Washing a hat
A hat is a very stylish and interesting item of summer wardrobe, but, like any thing, it requires a certain approach to washing. Most hats are textured, that is, they have a certain shape. If you wash your hat haphazardly, without following any rules, it will quickly turn into a shapeless something. To prevent this from happening, you need to approach the washing process carefully.
Basic recommendations
It is worth saying that washing a hat in a washing machine is recommended by experts. Automatic cleaning may deform the headpiece. Storage also needs to be approached responsibly.
- If the hat is felt, it cannot be hung on a hanger.
- It is better to store all types of hats, including straw ones, in a box, filling it with crumpled paper and wrapping it in something. Before long-term storage, it is recommended to thoroughly clean the hat.
It is recommended to constantly monitor the appearance and condition of the headdress to avoid the appearance of neglected and serious contamination. Despite the fact that machine washing is often not suitable, almost any type of dirt can be removed manually using available means: grease - with gasoline, and greasy areas - with a solution of ammonia and denatured alcohol.
How to clean from dust and dirt?
How a hat will be cleaned often depends on two factors: the material and the degree and type of contamination. Since most hats are made of felt - a dense non-woven material, we will talk about it.
Attention! On a felt hat, any, even the most minor, stains can be seen very clearly.
If dust has simply accumulated on the hat, you can remove it either with a vacuum cleaner with a special soft-bristle attachment or with a clothes brush.If you can’t remove dirt without cleaning products, you can try the following:
- mix salt, ammonia and 9% vinegar in proportions 1:2:2;
- make a solution of water and baking soda;
- Mix water and ammonia in 1:1 proportions.
To avoid deforming a felt hat, try to wet it as little as possible. These solutions, even in minimal concentrations, remove stains well.
If your hat gets wet in the rain
You can't get hats wet, but if you suddenly get wet in the rain, there is a way to properly dry and maintain the shape of your product:
- You can remove rain moisture from the product with a steamer, but keep it away from the material. It’s better to hold the hat over a pan of boiling water and then run a brush through the pile;
- To completely dry the product, place it in a warm place, but away from heating appliances.
To ensure even drying and maintain shape, stuff the cavity of the hat with crumpled paper, such as sheets of newspaper.
Cleaning specific stains
Everyday wearing of a headdress leads to the fact that some specific dirt appears on it every now and then, which is problematic to simply remove with a dry brush. Let's figure out how to deal with them in 5 minutes, using available tools.
- To remove whitewash stains, mix 9% vinegar and water in 1:1 ratios and use the resulting solution to wipe the stains from the edges to the center. Then wipe the cleaned surface with a damp cloth.
- You can use gasoline to remove stubborn grease stains. Take a rough, porous rag, dip it in a solution of water and gasoline and remove any dirt. Substances are mixed in equal proportions.
- If the stains are fresh, it is not necessary to resort to gasoline.Use denatured alcohol by soaking a rag in it and wiping the surface of the material.
- If the product is made of black felt and needs cleaning, a decoction of tobacco will help. Pour a tablespoon into a liter of water, soak a rag in the resulting solution and wipe the hat.
Attention! The disadvantage of the “tobacco” method is the characteristic persistent smell, which not everyone likes. To get rid of it, the hat will have to be aired for several days.
You don’t have to worry about using home remedies and use special stain removers. However, they must be used strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
Cleaning a Light Fabric Hat
Hats made of light material are no easier to clean than those made of dark material. But this can easily be done at home. The choice of the appropriate product depends on the level of contamination:
- Add a little purified gasoline to the starch drop by drop until a slurry forms. Apply the resulting mixture to the product, wait until it dries, and then remove with a brush.
- Heat the semolina in a frying pan without letting it burn. Apply hot semolina to the stains and remember with your fingers. The dried grain should then be shaken off and the hat wiped with a damp cloth.
- You can refresh light-colored material using dry bran. Literally rub them into the product, and then knock them out with your fingers from the wrong side.
- A solution of 1 liter of water, 2 teaspoons of ammonia and 4 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide will help get rid of yellowness. Soak a clothes brush in the liquid and wipe the garment.
- If a felt hat is faded in the sun, special solutions will help. A home remedy that can replace them is a solution of water and soda (a little soda per liter of water).
- An unexpected surprise may await your summer hat: traces of bird droppings.They need to be removed freshly using a regular soap solution. If the droppings have already dried, you will have to go over the surface of the hat with sandpaper.
- A solution of water and ammonia works well against brown plaque. Place some liquid on a sponge and wipe the hat.
Although hats cannot be washed in a washing machine, it is not difficult to remove dirt from them by hand.
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