Test - proper operation of the washing machine
Test with questions about using a washing machine. Click on the “Start” button. Use the arrows to change questions.
Rules for using the washing machine
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Question 1 |
Is it recommended to use handwash powder in the washing machine?
A | Recommended by |
B | Not recommended |
Question 2 |
Should the hatch of the washing machine be left ajar after washing?
A | Yes |
B | Not |
Question 3 |
For safety after washing, it is recommended that:
A | Close the hatch of the washing machine |
B | Switch off the washing machine and shut off the water supply. |
C | Do not disconnect the washing machine |
D | Do not block the water supply. |
Question 4 |
Proper installation of the washing machine is carried out:
A | On a clean, flat surface and adjusted using level |
B | Extremely soft surface |
C | On any surface |
Question 5 |
Quick wash is recommended if:
A | Things are very dirty |
B | Things have average pollution |
C | Things are a little dirty |
Question 6 |
What temperature will be optimal for washing capron and acrylic?
A | 30-40 degrees |
B | 50-60 degrees |
C | 60-90 degrees |
D | Over 90 degrees |
Question 7 |
What are transportation bolts for?
A | For fixing the drum of the washing machine |
B | For fixing the drain pump |
C | For fixing the inlet hose |
D | To fix the door of the washing machine |
Question 8 |
Why does the washing machine have twisted legs?
A | So that during installation they can be removed |
B | So that the position of the washing machine can be aligned |
C | In order to change the number of legs if necessary |
Question 9 |
Is it possible to install and use the washing machine in a room where the temperature is below 3 degrees?
A | Yes |
B | Not |
Question 10 |
What will you do if the door of the washing machine does not open immediately after washing?
A | Urgently call the wizard |
B | I'll wait a couple of minutes, because the door should be locked immediately after washing |
C | I'll try to open the door by force |
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Beginner washing machine user
"Normal user washing machine"
"Advanced washing machine user!"
"Master in operation of the washing machine!"
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