What is an ultrasonic washing machine?

ultrasonic washing machineAn ultrasonic machine is another attempt to apply high technology in everyday life. The operation of such a machine is based on completely different principles than the operation of the equipment we are accustomed to. Seeing such a machine for the first time, the consumer cannot even understand that this device is intended for washing. Many people confuse Retona or Cinderella washing machines with a device for drying shoes. Let's discuss these washing devices in detail and find out how good they really are.

How does a machine like this work and how to use it?

An ultrasonic washing machine cannot be made by hand (although there are craftsmen), the easiest way is to purchase it at the nearest household appliances store. There is no shortage of these devices, the market is simply flooded with them, and aggressive advertising talks about the wonderful properties of ultrasonic machines on TV screens, interactive screens and on the radio.

What does such a machine look like and how does it work? The Cinderella or Retona ultrasonic machine consists of a power supply, a long wire and a flat plastic case the size of a child’s palm. It does not have any bulky body, tank or drum like a regular automatic washing machine. Inside the plastic case is a small printed circuit board, the task of which is to generate an ultrasonic signal with a frequency of 22-30 kHz, which should destroy contaminants.

Using an ultrasonic machine Cinderella or Retona is quite easy.

  1. You need to put the laundry in a bowl of hot water.
  2. Place the body of the Cinderella or Retona machine into the same basin.
  3. Connect the device to the outlet and wait 1 hour, the laundry should be washed.

Note! The advertisement states that the device washes ordinary stains well even without powder; supposedly, powder is needed only for heavy stains. Decide for yourself how much to trust this information.

ultrasonic washing machineThere are nuances to using the Cinderella or Retona ultrasonic machine, which were noticed by housewives based on the results of multiple washes. Let's note these nuances.

  • The machine washes clothes much better if the bowl of water in which the device will lie is covered with a lid.
  • Washing in a metal basin is more efficient than in a plastic basin.
  • The water temperature should be at least 500C, otherwise washing will be ineffective.
  • Do not push the laundry into the basin too tightly; the less laundry, the better the result.
  • In all cases, use powder for hand washing; without powder, the ultrasonic device does not wash well.

    In order for an ultrasonic machine to wash more effectively, you need to keep the device in water for at least 1.5 hours. The dirt will not come off in 1 hour, much less in 30 minutes.

Pros and cons of this machine

The Cinderella or Retona ultrasonic machine, like any device, has its advantages and disadvantages. Unlike advertising, we will not list the properties of such equipment contrived by the same advertisers or manufacturers, but will indicate only the real advantages confirmed by various specialists. So, the advantages of ultrasonic machines.ultrasonic washing machine

  1. Compactness. No one will dispute the fact that ultrasonic machines in terms of size “give 100 points ahead” to any even ultra-compact automatic washing machines. After all, the ultrasound assistant fits in your pocket, and washing machine dimensions automatic machines are far from being so modest.
  2. Low price. An ultrasonic machine Cinderella or Retona can be purchased in the price range from 17 to 25 USD. For such a price it is difficult to even buy spare parts for an automatic washing machine, let alone the machine itself.
  3. Low power consumption. Experts, comparing the level of energy consumption of ultrasonic machines, give an example. The energy that an average automatic washing machine consumes in one wash cycle is enough for approximately 300 full washes with an ultrasonic machine.
  4. Reliability. The design of the ultrasonic “assistant” Cinderella or Retona is very simple, there is simply nothing to break, unless of course you hit its power supply and body with a hammer. Such equipment can serve for decades without any problems.

Having talked about the advantages, we cannot help but talk about the disadvantages of the ultrasonic machine, and it has plenty of them and they are significant. Let us list the disadvantages of ultrasonic technology.

  • Washing quality. The quality of washing is clearly not the strong point of the ultrasonic machine Cinderella or Retona. Even with a superficial study of reviews from experts and consumers, similar conclusions can be drawn. We will verify this later by presenting the data from our experiment.
  • Ultrasonic technology does not rinse or spin laundry. Some will still argue about the quality of washing, but there are also undeniable disadvantages - you need to rinse and spin the laundry manually, or put things in a centrifuge, which does not make the task much easier.
  • The Cinderella or Retona ultrasonic machine requires human presence.Whatever one may say, you can’t leave a machine like this alone with your laundry, because to get a satisfactory washing result you need to turn things over and put them in a basin, and this, again, requires manual labor.

