Reviews of washing machines for dachas
There is more than enough to give reviews about the washing machine. But first you need to decide what kind of washing machines people call country washing machines? Country washing machines are generally considered to be inexpensive semi-automatic “home helpers” made in Russia or China with mechanical control. In more rare cases, automatic ones are called dacha washing machines with water tank. In this publication, we decided to present several real reviews about country washing equipment so that you have the opportunity to draw some conclusions before purchasing it. These are the reviews.
Renova WS-40PET
Ekaterina, Krasnodar
We trusted the ratings of selling sites and bought the most popular washing machine for the dacha, Renova WS-40PET. We read a lot of good things about this machine on the Internet, so we made the purchase with a light heart. Plus, it only cost us $80. Impressions after 2.5 months of operation are as follows.
- It washes and spins things very well, in any case, no worse than the Samsung machine that is in a city apartment.
- It makes quite a lot of noise during washing and spinning.
Our goal was to buy a country washing machine, so the noise it makes was the least of our interests, but if you take this washing machine to your apartment, keep this drawback in mind.
- Lightweight, stable and quite beautiful, the machine looks very noble in the countryside against the background of an old electric stove and a shabby table.
- It couldn't be easier to handle. Even an elderly grandmother can handle such a washing machine, because it has mechanical controls.
- The hose does not attach tightly. One time it even came off, so I had to install a clamp.
- There is no lint filter, so after washing cotton items you have to fish out the lint balls from the machine.
Kiss7742, Novgorod
With this Renova hemorrhoids alone. I bought it as a gift for my parents at the dacha, now I wash clothes for the whole family, since my mother is afraid to go near it. I’ve never used semi-automatic washing machines, especially those with mechanical controls, and it turned out that I didn’t lose anything - the automatic one rules! In the summer, while I was living with my husband, child and parents at the dacha, I suffered with this washing machine and this Renova machine, I had no strength.
First you need to heat the water. There is no titanium at the dacha, so I placed a 10-liter iron bucket with spring water directly on the burner of the gas stove. When the water heats up, pour it into the washing tub, add powder and add laundry. The machine's load is not large, only about 4 kg, so I often had to wash it in 2 steps. You start the wash and wait for the machine to finish washing. Then you drain the soapy water, pour cold water into the tank and start rinsing. Next, you need to transfer the laundry to the centrifuge (adjacent compartment) and start the spin cycle.
In short, I've had buckets of water to my heart's content, and I don't want to see this machine anymore. If I had known in advance what I was signing up for, I would never have bought this prehistoric crap. It’s good that we live in the age of electronic washing machines that wash themselves.
Fairy SM-2
Sergey, Magnitogorsk
Last year I fulfilled my long-time dream and bought a dacha on the shore of a quiet lake. The place is remote, there are almost no neighbors. Clean air, birds singing, berries, mushrooms, fishing - live and be happy. In addition, I am a pensioner, so I can live in the country all year round.You don’t have to do a lot of washing yourself, but some stuff still accumulates, so I decided to buy an inexpensive Fairy SM-2 washing machine.
The machine is simple to the point of disgrace, and what is most important is cheap, the most dacha option. You can’t wash much in it, because as the seller put it, its load is ridiculous, only 2 kg according to the passport. I won’t say that I suffer from this, when I have to wash all my clothes in 2-3 approaches. In my opinion, Fairy SM-2 is a good option for a lonely pensioner-widower, in any case, after 4 months of work there are no problems.
Karabas-Barabas, Moscow
We have two washing machines at our dacha, one automatic for a large amount of laundry, but it makes no sense to run it for 3-4 washes, the other is a small Fairy SM-2, in which you can wash a couple of T-shirts and underwear. We noticed that the Fairy is constantly in use, when like a machine gun it often stands in the corner idle. But still, provided that we live in the country from April to November, we cannot do without two washing machines. We recommend Fairy to all summer residents, it’s a good machine, simple and reliable.
Oka 18
Igor, St. Petersburg
I recently bought myself an Oka 18 barrel-shaped washing machine, exactly the same as the one we had in childhood, I didn’t think that they were still on sale. It started with my wife complaining that she didn’t want to wash clothes at the dacha by hand, but I didn’t have any extra money, so I bought this rarity. When I brought this washing machine, at first she looked at me with bewilderment, saying that she couldn’t find anything better. Now he washes in Oka with pleasure, in any case, it is much better than by hand.
Alevtina Valerievna, Tomsk
My old Oka worked for almost 30 years and broke down at the most inopportune moment, at the height of the summer season.I went with my grandson to a household appliances store in the hope of finding something simpler, and what was my surprise when on the counter I saw almost the same washing machine of the same Oka 18 brand. Words cannot describe how happy I was, and, of course , I bought this washing machine without really thinking about it. Until the end of the season, the machine washed without failure, although the seller hinted that this was no longer the same equipment as in Soviet times and that it was unlikely to last 30 years. One way or another, my “dacha assistant” is still working like clockwork and I’m incredibly happy about it!
To summarize, we note that semi-automatic washing machines are still in demand, largely thanks to summer residents who prefer to buy simpler and cheaper equipment with their six hundred square meters. Reviews about such machines are often positive, although there are also those who are dissatisfied with how they would be without them. Happy shopping!
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