How does an Electrolux washing machine work?
Interest in the design of an Electrolux washing machine often arises when it breaks down or malfunctions. In order to independently diagnose and repair the machine, you need to carefully study the location and connection of the parts and assemblies of the washing machine, understand their purpose and operating principle. This is not difficult to do - most “front-facing” and “horizontal” cameras have a similar design and control. You just need to take the time and immerse yourself in studying the “insides” of the technology.
What details does the machine body hide?
“Acquaintance” with the machine begins with studying all the devices and parts included in the design. This is the only way to see all the components and understand their relationship and location. So, any washing machine from Electrolux, both front and horizontal, is necessarily equipped with the following elements:
- electric motor;
- tank;
- drum;
- drain pump;
- several types of pipes;
- detergent dispenser (powder receiver);
- shock absorption system (springs and dampers);
- tubular electric heater (TEH);
- garbage filter;
- drum pulley;
- snail;
- thermostat;
- control board;
- counterweights;
- hatch blocking device (UBL);
- filling valve;
- hatch cuff;
- pressure switch;
- hoses (drain and fill);
- dashboard.
The design of most washing machines is the same, and Electrolux is no exception.
The above components and devices are located in the body of the washing machine. As for the iron “box” itself, its design is simple: top cover, front, back and side panels. The loading hatch is located at the top or in the front, depending on the type of machine.
For diagnostics and repairs, it is not enough just to know the names of all components of the washing machine. It is necessary to study the elements, their location and purpose in more detail. We will tell you below how to check each part for functionality.
Control board
The control board is considered the “brain” of the Electrolux washing machine. With its help, all elements of the system are powered and controlled. It is the electronic module that starts the machine, transmitting user-specified commands to the required nodes along a “chain” of conductors, tracks and microcircuits.
Everything is performed and regulated by the control board. Turning on the machine, setting the program, filling the tank, rotating the drum at a given speed, draining water - each command given by the user is first sent to the electronic unit, and then transmitted to its destination using semiconductors and contacts. If the entire module or one of its microelements breaks down, the washing machine stops functioning, as control over a specific unit is lost. For safety reasons, the system is shut down immediately.
The electronic module system also includes the dashboard of the washing machine. Through it, by pressing buttons and rotating the selector, the user configures the cycle, turns on additional options, adjusts the spin intensity and water heating. Afterwards, the system processes the received information and starts the machine. It is very difficult to figure out on your own how the control board is structured and works. Only professionals should diagnose and repair it.
Failure of the control board is a serious failure, which is strongly not recommended to be repaired on your own!
Elements that monitor water intake and level
The pressure switch and inlet valve are responsible for the supply of water in the washing machine. The first, thanks to a long tube, controls the pressure in the tank and sends a signal to the control board about the degree of filling of the tank. The second one receives a response from the module, starts pouring or, on the contrary, stops it.
The inlet or inlet valve has 1 to 3 coils. They are supplied with voltage as soon as the control module sends a signal to start water intake. Thanks to this, the membrane opens and water from the water supply begins to flow into the tank. When the desired level is reached, the pressure switch goes off, the board turns off the current supply, and the system stops filling.
The named elements always work together: the valve fills, the pressure switch controls, and the board acts as an intermediary transmitter. Thus, the tank is filled to the specified level, eliminating underfilling or overfilling.
Electric motor and speed sensor
The rotation of the drum is provided by a motor and a tachogenerator. They also “work” as a couple, complementing each other. The motor spins the drum shaft, and the tachometer controls the speed, more precisely, the number of revolutions per minute. This is necessary to avoid chaotic movement or sudden braking.
The driving force is an electric motor. Most modern front-facing Electrolux are equipped with inverter motors that are attached directly to the drum shaft. The absence of a belt drive makes rotation more efficient and sharper, and the design itself, without an “intermediary,” becomes more reliable and durable.
Some washing machines are equipped with commutator motors. In this case, the drum is spun using a drive belt, which transmits impulse from the engine to the shaft.Unlike its inverter “brother,” the commutator more often needs repairs: the rubber band falls off and the electric brushes wear out.
Water heating elements
Heating to a given temperature is the function of a tubular electric heater. How hot the water in the tank will be depends on the selected mode. After the user selects a program and sets the degrees, the control board transmits the received information to the heating element. The heater begins to act in accordance with the task.
