How to tighten the transport bolts on a washing machine?
The shipping bolts on the washing machine are designed to secure its tub when moving the household appliance. As soon as the unit takes its rightful place in the owner’s premises, they are removed so that the household appliance can fully do its job. However, sometimes situations arise when the bolts need to be returned to their rightful place. If you follow certain rules, this will not be difficult.
Bolt installation
Installing shipping bolts is a simple task, but if not done properly, it can cause damage to the tank. So, to fix it, the bolt must clearly fit into a special technological hole, which is hidden by the wall of the washing machine body, so it is not always possible to insert it correctly the first time. Often the installer misses and hits the end of the bolt against the wall of a tank made of stainless steel or plastic. If at this moment you press a little harder than necessary, a crack will form in the tank, which will cause leaks and subsequent more serious breakdowns.
The task is made easier by the plug present on the transport bolt. It is made of rubber or plastic and provides additional protection for the material from which the tank is made. The plug fits tightly and easily into the small hole in the rear wall of the case and at the same time serves as a guide for the screw to enter. If the plugs are not preserved, it is better to avoid reinstalling the transportation bolts.
However, there is a folk method - a life hack that will allow you to perform manipulations even without the original factory attachments. They can be replaced with wine corks of a suitable size, which must first be screwed into the bolt, and then the resulting structure must be inserted into the body. As soon as the screw is in its rightful place, it must be tightened all the way with a key from 10 to 15, included in the package of the household appliance.
What are the bolts for?
Unlike other types of household appliances, the design of a washing machine is more fragile and prone to damage during transportation. It's all about the unit's tank - it is in a suspended state, and its attachment to other components of the washing machine is very symbolic - these are shock absorbers and a counterweight (special weight) that prevent excessive vibration during intensive operation of the household appliance. However, if transported incorrectly, this may cause damage to the unit.
If you handle the household appliance carelessly when moving it, allowing significant jolts, jumps on bumps and jumps of the car, the loose tank will constantly hit the body of the washing machine. And this will lead to a violation of the integrity of not only itself, but also other components of the unit. Shipping bolts help to avoid these consequences: they secure the moving part of the washing machine and prevent the possibility of damage to internal components during transportation.
What are the dangers of using a SM with screws?
The operating instructions for any washing machine contain a clause warning that it is prohibited to operate the unit with the transport bolts installed.The basic principle of operation of household appliances is the rotation of the drum in the tank, and if the tank is fixed, then not only the quality of the wash will suffer - the machine itself will break down. During intensive operation of the drum - washing or spinning, a tank fixed to the body of the washing machine will cause damage to the integrity of the shock-absorbing system, shaft, bearings and all other elements.
Also, operating a washing machine with a fixed tank is the main reason for the household appliance “jumping” around the room where it is installed, and this leads to broken furniture, plumbing fixtures, chipped tiles and other similar damage.
The longer the unit operates in this mode, the more dire the consequences will be for both the machine and nearby objects.
If the installation of a household appliance is carried out without the involvement of a specialist, you should carefully study the “Installation” section in the operating instructions. Here the user of the washing machine will find all the instructions regarding the correct preparation of the equipment for use, including dismantling the transport bolts. If the latches are not removed, the machine will report this in the following ways:
increased level of vibration;
sudden jumps, jerking movements;
sounds atypical for the operation of a washing machine: creaking, grinding, etc.
In such a situation, you should immediately stop the operation of the unit by pressing the “Stop” button and disconnecting it from the electrical network. Afterwards, you should definitely invite a specialist who will inspect the household appliance and determine the presence and nature of damage, if any.It should be remembered that breakdowns that occur as a result of operating a household appliance with the transport boots not removed are not covered under warranty, so you will have to repair the equipment at your own expense.
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