Having superficially analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of ultrasonic machines Cinderella or Retona, we come to the conclusion that the disadvantages still outweigh the advantages. But let’s not make hasty conclusions without checking everything, so to speak, with our own hands. Let's conduct an experiment and then decide.

Conducting an experiment

“Without further ado,” we decided to conduct our own experiment, borrowing from one of our company’s employees a Cinderella ultrasonic machine with two emitters. As the advertisement states, two emitters mean “double efficiency.” Well, let's check it out.

ultrasonic washing machineIn accordance with the above nuances of using an ultrasonic machine, we prepared two metal basins with lids, filled the basins with hot water of the same temperature and added 50 g of Myth powder for hand washing.

After which we put two completely identical handkerchiefs, equally stained with ketchup, soil and grass, into the basins and lowered the Cinderella ultrasonic machine into one of the basins, not forgetting to close both containers with lids.

The scarves lay in the basins for 1.5 hours. During this time, the water in the basins cooled down, but the machine continued to work properly. Every 10 minutes we stirred the water in both basins. After 1.5 hours, we turned off the machine, removed the lids from the basins, took out the scarves, rinsed and squeezed them by hand. After all this, we dried both scarves on a line and then laid them out on an ironing board under intense artificial light.

On both the first and second scarf, the grass and ketchup stains became much lighter, and the soil stains disappeared completely. We did not see any difference between a scarf washed in a basin with an ultrasonic machine and in a basin without a machine, although we tried very hard. The conclusion suggests itself.

Based on the results of the experiment, our company’s specialists recognized the ultrasonic machine as ineffective, and the quality of washing it shows as unsatisfactory.

Does the machine cause harm to health or clothing, consumer reviews of use

So that the study of ultrasonic machines and the conclusions drawn as a result do not seem one-sided, let's look at consumer reviews about this equipment. Here are some examples.

Andrey Alexandrovich

I have to wash my sports uniform often, and in the dorm it’s hard to get a washing machine. I bought a Reton machine, did everything according to the instructions, put the mold in a basin of water, poured in the powder, turned on the device and waited for the result like a smart person. In short, she didn’t wash anything; the things remained as dirty as they were. I don’t know who can get this washing machine for cheap now.


I really liked the Cinderella machine from the first days of use. First I washed her bed linen, and now I wash everything, from my favorite jeans to children’s clothes and am quite satisfied. True, it doesn’t wash well without powder, but, probably, if the laundry is not very dirty, you can wash it like that.


In short, the device is rubbish. Doesn't wash anything. I fell for the advice of a “kind” neighbor and bought this garbage. I tried washing different things from different fabrics, to no avail. I do not advise anyone to buy an ultrasonic machine.


I bought an ultrasonic washing machine as a gift for my grandmother on March 8th.My grandmother still remembers this gift to me. It turns out that the machine does not wash at all, and its magical properties are a complete lie. I don't recommend it to anyone.

A few words should be said about the harm that such a washing machine can potentially cause to human health. Everyone knows that any ultrasonic devices are capable of influencing any substances and materials, penetrating through them.

In some cases, ultrasound has a destructive effect on the material and there are concerns that it may have a negative effect on the body. No serious research has been conducted in this area, so no clear conclusions can be drawn.

We think that the power of the device is not enough to cause significant damage to the human body, however, it is not worth putting a working device next to you for a long time, you never know.

You shouldn’t make ultrasonic washing machines yourself, and apparently you shouldn’t buy them either. This device is not worth the money spent on it. Therefore, we do not recommend buying it, and the absolute majority of consumers agree with our opinion.


2 reader comments

  1. Nat's Gravatar Nata:

    The device does not remove greasy stains, but it does a very good job of knocking dirt out of children’s light-colored socks. I don’t wash it by hand after ultrasonic treatment - I just throw it in the machine and rinse. Clean socks!

  2. Gravatar Boris Boris:

    Is it possible to put both tablets in one container?

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