models

Now let's talk about the technical characteristics by which one narrow dishwasher may differ from another. The capacity of the dishwasher is how many dishes can be loaded into the tank of the machine in one cycle.

  • A narrow floor-standing dishwasher can accommodate dishes for 9-11 people - this is the largest model among narrow machines;
  • A small dishwasher can accommodate dishes for 4-5 people.

Let's celebrate! A narrow floor-standing dishwasher is optimal for a family of 3-5 people, but if there is a lack of space, it is better to consider the option of a compact model, which is 60 cm wide and 45 cm high.

As for water consumption, on average, regardless of the size of the dishwasher, the consumption is 8-11 liters. Electricity consumption also does not depend on dimensions; a modern built-in dishwasher can have energy consumption class A, A+, A++ or A+++.

Let's say a few words about dishwasher manufacturers. Many well-known (Bosch, Whirlpool, Hot-point-Ariston) and little-known manufacturers have narrow built-in models. Compact models are available from Bosch, Midea, Electrolux, AEG and Siemens.

Review of narrow models

Let's look at several models of dishwashers and compare them by technical characteristics.

Bosch SPV 53M00 is a dishwasher that is completely built into furniture. With a width of 45 cm, it can accommodate up to 9 place settings. It has reduced energy consumption, condensation drying and five programs, including a quick cycle for 30 minutes. Thanks to the water purity sensor, its consumption is reduced to 9 liters per cycle. The washing machine has a protection system, which makes it reliable. The model is in good demand among consumers. For a German assembly from Bosch you will have to pay about $400.

Bosch SPV 53M00

The Bosch SPV 63M50 is another built-in dishwasher, with a width of 44.8 cm. It is not much different from the previous Bosch machine.About 8 liters of water will be spent on washing 9 sets of dishes, in addition, energy consumption and noise level, which is 44 dB, will be reduced. There is a mode high-speed washing machine wash, and there are 6 of them in total. With improved technical characteristics, the washing machine will cost approximately $570.

Bosch SPV 63M50

Hansa ZIM 428 EH is a narrow, inexpensive dishwasher from China that is completely built into furniture. She will wash ten sets in about 150 minutes, spending 8 liters of water. At the same time, the functionality and capabilities of this machine are also quite good. There are 8 modes, there is a program for washing crystal and other fragile dishes. This pleasure costs from 240 to 300 $.

Hansa ZIM 428 EH

Siemens SR 64M0 30 is a fully built-in narrow dishwasher model from Germany from the Bosch concern. The machine will efficiently wash dishes for 9 people in an average of 3 hours, spending about 9 liters of water. Among the four modes there is an “Express program” lasting just over 30 minutes. The dishwasher is protected from leaks and children, and has four most necessary programs. The width of this model is 44.8 cm. The average price is $400.

Siemens SR 64M0 30

AEG F 65401 IM is a narrow partially built-in machine, 44.6 cm wide. This dishwasher can wash dishes in one of five programmed modes, spending about 9 liters of water, and doing it quite quietly. The average price is also about $400.

AEG F 65401 IM

Thus, a narrow dishwasher can be either fully built-in or partially built-in. In terms of technical characteristics, such machines from the same price category have approximately the same set of programs. Advanced models have higher technical parameters, but they also cost much more; whether it’s worth paying extra for it is up to you to decide.


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