How to wash felt boots in a washing machine
In modern times, the fashion for felt boots has flared up with renewed vigor. It’s not surprising, because the completely natural material provides comfort to your feet, and the simple design allows you to experiment with patterns and decorations. Of course, felt gets dirty when actively worn, and it becomes necessary to find out whether felt boots can be washed in an automatic washing machine.
Is automatic washing acceptable?
In general, experts doubt whether automatic washing of felt boots is more convenient than manual washing. A huge number of nuances makes the process labor-intensive and painstaking. Think for yourself: you need to give up powder and regular detergents, water will most likely deform the product, you can’t wring it out either in a machine or manually, and you also need to dry it properly. If you still want to wash your felt boots in SM, follow these rules:
- Use a dry brush to gently clean the felt from serious contaminants such as pieces of dirt, etc.;
- purchase wooden or plastic blocks of the required size. Place them inside the shoes to avoid deformation during the washing process;
- Clean in the most delicate mode without spinning or rinsing;
- As a product, use just a little black washing gel.
When the process is completed, you need to properly dry the felt boots. First, remove them from the drum, but under no circumstances remove the pads (until the product is completely dry). Place the shoes in a basin to allow excess water to drain into the container.
Gentle hand wash
There is no doubt that manual cleaning will protect felt boots from possible damage; they will last longer without losing their original quality.For those who value their shoes very much, this method is much more suitable. First, take a rubber or any other dry brush and remove the most obvious dirt from your felt boots, for example, pieces of clay, sand, lumps of dirt.
Important! Avoid exposing the felt to sandpaper or other harsh tools. If the material is damaged, the felt boots will lose their thermal insulation properties, and their appearance will suffer.
After brushing, you can go over the felt boots with a vacuum cleaner. There will be no trace left of dust and other dry contaminants. Next, you need to soak the felt boots in a soapy solution for several hours. To avoid deformation, it is better to do this as follows: take a soft sponge or rag, soak it in the solution and walk over the surface of the shoe. Do this until it seems enough.
Now all that remains is to dry it: stuff the inside of the felt boots with plastic bags as tightly as possible and leave them to dry naturally. Avoid being near heaters or radiators: felt does not tolerate high temperatures.
Reanimating light-colored shoes
Despite their soiling, white felt boots are especially popular among fashionistas. After all, they look much softer and more airy than their counterparts made from ordinary black and gray felt. We must admit that no matter how carefully you wear white shoes, sooner or later they will begin to take on an unpresentable appearance. But it is possible to return her to her former beauty. Use purchased products:
- Vanish for carpets in powder form;
- Vanish-gel;
- Affection.
Dry Vanish for carpets is diluted with water and shaken until foamy. Then the foam is applied to felt boots, wiping problem areas, and then the residue is removed with a vacuum cleaner.
Attention! You can even leave the mixture to dry on the felt for a while so that it absorbs as much dirt as possible. And dried powder can be removed much easier with a vacuum cleaner.
Proceed in the same way with Vanish-gel, only remove the residue with a sponge. Unlike Vanish, Laska does not have bleaching properties, so you need to add a little bleach to it. Run a sponge with the solution over your favorite shoes, rinse gently and dry in natural conditions, away from radiators.
With the help of Laski, you can also wash felt boots in SM, unless this is prohibited by the manufacturer. Use only the most delicate wash settings. Regular running water will also help remove stains. However, do not overuse or soak your shoes in the shower. It is better to first rub the felt with damp soap, and then simply rinse with tap water.
Housewives recommend an excellent home method for dry cleaning felt boots. Take any white cereal (semolina, tooth powder, starch) and thoroughly rub it into felt boots. The more loose mixture you manage to drive into the felt, the better.. Then you just need to knock out its remains, all the dirt will go away along with the powder.
To be honest, experts still recommend opting for manual cleaning, dry or wet, since it is easier to do it without deforming or damaging your favorite shoes. The above methods do not require any special time or financial costs, but the felt boots will remain in excellent condition. But machine washing such products is always a risk, and following various recommendations will take more time than will be saved.
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