Washing military uniforms in a washing machine
The so-called “military uniform” includes both police uniforms and camouflage with office clothes. All these products are sewn from dense materials and require a special approach. If not cleaned correctly, such items fade and shrink, which makes them unsuitable for further wear and forces you to shell out money for a new set. In order not to spoil things in vain, you should figure out how to wash military uniforms in a washing machine. We study the information on the label and take note of specific recommendations.
Police uniform
Police uniforms are easier to machine wash. But before washing it directly, it is better to soak the set in order to enhance the brightness of the shades and add shine to the clothes. True, color restoration will only work on high-quality fabrics - soaking will not help defective items.
The form is soaked like this:
- a water-vinegar solution is prepared (a glass of vinegar is diluted in 10 liters of cold water);
- the solution does not heat up - the water should remain cool;
- clothes are lowered into the basin and remain there for 15-20 minutes;
- The set is rinsed in cold water.
To restore color, just soak the mold for 20 minutes in a vinegar solution.
If the form is not defective, then the paint will become 2-3 tones brighter. Now all that remains is to carry out a full wash by loading the uniform into the washing machine. We will tell you further which mode to choose and how long to run the cycle.
Caring for your camouflage uniform
Military uniforms get dirty faster and more seriously. As a rule, you have to deal with persistent “field” pollution: grass, blood, oil and soil. You can deal with such stains only by pre-soaking. To fully clean the camouflage, we proceed as follows.
- Prepare a solution from water and vinegar, adding detergent to it.
- We lower the uniform into the finished composition and keep it there for 30-40 minutes.
- Wash heavy stains separately. Place the item in the bath, add gel or powder, foam and scrub the contaminated areas with a soft brush. It is advisable to use liquid compounds, since dry mixtures dissolve less well, become clogged with fibers and are poorly washed out of the material.
- Rinse thoroughly and put it in the washing machine.
If the camouflage has stains from grass, blood or oil, then pre-soaking and washing is necessary.
After double soaking, the camouflage will be brighter, will get rid of the unpleasant odor, and the fabric itself will become softer. Air conditioning wouldn't hurt either, although it's better for military personnel to use neutral scents so as not to stand out. As for setting up the machine, everything is according to the standard: the water temperature is about 40 degrees, and the spin speed is 800-1000 revolutions.
Civil servant uniform
For office workers, clothing is not designed for field conditions, so it is made from more delicate fabrics. Unlike police and camouflage uniforms, it shrinks easily and shrinks in size, so it is important to control the heating temperature of the water. It is also necessary to take into account the following nuances:
- It is better to choose the “Delicate” program;
- water heating should be within 30-40 degrees;
- Chlorine-based bleaches are prohibited;
- turn on an additional rinse to completely clean the fibers from detergents;
- We reduce the spin to a minimum, since strong acceleration of the drum has a negative effect on the fabric.
The uniform of civil servants is made mainly from delicate fabrics - wool and astrakhan fur.
Automatic spinning is not suitable for delicate fabrics. It is safer to skip the spin cycle and carefully squeeze the mold by hand, not twisting it, but gently pressing it. Another option is to hang the “office” over the bathtub and use your palms to remove moisture from the material. Dry clothes only on a hanger and in a ventilated area.
Important Rules
In order not to spoil the expensive uniform, we first carefully study the factory tag. On the label, the manufacturer lists the type of fabric and optimal conditions for cleaning it. It also doesn’t hurt to take into account several important general points.
- Water quality. In some cases, this becomes a big problem and greatly affects the final result. The fact is that the water supply contains a lot of chemicals, aluminum and chlorine, which, even with mild bleaches, discolor the fabric being washed. It is also bad with increased hardness, when the powder cannot dissolve, does not rinse out completely and settles on clothes as light spots and streaks. All this should be taken into account: organize a filtration system and rinse things repeatedly.
- Detergents. The selection of a suitable composition mainly depends on the type of fabric dyeing. Plain sets welcome any packaging marked “Color”, and multi-color camouflage is best washed with gentle gels. If the design was transferred to the form from paper, then we purchase a mixture that preserves the color of the material.
- Ironing. It is recommended to use a steamer instead of an iron.
- Spin. Automatic push-ups are undesirable; it is better to do them manually.
- Drying.Only naturally without batteries, hair dryers and dryers.
Military uniforms are dried in natural conditions - away from radiators and direct sunlight.
Membrane fabric requires special care. First of all, the heating temperature of the water is important, where the maximum is set at 30 degrees. Next, select delicate cleansing, turn off auto-spin and machine drying. We add a special gel to the tray and discard the rinse aid.
The dress uniform of police officers or emergency workers is cleaned differently. Here only the most gentle program and cold water are allowed - when heated above 40 degrees, the product will shrink at least one size. It is better not to take risks with home whitening and opt for dry cleaning.
Everyday military, police and office uniforms are quite durable, so they are easy to wash and practically do not deteriorate. The main thing is to read the label carefully and follow simple rules.
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