Washing Adidas sneakers in the washing machine
Not everyone decides to wash Adidas sneakers in the washing machine for fear of ruining expensive shoes. But if the crosses are very dirty and external cleaning does not help, then the eye involuntarily falls on the washing machine. Fortunately, you can predict how sports shoes will react to the rotation of the drum. You just need to find out which Adidas sneakers are allowed to be put in the washing machine, and which models are strictly prohibited from doing so.
What sneakers should not be put in the machine?
Before planning a wash, it’s worth figuring out which shoes can be washed in a machine. If the idea of putting leather boots in a drum does not occur to anyone, then sneakers that are small in size and weight are an acceptable and seemingly safe option. However, the point is that you need to look not at the dimensions of the product, but at its quality.
Sneakers will definitely not “survive” machine washing:
- having a rubber or foam sole (when washed, the factory glue will wash off and the tread will fall off);
- made from natural, artificial leather or leatherette (leather products have no place in the drum, although some consumers claim the opposite);
Leather and suede boots cannot be washed in an automatic machine - these materials cannot be soaked in water!
- low-quality models (owners of original Adidas can take the risk, but fakes with cheap material and glue should avoid the machine);
- with reflective elements (they are loosely attached and come off when the drum rotates);
- with external and internal damage (unwinding will only aggravate the problem);
- with foam rubber that has come out (there are two dangers here: the shoes will tear more, and the machine will become clogged with pieces of stuffing);
- with abundant decor, spikes, rhinestones, stripes (decorations may fly off or be damaged by traces of rust);
- with suede inserts (suede products do not tolerate moisture, so it is better not to take risks).
Entire fabric sneakers without visible damage and rubber soles can be machine washed. The main thing is to do this as carefully and competently as possible: prepare the boots, set the appropriate settings and dry the product according to the rules. We'll tell you below what the whole process looks like at home.
Preparing sneakers for cleaning
You can't just throw Adidas sneakers into a drum and start the cycle. First you need to prepare your shoes. We are talking about the following actions:
- wipe off the top layer of dust with a damp cloth;
- clean the sole tread of stuck dirt and stones (a knitting needle or an old toothbrush will help with this);
- if there are stubborn stains, it is necessary to treat the contaminated areas with a stain remover or soak in a soap solution;
- remove the insoles and wash them by hand;
- pull out the laces (they can be thrown into the drum along with the shoes);
- unhook all detachable elements (Velcro, key fobs).
Before loading Adidas into the machine, you need to clean it from dirt and remove insoles, laces and detachable elements.
That's not all. Shoes are washed in limited quantities - no more than 2 pairs per cycle. It is recommended to place several rags or jeans in the drum along with the sneakers as a “counterweight”.
Why a special bag?
It is recommended to place the crosses themselves in a special protective bag. This is a mesh that will prevent boots from “traveling” along the drum and rubbing against its walls. This will protect both the crosses and the machine - imbalance, clogging of the drain and damage to the internal surfaces of the washing machine will be eliminated.
You can buy a laundry bag at a hardware store for $2-5.
If there is no special mesh, then you can use a regular old pillowcase instead. The main thing is to close the improvised “bag” so that the shoes do not come out of it when shaking.
Which algorithm is suitable?
After loading the drum, you can proceed to selecting the appropriate mode. It is not recommended to act at random, since too intense rotation or excessively heated water will spoil Adidas, even to the point of “fatal outcome”. It’s better not to take risks and check the conditions for the upcoming cleaning before pressing the “Start” button.
- Select the “Delicate” or “Manual” program.
- Turn off automatic drying.
- We check that the set temperature does not exceed 40 degrees (ideally 20).
- We reduce the spin cycle to a minimum, or better yet, turn it off.
- Do a double rinse to remove all the detergent.
- Add detergent to the powder receptacle (it is better to choose liquid powders or gel capsules, and for white sneakers - bleach).
- Let's start the cycle.
You cannot wash Adidas sneakers in hot water - the product will fade and fall apart!
It is important to strictly follow the recommended dosage when adding detergent. Exceeding the norm will lead to increased foaming, and some of the active substances will not have time to be washed out of the fabric. Subsequently, the granules remaining in the fibers will come out, leaving stains and streaks.
Removing moisture from shoes
Adidas sneakers need to be not only washed properly, but also dried. If you rush into drying or, conversely, delay the process, the shoes may become deformed or moldy.. Fortunately, no special technology is required - just choose one of the following options.
- Balcony.In the warm season, we expose the crosses to fresh air, protecting them from direct sunlight.
- Shoe drying. We use it according to the instructions and after 3-4 hours we get dry and disinfected shoes.
- Electrical appliances. You cannot place sneakers on a radiator, but drying them 20 cm from a heater or operating oven is allowed. You just need to stuff your shoes with white paper or napkins to prevent deformation. You should not use newspapers, as the printing ink will instantly transfer to the fabric of the shoe.
Another option is to insert silica gel beads. In any case, it is better to dry the boots halfway and then leave them to “finish” at room temperature.
What to do next?
If sneakers have metal inserts, then after washing they must be wiped dry to protect them from rust. Leather elements are lubricated with cream. The laces are returned after complete drying.
Ideally, after cleaning, the sneakers should be treated with a water-repellent agent. Then the boots will last for a long time.
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