Connecting a Dexp washing machine
Selecting, purchasing and transporting a washing machine is only the first stage. After this, it is much more important to properly prepare the new “home assistant” for work. This includes not only connection to all communications, but also a test work cycle, which will allow you to get rid of technical contaminants that could remain after storing the equipment in a warehouse. We will tell you in detail how to install a Dexp washing machine so that it will serve you for decades.
Be sure to prepare for work
Connecting household appliances can raise many questions for an unprepared user, but in fact there is nothing complicated in this process. That's why you can handle the installation yourself without calling a technician. The most important thing is to strictly follow the instructions so as not to accidentally damage anything. The process consists of six steps in total.
- Studying the user manual.
- Unpacking the machine, removing factory stickers.
- Waiting for the appliance to reach room temperature (for winter).
- Selection and preparation of a place for automatic monitoring.
- Removing shipping bolts.
- Connection to water supply, sewerage and electricity.
First of all, you need to carefully study the official instructions, namely, the paragraphs about installing the device. In the directories you can find all the details, such as requirements for the location, methods of connecting communications, tips and much more. There are also detailed images that will help you better understand the device and setup of the washing machine.
The second stage is to carefully remove the Dexp washing machine from its original packaging.It is important to remove all plastic, foam, protective stickers, tape, etc. that were necessary for safe transportation. Do not forget to remove all foreign objects from the drum - you can often find instructions, a warranty card, plugs for holes for transportation bolts and other components in it.
Under no circumstances should you start the “home assistant” with the transport bolts installed, otherwise you will damage the machine and lose your right to warranty service.
The next step takes time, because the unit must reach room temperature, so it is better not to touch it for several hours. If delivery was carried out during the cold season, you will have to wait a couple more hours for all rubber elements to fully restore elasticity and firmness.
The fourth stage is the selection of an area in the house where the washing machine will be located. It is best to find such a place before purchasing household appliances, which will allow you to choose the right size, color of the case, as well as the design of the equipment so that it fits well into the interior of the room. This is even more important in a situation where you buy a machine built into the headset. In addition, the following must be taken into account:
- all communications must be nearby, so experts do not recommend pulling the wire too tight, using a surge protector, or extending the drain hose, because this is dangerous;
- The floor covering under the washing machine must be durable and even. Tile and concrete are best suited for these purposes. At the same time, it is better not to choose linoleum, laminate and other similar coatings, because in this case they will have to be strengthened and protected from moisture.
Finally, be sure to remove the shipping bolts installed in the equipment at the rear, where they help secure the tank in a stationary position, ensuring safe transportation. After delivery, they should be removed, because running the CM with these bolts will lead to damage to the tank-drum assembly. If this happens, the user will have to pay for expensive repairs out of pocket, because the warranty will be void.
Removing these clips is extremely easy, so there is no need to be afraid of this process. To do this, you only need a suitable size wrench or pliers. Unscrew the bolts so as to remove them from their seats, and then close the holes that appear with special plastic plugs that come with the washing machine. The remaining sixth point of preparation should be discussed in more detail in separate paragraphs of the article.
The machine needs the right outlet
You need to think about connecting to the electrical network in advance, because the outlet should be nearby. In the best case, the outlet should be less than 1.5 meters away, because these are the power cords that modern washing machines usually come with.
As for the outlet itself, it must not only have the appropriate voltage, but also be protected from moisture. Under no circumstances should you connect the machine via an extension cord, as this is very dangerous.
Dexp brand products come with a 1.5 meter long cord.
That's why you need a separate point, and even with grounding - this will protect family members. Otherwise, users risk receiving constant electric shocks, plus the risk of fire is extremely high.
We provide the machine with water
Let's move on to preparations related to ensuring water supply for the SM. Typically, the filling hose is connected to a pipe with cold water, because the machine itself effectively heats the liquid for the working cycle. There are devices that connect directly to hot water, but this is irrational, given that it is harmful for household appliances to constantly come into contact with boiling water. What can happen to a device connected to hot water?
- Filters become clogged. This is due to the fact that hot tap water is much dirtier than cold water, so more plaque will accumulate on the filters and other internal components of the system.
- Clothes will not wash well. Since hot water is highly hard, the quality of washing and rinsing will be seriously affected.
If you still want to connect your “home assistant” to hot water, then first carefully study the official instructions. In it you will find information about the permissibility of such a connection. If this action is impossible, then it is better not to look for ways to circumvent this rule, but simply connect the device to cold water so as not to shorten its service life in vain.
Only open the water supply valve for the operating cycle, as it is much safer to keep it closed when not in use.
It is easy to set up a water supply for household appliances if the house has already had an entrance for other household appliances. In such a situation, you only need to connect the filling hose to the finished point, open the tap and make sure that the joint does not leak. If this is the first washing machine in the family, and therefore nothing has been prepared for it yet, then you will have to organize the entrance yourself, or call a plumber for this.All that is required is to install a special tee in the water pipe, and then check the pressure - it must correspond to the parameters specified in the instructions.
Where to dispose of waste water?
Finally, the last stage is the organization of draining the waste liquid. The easiest way is to lower the end of the drain hose into the bathtub or toilet, because then you don’t have to do anything extra. However, this is unsightly from the point of view of organizing space, and is also simply unhygienic. Because of this solution, hair, wool, threads, dirt and much more will settle on the plumbing, forcing the housewife to spend more time on cleaning. In addition, you will have to regularly remove and put away the drainage hose before and after each wash.
It is much easier to connect the washing machine directly to the sewer through a pipe or siphon. Simply secure the joint with a clamp to prevent leaks. Also remember to follow the sleeve height and curvature as specified in the Dexp user manual.
Often, the drain hose must be fixed at a height of 50-60 centimeters from the floor level with a mandatory bend, which creates a water plug that blocks dirt and unpleasant odors. After connecting the machine to all communications, all you have to do is level it to the building level using adjustable legs, and then check its functionality during a test work cycle without clothes.
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