Knocking noise during spin cycle in Indesit washing machine

Knocking noise during spin cycle in Indesit washing machineDuring the operation of automatic machines, certain malfunctions may occur in its operation. Some elements may simply wear out; sometimes the cause of a breakdown may be external influences, for example, power surges or foreign objects caught in the drum. Now we will look at the reasons why an extraneous knocking sound may appear during spinning in an Indesit washing machine, and how to deal with this kind of malfunction.

When it's not about breakdown

To figure out why the Indesit washing machine knocks and jumps during the spin cycle, you will have to diagnose the system. There are several factors that can lead to this. It is better to start with reasons that do not mean that there is any breakdown.

Uneven distribution of laundry in the drum cavity. Loaded clothes during the washing process sometimes gather into one solid lump and hit the walls of the tank. This leads to imbalance. In such a situation, dealing with the knocking is very simple: pause the running program, wait for the hatch door to unlock, and distribute the items evenly over the surface of the drum.

Modern models of the Indesit line have a built-in imbalance control function, so such a problem should not arise.

The washing machine is standing on an uneven surface. Very often the cause of unpleasant noise lies precisely in the incorrect installation of the machine.. By changing the position of the unit, you can cope with the knocking noise.

To determine whether the machine is actually positioned incorrectly, you need to take a building level and check whether the body is level.If there is no such device, just try to rock the washing machine. When the device is positioned according to all the rules, it does not move. If an incorrect position is detected, to solve the problem it is better to buy special stands and place them under the body, aligning the MCA.

Problems with springs and shock absorbers

springs SM IndesitOften the cause of vibration and knocking is problems with the springs and shock-absorbing elements of the washing machine. It is these parts that are designed to prevent the machine from shaking and maintain it in a state of balance. With long-term use, the elements wear out, so extraneous noise may appear. The springs holding the tank lose their elasticity over time, as a result of which it moves and hits adjacent parts as the wash progresses..

Failure of springs and shock absorbers is the most common cause of knocking. What to do when this is really the case? There is only one way out - replace non-functioning parts. To do this, it is necessary to perform a number of important actions.

  1. Remove the top housing cover.
  2. Raise the tank as high as possible and secure it to the canopy. You can fix the tank with any object at hand, for example, a wooden block.
  3. Pull the spring forcefully towards the location of the drum and carefully detach it from the body.
  4. Attach a new working part in its place.

When all faulty elements have been replaced, you can lower the tank into place. Then reassemble the machine in the order in which it was disassembled. If the grinding does not stop, you need to investigate further.

Problems with counterweights

problems with counterweightsCounterweights are designed to provide stability to the machine. The part is presented in the form of a heavy concrete block.In most models, the counterweight is mounted immediately under the top cover of the housing. Thanks to this element, the SMA does not shake or jump when the drum rotates at high speeds.

As you use the washing machine, the fasteners holding the unit relax. The counterweight begins to oscillate and hit the walls of the bank. It is not difficult to cope with this breakdown; you just need to get to the counterweight and tighten all the fasteners.

To do this, disconnect the upper wall of the housing, inspect the concrete block and tighten its fastenings. If after these manipulations the part continues to dangle, you can try to unscrew the bolts and attach additional washers to them. With the help of washers, a loose stone will be held in place better.

An object has fallen into the tank

A grinding noise in an Indesit washing machine can be caused by a solid foreign object clogged in the tank. This problem is much more serious than the previous ones, since the system can simply jam at one moment. To remove the cause of the noise, you need to turn off the machine from the network and begin disassembling it.

If you do not remove an object that has fallen inside the structure in time, it can lead to breaking through the wall of the plastic tank, then you will need quite serious repairs to the SMA.

foreign object entering the tankSo, after the machine is de-energized, try to remove a foreign object through the hole for the heating element. To do this, do the following:

  • disconnect the washing machine from the house utilities;
  • provide yourself with free access to the rear wall of the case;
  • remove the back cover by unscrewing the fastening screws;
  • disconnect the contacts of the heating element;
  • remove the retaining nut;
  • Grasp the heater and, gently rocking it, remove it from the tank.

The heating element must be pulled out carefully so as not to damage the wiring.

After the heating element is removed from the housing, insert your hand into the free hole and try to remove the foreign object. If the cavity is too narrow for your hand to fit through, illuminate the hole with a flashlight and remove the desired object with wire. When you succeed in achieving your plans, you can reassemble the washing machine in reverse order and install it in its original place.

There are rarely cases when knocking in washing machines occurs due to the destruction of bearings. You can check them by removing the back wall of the case. Carefully examine the central part of the pulley. If the bearing is defective, lubricant will leak from there. Such a leak is very easy to see with the naked eye. Having discovered this malfunction, it is better not to start replacing parts yourself. The repair is classified as complex, so it is better to invite a specialist to carry out the work.


1 reader comment

  1. Gravatar Olya Olya:

    The Indesit machine loaded the laundry, turned on the washing, but the hatch does not close and the washing does not proceed. To go, you need to slam the hatch tightly. This has never happened before, what could it be? Thank you!

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