Steam washing function in LG washing machine
The range of functional capabilities of washing machines is expanding more and more every year. However, not all of them turn out to be useful. Is steam washing in an LG washing machine valid? Let's try to figure it out by trying to understand the essence of the technology.
Does it make sense to steam things?
The use of steam in washing clothes has been practiced for a long time. In particular, this technology is actively used by dry cleaners and laundries. Equipped with steam generators, only they achieve high results in removing stubborn stains, eliminating unpleasant odors and pathogenic microflora. But, as practice shows, steaming laundry is effective only on an industrial scale. When it is introduced into the operation of washing machines, questions arise:
- Why don't clothes wash after steam washing? Because the steam treatment mode in an LG washing machine cannot be a full replacement for standard washing. It perfectly copes with the task of giving freshness to linen and straightening the fibers of its fabric. It is not capable of bleaching clothes by removing all existing stains on its own. Reason: When clothes are wrinkled, steam cannot affect all of its “problem areas.”
- Why can visible results only be achieved when using the steam function with the main program? Because this is the only way the laundry undergoes complex processing. The powder is responsible for removing stains (traces of berries, coffee, blood, grease, whitish stains). Steam - for increasing the degree of penetration of bleaching agents into fabric fibers. Along with this, the clothes undergo thorough disinfection.Under the influence of high temperatures, it is cleansed of all kinds of microbes, fungi and infections.
- Why does steam washing not achieve the “laundry effect”? Because it cannot ensure that the contents of the washing machine are processed evenly. Steam only affects the laundry, those parts of it that are on the surface. The rest remains poorly extended. In the laundry, the entire product is subjected to steam treatment (exposure to a powerful jet of hot air). Reason: old, ingrained stains can be removed only through prolonged exposure to temperature on the contaminated area of the fabric.
How is steam generated, advantages and disadvantages of technology?
A steam generator (a miniature boiler with a built-in heating element) is responsible for generating steam. This is a device that is located at the top of the body of the LG washing machine. When it is activated, water enters the boiler and is brought to a boil. The generated steam is then discharged into the drum through nozzles designed for this purpose.
Despite the fact that advertising brochures promise and reality differ, there are advantages to the steam washing function. It would take a long time to list them.
Giving your laundry freshness. The temperature action eliminates folds and creases, making further ironing easier. Some items (woolen scarves, shirts and other textiles made from thin fabrics) after steam treatment do not need to be ironed at all. However, this effect can be easily achieved when using a household steam cleaner, i.e. without the need to purchase a machine that comes with a built-in steam generator.
Partial removal of stains and odors.Steaming laundry allows you to remove some types of dirt without the use of specialized detergents. Thus, it is an ideal solution for people with allergies to household chemicals (its components). However, how well it removes the stain will depend on a number of factors. These are the type of contamination, type of fabric, amount of loaded laundry, steam generator power, washing program.
Disinfection of things without boiling. Steam washing provides the ability to remove pathogens without harming the fabric. As a result, you can avoid such “boiling problems” as discoloration of the material and loss of performance of the washed item. However, no one promises that it will 100% destroy all pathogens, pollen and other allergens.
The steam temperature in the washing machine is not sufficient to produce sterile fabric.
However, the steam washing function found in LG washing machines has its drawbacks. First of all, this is the formation of scale. Due to the hard water used during washing, salt deposits appear on the heating elements. The more the heating element heats up, the faster this process proceeds. The faster scale forms, the faster the heating elements of the steam-generating system fail. To prevent this, experts recommend paying great attention to the preliminary preparation of water - installing a filter that removes hardness salts from it.
High associated costs. Buying a washing machine with a steam function requires a large financial investment.In some cases, the difference between the cost of standard equipment and the cost of a model with a built-in steam generator reaches 100% (double the price). In addition to everything, the operation of such a machine leads to an increase in the cost of paying for electricity services. The additional load placed on the power circuit increases the likelihood of frequent repairs.
Yes, the steaming function can be considered useful! It allows you to get rid of unpleasant odors and stains, restore softness and volume to a number of textile products. But taking into account expenses, it is not so obligatory. It’s easier to wash things in a regular machine and steam them using an iron or other devices.
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