The heating element and the temperature sensor built into it are responsible for heating the water in the washing machine.
The degree of heating of the heating element is controlled by a thermistor. This is a metal tube located directly in the heater. As soon as the water reaches the set temperature, the sensor reports to the control board, which in turn turns off the heating element.
Vibration and centrifugal force compensators
To prevent washing machines with both top and horizontal loading from “jumping” during washing and spinning, special compensators are provided in the design. With their help, outgoing vibrations from the engine spin up to maximum speeds are dampened. The fact is that when the drum rotates, centrifugal force appears, which, without a shock absorption system and counterweights, will destroy the machine from the inside.
The following components help the washing machine maintain a stable position:
- dampers - spring struts that fix the bottom of the tank to the bottom of the body;
- springs on which the tank is suspended from above;
- counterweights are concrete blocks that weigh down the machine and maintain the desired balance.
These elements are designed to protect the washing machine from centrifugal force.However, if used incorrectly or for a long time, they can fail: shock absorbers wear out, springs stretch, and counterweights crack or become loose. In this case, it is necessary to tighten the fasteners or replace damaged parts.
Hatch lock and rubber band
It is important to understand how the hatch works. Regardless of the type of loading, frontal or vertical, it has two locks: mechanical and electronic. The first is triggered when the user closes the handle, and the second is activated after the cycle starts. In the latter case, the UBL is activated, preventing accidental opening of the machine during the washing process.
The hatch locking device will prevent the door from being opened while the Electrolux washing machine is operating.
Ensure the tightness of the tank and the hatch cuff. This is a sealing rubber band that closes the gap between the drum and the body of the machine, preventing water from leaking out. If the rubber is cracked or torn, then you cannot start the machine - a severe leak is possible.
Elements responsible for draining
Without a quality drain, the washing machine cannot function. The emptying of the drum is ensured by a system of pipes and hoses, as well as a pump and a garbage filter. The “heart” of the drainage is the pump, which pumps water out of the tank after each washing stage.
There are two types of pumps:
- synchronous;
- asynchronous.
The pump consists of a motor and an impeller. The first starts the device, and the second, thanks to the rotation of the blades, gives the water the desired direction. A snail is fixed on top of the pump, through which pipes and a hose are fed.
Most of the debris, hair, dirt and wool that gets into the washing machine settles on the garbage filter.
The pumps are durable, but the drainage as a whole often does not function due to blockages. It is not uncommon for coins, debris, hair, and other small objects to get caught in the drum and remain in the drain pipe. The reason is the pockets of things that were not checked before washing. Most of the foreign debris remains in a specially designed garbage filter, which must be regularly unscrewed and cleaned.
Main containers
An important part of a washing machine is the tank. It is made of plastic and is completely sealed. This is where water comes from the tap and where it is mixed with detergents. On machines with horizontal loading, it is located with the hole forward, with a vertical hatch upward.
The drum is always made of stainless steel. metal and has porous walls. Laundry is placed in it, after which water and detergent from the tank enter the cylinder and washing begins. It is necessary to have plastic ridges on the drum surfaces - rib punches - mixing and turning the laundry for better washing.
If the material for making tanks and drums on Electrolux machines is mostly the same, then the size and volume are significantly different. It all depends on the capacity of the machine provided by the manufacturer.
Additional items
The Electrolux washing machine also contains other system elements that also provide high-quality washing. Among them is a dispensary - a tray for detergents. Thanks to the special design, the concentrate is taken gradually, in doses, strictly at a certain stage of the cycle.There is also no mixing of the ingredients: during the main wash, powder or gel is added, during bleaching - a cleaner, and during rinsing - a fragrance, conditioner or softener.
The Electrolux company produces washing machines with horizontal and vertical loading.
Hoses also deserve attention: inlet and drain. The first supplies clean water to the tank, and with the help of the second, the waste liquid is pumped into the sewer. Auxiliary elements are pipes connecting important components of the system.
A washing machine is complex, especially modern “smart” machines, stuffed with sensors and electronics. But you can understand the arrangement and interconnection of the elements - the main thing is to carefully study the instructions and the internal structure of the machine.
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