Test - how to wash in a washing machine?
Questions related to washing clothes. To pass the test, click "Start". During the test, change the questions using the arrows.
How to wash in a washing machine?
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Question 1 |

A | It is impossible to erase a thing |
B | Do not use bleach |
C | Can use bleach |
D | The item must be dried in a horizontal position |
Question 2 |
What is the best program for washing wool or silk?
A | Specialized or delicate washing |
B | Any at its discretion |
C | Quick wash |
D | Other |
Question 3 |
Does cotton shrink when washed in hot water?
A | Yes |
B | Not |
Question 4 |

A | The thing cannot be washed |
B | The item can be rinsed |
C | The item can only be washed by hand washing. |
D | The item can be washed by hand and machine wash. |
Question 5 |
How to wash colored and white linen at high temperatures?
A | Together |
B | Apart |
C | No difference |
Question 6 |
What is the difference between washing powder for hand washing and powder for machine washing?
A | He foams more |
B | He foams less |
C | He foams the same |
Question 7 |

A | The thing cannot be wrung out and tumble dry |
B | The thing can be wrung and dried in a washing machine |
C | You can dry a thing only in a horizontal position |
D | You can only press a thing manually |
Question 8 |
Is it possible to wash multi-colored linen together at a temperature of 30 degrees and low speeds?
A | Yes |
B | Not |
Question 9 |

A | Do not wring in a washing machine |
B | Do not tumble dry |
C | Do not machine wash |
D | Do not use bleach |
Question 10 |

A | You can wring it even by hand, even in a washing machine |
B | It can only be pressed manually |
C | It can only be pressed in the washing machine |
D | You can not wring. After washing, just hang the item so that the water flows |
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