Many people have long stopped washing their outerwear by hand and entrusted this work to their “home assistant”. Thanks to the fact that all types of fillers can withstand the power of the machine, caring for such things has become easier. However, in order to fully achieve an ideal result, you need to know how to properly wash a down jacket on a Candy washing machine. It’s quite easy to make a mistake with the regime, so we have prepared for you a list of rules and recommendations that you should adhere to.
Which algorithm to choose?
All housewives know that standard washing for down products is extremely undesirable. The reason lies in the fact that almost all modern things such as overalls, ski suits and jackets have a membrane layer and insulation made of synthetics and padding polyester. During sharp rotations and aggressive spinning, these materials not only become deformed, but also lose their physical properties. That is why an incorrectly selected program can greatly affect expensive items, depriving them of thermal conductivity and the ability to “breathe”.
To ensure that the quality of your clothes does not deteriorate, it is important to carefully study the model of the machine you have and the functionality it offers. The most suitable modes from the basic set are variations of manual, delicate wash, as well as cycles for sportswear and synthetics. You will need to find algorithms such as:
"Cotton: at 40 degrees";
“Synthetics: gentle at 40 degrees”;
Don't forget that down jackets and jackets cannot withstand high speeds and temperatures above 40 degrees!
The programs listed are considered suitable for washing down products, but each of them has its own characteristics that need to be taken into account. It will be better if you test each function over time and evaluate the quality of the wash. At the same time, it is not recommended to make any changes to the installed options, since they already contain all the optimal washing parameters.
It is advisable to turn the item inside out
When you have decided on the temperature regime and the rotation power of the drum, you can load the down jacket into the washing machine. However, you can’t just shove it in there: it’s important to first prepare the product for washing. First of all, we check all the pockets to make sure there are no coins or keys that could pierce the tank of the unit. Then we disconnect all the removable elements: brooches, collars, cuffs and hoods. It is especially important to do this if they have natural fur inserts.
Next, you will need to fasten the zippers and turn the item inside out so that the front side is on the inside. This is necessary to enhance the effect of washing and protect the jacket from damage. Water and detergent will penetrate faster through the inner lining, which is now on top; this is important, since the delicate cycle does not last so long, and the insulation needs thorough cleaning. Moreover, when we turn the jacket inside out, all the metal fittings in the form of a zipper and rivets are hidden. Otherwise, these hard objects will hit the walls of the drum, scratching not only the tank itself, but also the fabric, and this is of no use to us.
Add a few balls to the puffball drum
If you look at the forums, you will find that experienced housewives recommend washing down jackets with tennis balls.The benefit of this “neighborhood” is that the balls bounce in the drum and prevent the insulation from crumpling, thereby protecting it from deformation. However, this method also has its pitfalls:
suitable balls are very difficult to find;
low-quality dyes can fade and stain the down jacket;
balls that are too heavy can easily damage the drum even at the lowest speeds.
Therefore, it is best to use special balls that will prevent the insulation from deforming. They are good because they consist of dense rubber, and there are no dyes on their surface. In addition, on the walls of such balls there are spikes and protrusions that prevent the filler from getting lost. Regular massage balls may also be suitable for this procedure.
When washing a down jacket, follow the advice
Despite progress in the functionality of machines, automatic washing of outerwear still remains a risky activity. However, if you adhere to the rules, the negative consequences in this matter will be minimized. Do not neglect the labels on the down jacket - always study the composition and the manufacturer’s recommendations for caring for the product. Don't forget also:
carefully check pockets and remove all foreign objects from them;
fasten all buttons, locks and buttons;
sew up all holes, otherwise there is a risk that the insulation will come out through them;
turn the product inside out;
select delicate mode.
If there is any local contamination on the jacket, first wash it with a gentle stain remover. Always check the settings of the selected mode and use special detergents designed for delicate cleaning of outerwear.It is also important to add the “Double Rinse” option or run an additional cycle, which will allow you to wash out all the remaining detergents from the insulation.
If the Candy washing machine has a drying function, automatic drying should be turned off. It is best to dry down items naturally: in the fresh air and in an upright position. To avoid lumps and deformations, knead the fluff periodically.
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