Washing sheep skin
Sheep skin is often used as decoration. It is quite easy to clean such fur at home - it tolerates both automatic and hand washing. For care, it is better to use special household chemicals. Let's figure out how to care for such products.
Let's put the sheep's skin in the washer
If the product is small in size and the machine is spacious enough, then you can resort to automatic washing. Sheepskin should be washed on a manual or delicate program with minimal spin. It is advisable to use liquid detergents - powder granules do not dissolve well in cold water and remain in the fibers.
If you decide to wash sheepskin in an automatic washing machine, follow these recommendations:
- run the delicate or hand wash mode, the “Wool” program is also suitable;
- make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 40°C;
- set the spin to no more than 600 rpm, it is best to disable this function;
- Use a detergent designed specifically for washing wool or other delicate fabrics;
- After washing, leave the skin in the drum for 15-20 minutes to allow the water to drain.
Before putting into the drum, the sheepskin must be shaken out to get rid of dust.
After the washing is completed and the excess water has drained, the product must be laid out to dry. The fur should be combed periodically to prevent it from losing its appearance.
Manual cleaning of the hide
Hand washing sheepskin is also easy. Fill the bath with warm water, temperature up to 40°C. Add detergent and stir thoroughly until a “soap cap” forms.After this, immerse the fur item in the solution and leave to “soak” for 20-30 minutes.
You shouldn’t keep the skin in water for too long; half an hour is enough for the stains to get wet. Then begin to carefully wash the contaminated areas. For these purposes, you can use a soft brush.
When the pile is clean, you can start rinsing. The procedure is repeated several times until the remaining detergent is completely removed. There is no need to squeeze the skin - just leave it in the bath to drain off excess water. The last stage is drying the fur. The product is laid out on a flat surface in a well-ventilated area. It is important that the skin is not exposed to direct rays of the sun - the place should be dark.
We remove complex stains
When washing fur, it may be difficult to remove stains. If you notice yellowed areas, drops of wine or fat on the pile, do not rush to take the product to the dry cleaner. Most stains can be removed yourself using special products.
- Peroxide will help remove yellow stains. For one liter of water you will need 2 tablespoons of the product. Treat the pile with the resulting solution. It is important that hydrogen peroxide does not get on the undercoat and the skin itself, so clean carefully.
- Talc or tooth powder removes greasy stains well. It is necessary to pour the product onto the contaminated areas and wait 4-5 hours. Then the excess is combed out. Next, the sheepskin is washed by hand or in a washing machine.
- A saturated saline solution works well for removing greasy marks. It is necessary to wash the contaminated areas in it, then rinse the product and lay it out to dry.
- Juice or wine stains can be removed with glycerin. The product must be warmed to room temperature.Apply the substance to contaminated areas and leave the skin for 10-15 minutes. This time is enough for the composition to take effect. Next, the product must be washed and rinsed.
- Salt will deal with “greasy” areas. Sprinkle the grains onto the stain, leave them for 4-6 hours, then comb them out with a comb.
Table salt works well with most “fresh” stains. It is necessary to moisten it and apply it to contaminated areas. For the substance to work, the sheepskin is left in this state for 30 minutes. After time, the remaining product is shaken out, and the skin is washed with the addition of gel for woolen fabrics.
Ammonia and glycerin will help remove very old stains. The products are mixed in a one to one ratio. The stains are treated with the resulting solution. After half an hour, the sheepskin is washed in the usual way. If none of the methods helps remove stains, you will have to take the fur to the dry cleaner. Thanks to modern technologies, specialists will be able to return sheep skin to its original appearance. In this case, the skin and undercoat will not be damaged.
We remove stains with special means
You can clean sheepskin at home not only with folk remedies, but also with special household chemicals. There are many professional formulations on store shelves in the form of gels, sprays, powders, etc. They can not only cope with difficult stains, but also give the fur its original shine, making it soft and smooth. What products should I pay attention to?
- Sommieres Powder. Powder powder from the French manufacturer “Avel”. Designed to remove fresh stains from leather, textiles and fur products. It contains only natural ingredients that will not harm the sheepskin. The product is perfectly washed out of the pile without forming streaks.It is very simple to use - the granules are poured onto the contaminated area and left for 2-3 hours to act. Remains must be combed out or wiped off with a napkin. The cost of a 250 gram package is 700-750 rubles.
- Ultra Finish Milk. The product makes the fur silkier, improves shine, and does not stick together the fibers. It has protective properties - protects fur products from moths. Suitable for both light and dark sheepskin.
- Living Licker Konz. Composition for cleaning leather and fur products. The product not only copes with dirt, but also softens the pile and refreshes the color. Can be used either pure or mixed with water. It is better to look at the proportions and dosage on the packaging. The substance is applied to the stains with a brush, after which the sheepskin is washed by hand or in the washing machine.
Before using any cleaning product, be sure to read the instructions for use on the package.
Washing sheepskin is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You can deal with ordinary stains with a regular product, but use professional products to remove complex stains.
Removing moisture from the leather after washing
It is equally important to dry the sheepskin properly. If you do not follow the drying rules, the fur will lose its appearance and the product itself will become deformed. Let's figure out what recommendations you need to follow.
Drying sheepskin is done as follows:
- Cover the horizontal surface with a terry towel. It is important that the place is away from heating devices and does not receive direct sunlight;
- After washing, leave the product in the bathtub or washing machine to drain excess water;
- after the skin has “rested”, transfer it to a previously prepared horizontal surface;
- be sure to straighten out all the folds and creases so that the product remains smooth after drying;
- as it dries, change the towels under the sheepskin and stretch the product with your hands so that it does not lose its shape;
- when the fur becomes slightly damp, comb it with a brush;
- After the pile has completely dried, comb it several more times.
It is best to dry sheepskin outside in a dark place.
Do not use a hairdryer or heater to dry sheepskin, or hang the product on heating radiators. High temperature exposure is harmful to skin and fur. It is necessary to allow the skin to dry naturally.
How not to spoil something?
In order for sheepskin to last longer, you should remember what is best not to do with it. If you handle fur carefully, it will retain its original appearance for many years. So, you can't:
- store and use sheepskin in rooms with high humidity (for example, in the bathroom);
- spread a sheepskin carpet on a heated floor;
- clean the fur with a washing vacuum cleaner;
- place heavy furniture on the skin (foot prints are almost impossible to remove);
- use fur products in rooms where pets run;
- store sheepskin wrapped in cellophane;
- wash sheepskin in water at temperatures above 40°C;
- wring out the fur item at maximum speed.
All the described mistakes made by users lead to the fact that the sheepskin loses its original appearance. Also, if you store it in damp areas, it will smell unpleasant. Therefore, it is so important to follow all recommendations for caring for natural fur products.
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