How to wash a holofiber blanket in a washing machine
Bedding items such as blankets and pillows, as well as other items, require washing. And we are not talking about duvet covers and pillowcases, in this case we mean blankets filled with holofiber. Is it possible to wash them and how to do it correctly? We have prepared instructions.
Machine capabilities
Holofiber is a synthetic material (polyester) with a porous non-woven structure. Due to its environmental friendliness, elasticity, wear resistance, and breathability, it is used for sewing blankets, pillows, jackets and children's toys.
If you do not follow the rules for caring for a holofiber blanket, you will have to wash it. Manufacturers do not recommend machine washing a blanket with this filling. despite this, housewives, having done a number of experiments, claim that it is possible to wash a blanket.
However, before you do this, make sure that your machine can carry out this procedure. Firstly, the blanket must fit freely into the drum, so the machine’s load must be at least 6 kg, and preferably more. Secondly, it is desirable to have a special program, for example, “Blanket”, “Down”, “Bulky items” or “Delicate wash”.
To wash a holofiber blanket in an automatic washing machine, you need to:
- put the blanket in the drum, first checking it for integrity; if there are holes, they need to be sewn up;
- pour liquid detergent into the powder compartment;
- select one of the special washing modes, for example, “delicate”;
- set the washing temperature to no higher than 300WITH;
- start the wash.
The spin mode can be left on; the holofiber restores its shape well. But it’s better not to use the drying mode.
If the blanket is too large and does not fit in the drum, you will have to resort to hand washing. To do this, take water into the bathroom and dissolve washing gel in it. Then the blanket rolled into a tube is immersed in water for 10 minutes, and then it is gradually untwisted and rolled into a new tube. After doing the procedure a couple of times, you need to rinse the blanket several times and lightly squeeze it with your hands and let the water drain. Erasable in the same way bamboo blanket.
Drying Features
Drying holofiber, unlike down, will not cause problems. A holofiber blanket can be dried either on a line or in a dryer. If the blanket is washed by hand, you can first hang it on a rope and let the water drain, and then straighten it and lay it out to dry.
You need to dry the blanket in sunny weather, and during drying, beat the filler with your hands. This way the holofiber will take the correct shape and will not stick together into a lump. Even with prolonged drying, the filler will not “suffocate”, since the fibers of the material do not absorb water.
For your information! Microorganisms and mites do not grow in holofiber, since it is an unfavorable environment for them. Therefore, this material is classified as hypoallergenic.
Caring for blankets
Washing a holofiber blanket in a machine will reduce its lifespan by half. Therefore, it is recommended to clean such products. A blanket that is constantly looked after will last in perfect condition for at least 10 years. Here are some care tips:
- the blanket must be dried regularly in the sun, this will save you from unnecessary washing, and the product will be fresh and clean;
- if the blanket is dirty, it is better to go to a dry cleaner, where they will carry out the washing procedure without the risk of damage; the procedure is infrequent, and therefore not expensive;
- You can wash the blanket as needed, but you cannot bleach or chlorinate it at all;
- If there is no dirt, it is enough to wash the blanket 1-2 times a year.
Washing other items
Speaking about the blanket, a few words need to be said about holofiber pillows. Unlike blankets, washing pillows in a machine is prohibited. After several such washes, they will become unusable, or rather lose their shape and it will be extremely uncomfortable to sleep on them. Pillows can only be washed by hand.
To carry out the procedure, fill a basin with water and dissolve the washing gel; it can be replaced with regular shampoo. Place a pillow in the water and leave for 15-20 minutes so that the soap solution penetrates inside and manifests its properties. After this, the pillow is gently kneaded with your hands, as if squeezing, so that all the dirt and dust come out into the water. Then you need to rinse thoroughly and leave to dry in a horizontal position, “beating” the filler.
If the pillowcase is too dirty, it is better to wash it separately in the machine using stain removers or bleach. To do this, you will have to rip the pillowcase open a little and pull out the holofiber. After the bedspread has dried, it is stuffed with holofiber. After washing this way, the pillow will be clean and will not lose its shape.
Important! Pillows should be washed once every 3 months. If we are talking about a pillow for pregnant women, then washing should be done more often.
So, now you know how to wash a holofiber blanket. Your bedding will always be clean and fresh. To understand how to wash a jacket with holofiber, watch the video below.
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