For owners of small apartments, the issue of installing an automatic washing machine becomes a real problem. They are trying to “stuff” the unit into the bathroom, attach it to the bathtub, install it in the hallway, or build it into the kitchen unit. And often none of the chosen options becomes a success. If there is a small utility room in the apartment, it is permissible to place the washing machine in the pantry. Such an unusual solution may turn out to be the most optimal.
Difficulties to be overcome
So, if the size of the pantry allows you to place a washing machine, you should think about solving some of the problems that will arise when installing the machine.
First of all, we are talking about connecting utilities. Often there is not even an electrical outlet in the pantry, not to mention the outlet for water and sewer pipes. If centralized communications run too far from the utility room and it is very difficult to bring them to the pantry, this idea will have to be abandoned.
Secondly, there is no ventilation in the small room, which is bad for the operation of the automatic machine. You can organize ventilation of the room, but you should expect additional costs.
Thirdly, the flooring of the pantry is often not designed for installation of washing equipment. If the room has a flat, concrete floor, you are in luck; if the boards are unreliable or the chipboard is bent, you will have to think about strengthening the covering.
If you are not afraid of the described difficulties, you can safely begin to implement the idea.This way the washing machine will “hide” from prying eyes without cluttering up the space of the bathroom or kitchen.
Organization of ventilation
If it is easy to connect communications to the pantry, then the room borders on the bathroom or kitchen area. This layout is most often found in apartments. Ventilation can be organized in two ways:
by installing a transfer grille in the door. Afterwards, a hole is drilled in the wall bordering the bathroom or kitchen, which is also covered with a grill. Air entering the pantry will exit through the second hole;
by installing a grille in the door and running an air duct through the wall adjacent to the bathroom or kitchen area.
The first method is quite economical, but if the pantry smells unpleasant, it is better to abandon it. The smell will be released into the kitchen or bathroom, which will cause inconvenience to family members. You can try to eliminate the source of the “aroma” and organize ventilation in a simple way. The option with an air duct is more difficult to implement, but it is much more comfortable. Odors from the pantry will be promptly released directly into the mine
Additionally, a fan can be installed in the air duct system, which will enhance air removal.
Strengthening the floor
Washing machines vibrate during operation, and some models can “bounce” at high spin speeds, putting enormous pressure on the floor covering.. To place the washing machine in the pantry, you should thoroughly prepare the floor in the room. It should be firm and even. This will ensure the normal functioning of the machine and protect the equipment from premature failure.
The worst thing is if the utility room has a plank base.It creaks even under the weight of a person, so you shouldn’t install a washing machine on it. The algorithm of actions when forming a concrete platform on the floor will be as follows.
First of all, the exact dimensions of the equipment should be transferred to the floor covering. Approximately 10 cm should be added along the perimeter of the drawn rectangle to prevent destruction of the platform during operation of the equipment.
Carefully tear off the foundation boards.
Place wooden formwork around the perimeter of the future concrete rectangle.
Lay the reinforcing mesh for the platform, this will provide it with additional reliability.
Fill the prepared area with concrete mortar and compact it well.
Place joists along the edges of the base to prevent the boards from hanging in the air.
Now you need to wait for the solution to completely harden. Then you should return the boards to their original place, firmly attaching them to the new joists. The reliable floor covering for the washing machine is ready, all that remains is to install the equipment and enjoy the comfort of its use.
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