Washing machine knowledge test
In this test, you can test your knowledge of how the washing machine works. To start the test, click the "Start" button. To change the question - click on the arrow. Good luck
Do you know how a washing machine works?
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Question 1 |
What is the most common malfunction if the washing machine does not heat the water?
A | Tank breakage |
B | Failure of the heater |
C | Pump breakdown |
D | Pressure switch failure |
Question 2 |
In order to replace bearings it is necessary (select the most complete answer):
A | Remove the hatch door |
B | Unscrew the cover of the washing machine |
C | There is no need to disassemble the washing machine |
D | Disassemble the washing machine, remove and open the tank |
Question 3 |
What is UBL for?
A | In order to block the hatch during washing |
B | In order to heat the water |
C | In order for water to enter the tank |
D | So that the water poured out of the tank |
Question 4 |
What is the oil seal for?
A | So that the washing machine is level |
B | In order to seal joints and prevent water leakage |
C | To lock the hatch door in the closed position |
D | In order to reduce the vibration of the tank during washing |
Question 5 |
Where do most washing machine models have a pump?
A | In the upper part of the body |
B | In the middle of the body |
C | At the bottom of the case |
Question 6 |
Why do I need a drain pump filter?
A | To filter the water entering the tank |
B | To control the operation of the drain pump |
C | To prevent foreign objects from entering the pump mechanism |
D | Other |
Question 7 |
What is a cuff and what is it for?
A | This is a rubber gasket between the tank and the hatch. It is needed to prevent water from leaking out of the tank. |
B | This is the heating element of the washing machine, with its help the water is heated to the required temperature. |
C | This is a control element that controls the entire operation of the machine. |
D | This is a part that controls the water level in the tank during washing. |
Question 8 |
The most common failure if the washing machine does not drain
A | Malfunction of the heating element |
B | UBL fault |
C | Pump malfunction |
D | Engine malfunction |
Question 9 |
What is the difference between direct-drive washing machines and conventional washing machines?
A | There is no drain pump in their design |
B | They have an additional engine in their design |
C | There is no cuff in their design |
D | In their design, the engine is attached to the tank and there is no drive belt |
Question 10 |
Can scale on the heating element of the washing machine cause leakage?
A | Yes |
B | Not |
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