Proper washing of terry towels - tips from experienced people!

How to wash terry towelsHow to wash terry towels to keep them soft?
Many housewives may have noticed that after several washes, terry towels become hard and unpleasant to the touch. To avoid this situation, you should figure out how to wash towels correctly. This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Reasons why a towel can become stiff

There is an opinion that if a towel has become hard, then this is all due to the fault of its quality characteristics. In fact, this is far from the case. As a rule, quality does not play a role here. Even an expensive luxury towel can become stiff over time. If a housewife buys a loose terry towel at a cheap price, then it will be difficult for it to withstand even several washes, especially if such a towel is washed at a high temperature.

Also among the most common reasons for the hardness of terry towels is the quality of water, which, as a rule, is hard in most regions of the country, but also, naturally, the quality of washing powder, which leaves much to be desired.

Means that can be used to make terry towels soft

Any housewife would be interested to learn about ways and means of making terry towels soft. It’s worth helping her with this and telling her how to wash towels correctly.

It is worth noting that terry products do not like to be washed with powders. Today there are liquid laundry detergents on sale that have a gentler effect on the fabric, and therefore it is better to trust them with washing towels.They cope well with various stains, and after washing there is no feeling of hardness.

Terry towelsIf the water in the region is quite hard, then detergent will not help; the towels will still be unpleasant to the touch. You can solve this problem with vinegar. This product perfectly softens water, which means that the problem of product hardness will be solved. During the last rinse, you need to add a glass of vinegar to a bucket of water.

If a housewife washes a towel in a machine using regular powder, then she should definitely set the additional rinse mode. This action will remove the powder from the fabric fibers as much as possible, and the product will be much softer.

In no case should you set the washing program in the machine with a high number of revolutions. The fact is that in this case there is a possibility of harming the material.

Tips for washing and drying

You should not resort to a washing method such as boiling. The product will become very hard. Do not wash in a mode called water saving.

You can make the product soft and fluffy using salt. The water in which the terry towel should be placed for half an hour must be salted. If the towel is already old or very hard, then you should also wash it in brackish water.

We can offer another good option for making towels soft. Cool water is poured into a bathtub or other container. You need to put towels in it. And soak them until the morning. Then, in the morning, they should be rinsed in fresh water and dried. This will remove detergent from the towels. The fact is that they can also deprive the towels of their softness.

Terry towels should be dried in the fresh air, which they love so much.

It is recommended to go shopping and find a special ball that is designed to break up terry while washing in a washing machine. This is a good, and most importantly, natural way to fluff up terry hair.

You should use regular mouthwash as little as possible. Instead, it is recommended to purchase a rinse that contains silicone as an ingredient.

It is better to wash colored towels all together. This action leads to the fact that the products will lose their former brightness at approximately the same rate, and therefore they will look the same.

And a few more tips

TowelsIt is very important for the housewife to know not only how to wash towels correctly so that they remain soft, but also about their subsequent care.

Thus, it is strictly forbidden to iron products made from this material. This is not necessary. Some towels often indicate that such an action is not acceptable. If you really want to iron the item, you can use steam.

There is no need to throw a dirty terry towel where the laundry items are. This is explained by the fact that such products quickly absorb unpleasant odors and moisture. And this can lead to the formation of mold. As soon as there is a need to wash a towel, it is better not to delay it. And plan laundry for the very near future.

There is no need to bring the towel to such a state that you need to thoroughly wash off dirty stains using strong detergents. If you can see that the towel has already lost its fresh appearance, it is better to take it and wash it. In addition, according to hygiene rules, this item must always be clean.

Using the above tips and recommendations, any housewife will be able to maintain the beautiful appearance of her towels for a long time, and also make sure that they are always soft and fluffy, because this is so pleasant. Good luck in this troublesome task!!!


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