Narrow washing machines - review and selection tips
Today it is not possible to do without a washing machine, not only due to the significant savings in time and effort, but also because most families have long been using household appliances for various purposes for various needs. That is why in small apartments or in houses where there is simply not enough space for full-sized devices, narrow washing machines are the best solution. Sometimes compact models fit more successfully into the new interior of the room.
On what parameters is the choice based?
It would seem that from the name of the device it is clear that the main task is quite defined - such a technique should wash clothes. But this is far from true, because manufacturers offer a huge number of different-format models that differ from each other in a number of characteristics.
Therefore, before purchasing, it is advisable to identify for yourself the priority functions that the machine should have. In parallel with this, you need to determine the size of the budget that the user is willing to spend on the purchase. Moreover, you should not take into account only the cost, since sometimes you can buy something completely different from what was required with completely useless functions at a high price.
Most narrow washing machines are top-loading. Such models have their advantages:
- Possibility of installation on three sides of the device;
- saving space, as there is no need to open the front hatch.
But at the same time, such equipment cannot be placed under the sink precisely because of vertical loading.Some users are convinced that a narrow washing machine always means the minimum drum volume. However, this is not the case, and if you consider a number of options, you can, as an alternative to models with a load of up to 3-4 kg, choose a device with a capacity of 5 kg, which will have compact dimensions.
Detailed overview of characteristics
In order for the machine to serve properly for more than one year, you need to study the characteristics. This is the only way to get exactly the device that will meet the user’s requirements. Among the main parameters are:
- First, it’s better to decide which type of download is preferable. For example, the main advantage of the front hatch is the ability to integrate such equipment under a work panel in the kitchen or under the sink in the bathroom. But narrow washing machines, which are loaded vertically, can significantly save space; in addition, during the washing process in such models, you can throw a forgotten item into the machine.
- Choosing a washing class allows you to get a washing machine that is distinguished by good washing quality, and in addition to
This saves energy. The best option for this criterion is a class A model. You can find different types of equipment with class designations from A to G.
- Number of revolutions per minute. This parameter is responsible for the spin quality. If the user prefers to take almost dry laundry out of the machine, then you need to pay attention to models with the highest drum rotation speed.But you should be prepared for the fact that narrow washing machines at sufficiently high speeds do not provide the same quality of spinning of laundry due to the fact that the drum radius of such models is noticeably smaller than that of full-sized devices.
Most middle-class machines operate at 1,200 rpm, but there are also analogues whose drum rotation speed reaches 2,000 rpm. An additional advantage may be the ability to independently select the spin mode, but economy class models usually do not have such a function.
- The material from which the tank is made also plays a role in the selection. For example, if we consider stainless steel, then the service life of such devices is much longer than that of others. However, composite materials allow the machine to operate much more quietly. So here the user must decide for himself what is more important: service life or the relatively quiet operation of the device.
- Connection method. It is easier and more profitable to choose a machine with a connection only to cold water. This will avoid a number of problems, in particular, it will be possible to save money, since cold water costs the user several times cheaper than hot water. In addition, heating of cold water by the heating element of the device occurs more evenly. But you can’t vouch for the quality of hot water.
- Number of programs. All models of full-sized and narrow washing machines always have a certain set of preset programs that allow you to wash clothes under certain conditions (strengthened or, conversely, gentle). For example, almost everywhere you can find a delicate wash program, a soak mode or an additional rinse.
- Noise level.The manufacturer always extols its product, but you should not blindly trust all the colorful stickers that “bloom” in lush colors on the body of the machine. The fact is that only those equipment equipped with a three-phase asynchronous drum drive motor, as well as those that have noise insulation in the form of a special material that insulates the body along the inner surface, can be considered fully silent.
- Function to protect the machine from leaks. This feature is not available everywhere on every model. In addition, there are several types of devices:
- without protection function;
- with partial protection;
- with full protection.
If the choice fell on a narrow washing machine that has such a unit, then this will avoid a number of possible problems in the future. In other cases, it would be possible to think over a separate locking mechanism, but, unfortunately, this is simply not possible, and only the manufacturer installs protection on the machine.
- Drying clothes. Washing machine models with this function will cost the buyer significantly more. The user is expected to experience greater comfort when removing dry laundry from the drum. But this is somewhat not true, because, firstly, you first have to partially empty the machine each time, taking out half of the loaded laundry in order for the drying to be completed fully, and secondly, the laundry wrinkles too much.
Additional features
In addition to the basic set of programs and functions, narrow washing machines may contain other features, including:
- Aqua Sensor - allows you to significantly reduce water consumption during washing, and in addition to this, controls the degree of water transparency and, if necessary, increases the number of rinses;
- Fuzzi Control - automatic control of the washing mode, as a result of which the machine independently decides which program parameters need to be used for the loaded amount of laundry and type of material;
- S-system – foam control function;
- start timer – allows the user to delay the start of the device;
- water stop is a function that allows you to remove laundry from the machine before the spinning process begins to avoid wrinkles.
There are fully automatic devices that, without human intervention, are able to select the operating mode and determine other washing parameters. You can choose different types of similar machines, which differ in washing technology.
One of the factors when choosing is the brand of the machine. Popular ones include Candy, Ariston, Indesit, Beko, Samsung. A number of models from the Bosh and Electrolux brands belong to a higher class. The cost will vary accordingly. Moreover, it is not recommended to focus on the price or popularity of the device separately from other parameters. The machine should be evaluated in its entirety based on a number of characteristics, including, of course, the price factor.
As a result, having analyzed a number of technical characteristics and initially determined the budget, you can select a device model endowed with exactly those properties and functions that will subsequently ensure quality at the level desired by the user. You can always choose an alternative solution that best meets your requirements at an affordable price, and if there are no financial restrictions, then the task of choosing is simplified.
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