How to install a Kandy washing machine?
Having purchased a new washing machine, the buyer thinks about whether to connect it himself or seek the help of a service center specialist. Often, the manufacturer of washing equipment does not allow users to install the equipment themselves. Otherwise the warranty will be void.
If you decide to install the Candy washing machine yourself, be sure to ask the store whether this will affect the manufacturer’s warranty. If not, you can try to connect the equipment, following a certain algorithm of actions.
Don't rush to accept the goods
When buying a Kandy automatic machine, inspect the device while still in the store. There should be no chips, dents or scratches on the body. If you find even minor defects, refuse to purchase a sample and demand that the washing machine be provided to you without any damage.
Often, buyers pay for the model in the store and order delivery of the equipment. In this case, you will have to inspect the washing machine a second time, after the courier brings it to your home. It is during transportation and lifting to the floor that the unit can be dropped or knocked, causing significant damage to it. Do not sign the document if you find scratches, dents or other defects on the body of the brought machine.
If the machine is intact, connect it to electricity. After plugging in, the indicator on the dashboard should blink and the display backlight should light up. Scroll the program selector - the values on the washer display should change.
After making sure that the delivered Candy washing machine is in full working order, you can sign the paperwork to receive the equipment and release the courier.It’s better to get the store’s phone number from an employee so that you can quickly contact the seller if necessary.
Removing the transport bolts
The next step is to remove the shipping bolts located on the rear panel of the case. They serve to secure the washing machine tank. Thanks to them, the container is securely fixed in the machine and is not damaged during transportation.
By starting a washing machine without removing the shipping bolts, it is easy to cause a non-warranty breakdown of the equipment.
This is why it is so important to remove the retaining bolts before installing the machine. Otherwise, after starting the wash, the engine will try to spin the drum, and the clamps will not allow this to happen. As a result, the engine may burn out and the drive mechanism may fail. Read the instructions for the washer; it describes the procedure for removing the shipping screws.
You can remove the bolts from the housing using pliers or a suitable size wrench. After removing the clamps, the holes are closed with special plastic plugs that come with the equipment.
Where will the machine be located?
Usually the place for the washing machine is determined in advance - even before purchasing the equipment. Buyers select a machine specifically for the dimensions of the bathroom, niche or furniture set where the “home assistant” will be installed.
When purchasing a built-in washing machine, take care in advance of how to close it. The door must match the size of the equipment and be easy to install.
It is very important what the floor covering under the automatic machine will be like. Ideally, it should be a durable concrete or tiled floor. When the unit is placed on boards, they must be strengthened in advance.
It is advisable not to install the Kandy washing machine on laminate flooring - even with a small leak, the floor covering will swell and become unusable.
Before installing the equipment, evaluate whether the inlet and drain hoses will be long enough to connect the machine to the water supply and sewerage system. Having selected a place and made sure that the washing machine fits freely there, you can connect the device to the house utility networks. You must act strictly according to the instructions.
Pay attention to the socket
To connect the automatic machine, be sure to allocate a separate outlet. It must be waterproof and have a grounding wire. Although modern washing machines meet all standards for protecting people from electric shock, extra caution can’t hurt.
Stores sell special waterproof sockets with a protective cover and curtains. This option is ideal for a washing machine.
Usually the length of the power cord of the washing machine is the same - one and a half meters. Therefore, it is advisable to place the outlet exactly at this distance from the “home assistant”. Of course, you can use a good extension cord, but the manufacturer still recommends connecting the equipment directly to the power supply.
Grounding in sockets is necessary to prevent weak electric shocks. Otherwise, you will feel an unpleasant tingling sensation when you touch the body of the machine. Such exposure does not pose a serious danger to humans. All it causes is discomfort and inconvenience.
Water supply
Afterwards, all that remains is to connect the machine to the water supply and sewerage system. This is the most difficult stage of work. To do everything correctly, carefully read the user manual. The instructions describe in detail how to organize output points.
Typically, the machine's inlet hose is connected to a cold water supply. There are rarely models that can be connected to hot water. This feature is quite questionable and can cause harm to the equipment:
- hot water is more contaminated than cold water, which means the filters will clog faster;
- a high level of hardness will degrade the quality of the wash. The machine will “eat” more detergents in order to achieve the desired cleaning effect.
Read the instructions for the equipment. If the manufacturer provides a connection to a cold water supply, connect the inlet hose to the appropriate pipe. You shouldn’t even try other options – they will definitely harm the machine.
If a washing machine was already installed in the house before, then connecting a new machine with your own hands is easier. You just need to screw the hose to the previous outlet point. Then you should open the water supply tap and see if the connection is leaking.
It will be a little more difficult when connecting the machine for the first time. If there is no insertion into the pipe, you will have to organize an output point. You can do this yourself, if you have the necessary tools, or contact a plumber.
When connecting equipment with your own hands, know that:
- you need to take the hoses that come with the machine;
- It is necessary to pay attention to the pressure in the pipe. The indicator must match the values recommended in the instructions.
Be sure to shut off the water supply to the pipes before starting work. The hole for screwing the inlet hose is located at the top, on the rear panel of the case.
Waste water discharge
In addition to connecting the machine to the electrical network and water supply, be sure to take care of the functioning of the drainage system.Removing waste water from the tank is an integral stage of the washing machine’s operation.
Some users decide to take the simple route - they direct the washing machine drain hose into the bathtub or sink. However, this drainage option is not only unaesthetic, but also unhygienic. A dirty coating quickly forms on the walls of plumbing fixtures, which must be cleaned off after each use of the equipment.
It is best to connect the drain hose to the siphon and securely secure the connection with a clamp.
The manual describes in detail how the sleeve should be positioned. The manufacturer recommends that the end of the drain hose be at least 50-60 cm above the floor level. In this case, the tube should be placed with a certain bend so that unpleasant odors do not penetrate into the automatic machine. Otherwise, no air conditioners or fragrances will make your laundry fresh.
Having connected the washing machine to the house communications and electricity, all that remains is to level its body, adjust the legs, and run a test wash. When using for the first time, be sure to be close to the equipment in order to promptly respond to equipment malfunctions. Make sure that there are no leaks at the connection points of the hoses to the pipes and the washing machine itself.
In fact, installing an automatic Kandy machine is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions and strictly follow the plan described in the manual.
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