At what temperature should I clean my washing machine with citric acid?
The internal parts and components of the washing machine inevitably become overgrown with scale, even when washed in clean and hard water. It’s not just the impurities present in the water supply: fabric fibers, small debris and particles of household chemicals also settle on spare parts. To prevent plaque from causing damage, it must be removed in a timely manner.
There are a lot of professional products to combat scale, but it is much cheaper to use regular citric acid. How effective is “lemon”, is the result different at a temperature of 30 and 90 and what dosage is needed, we will analyze in more detail.
What temperature should I set?
If the washing machine has been in use for a long time and has never been descaled, then you won’t be able to limit yourself to low-temperature washing. Any cleaner, including citric acid, works better in hot water, so select a mode with a temperature of 60-95 degrees. Much depends on the degree of contamination of the machine: for preventive cleaning, program “60” is sufficient, for comprehensive cleaning – at least “90”.
The duration of cleaning is also important. Ideally, the first acquaintance between the washer and lemon should last several long cycles in a row - about 4-5 hours. But you need to be careful: you cannot repeat the program at 90 degrees twice; it is better to turn on “90” first, and then run “60” twice.
You need to clean the washing machine with citric acid at high temperature and for a long time: “60”, “90” or “Cotton”.
Repeating high temperature cycles without intervals is very dangerous for the washing machine.Firstly, a heating element operating without stopping may not withstand the load and burn out. Secondly, the oil seal, which protects the bearing assembly of the machine from moisture, overheats and becomes deformed. Moreover, in hot water, the lubricant from the rubber seal will be washed off faster, as a result, the liquid will get to the bearings and accelerate their destruction. In this case, expensive repairs will be required, so it is better not to take risks and clean with citric acid strictly according to the rules.
How to carry out the procedure?
Citric acid is considered an affordable and safe cleaner that will help you quickly and effectively get rid of scale and other deposits. Also among the advantages of lemon juice are the absence of a strong odor and low cost. But the main advantage is ease of use.
At home, cleaning your machine with citric acid is easy. First of all, we purchase 3-5 sachets of citric acid. The dosage depends on the capacity of the machine: for compact washing machines with a load of up to 4 kg, 150-200 g is enough, for full-size ones with a drum of 5-10 kg - at least 250 g. It is not recommended to exceed the “portion”, since exceeding the norm will negatively affect equipment components.
Next, we adhere to the following algorithm:
- we check that there are no forgotten clothes in the drum;
- pour citric acid into the drum or powder receptacle (preferably in the main wash compartment);
- turn on the program “60”, “90” or “Cotton”;
- set to double rinse;
- reduce the spin intensity to a minimum, if possible turn it off altogether;
- we start the cycle.
It is important to control the cleaning process. Under the influence of citric acid, scale will come off the surface in large pieces and may get stuck in the drain. If you hear an uncharacteristic scratching noise, you need to stop the cycle, unplug the washing machine, unscrew the garbage filter and remove any lime and other debris from it. The nozzle is then returned to its place and the program continues.
Once the cycle is complete, it is recommended to open the hatch door and carefully inspect the drum. It is possible that pieces of scale are stuck in the cuff and need to be removed from the elastic. Ideally, you should run an extra rinse or quick wash program to complete the procedure.
At the “finish” we put on rubber gloves, take a dry soft cloth and thoroughly wipe the drum and cuff. Then we check the garbage filter again for stuck scale. Then we open the hatch door and the powder receptacle wide open, allowing the machine to dry naturally.
What products are used instead of lemon juice?
In addition to citric acid, there are other budget-friendly and effective “fighters” against scale. On the shelves of household chemical stores there are many liquid and dry products that can be roughly combined under the name “Antinakin”. In any case, before use, you must study the composition and instructions on the package. Care should be taken when calculating the dosage - exceeding the norm will lead to breakdown of the machine.
There are also more non-standard alternatives, some of which are not entirely safe and effective. So, some decide to replace citric acid with fresh lemon juice, which is more expensive and less effective due to its low concentration. Other housewives pour three liters of Coca-Cola into the tray and wash it at 60 degrees for a full cycle. Using vinegar to clean the machine is unacceptable - it can corrode the rubber elements of the washer.
It’s not difficult to remove scale, but it’s much easier to prevent it from appearing in the first place. You just need to follow a few basic rules:
- When washing, add special water softeners;
- monitor the dosage of detergent;
- do not wash torn and worn-out items;
- do not partake in high temperature cycles;
- After using the machine, wipe the drum dry and leave the hatch and tray open.
Using citric acid, you can quickly and cheaply clean your washing machine from scale and dirt. The main thing is to monitor the dosage, set the temperature to 60-90 degrees and control the process.
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