Samsung washing machine - UC error
The self-diagnosis system of Samsung washing machines is capable of responding to a number of errors and malfunctions that arise in one or another of its components and modules. However, it can be difficult for the average user to decipher the message that the machine persistently offers him, not wanting to turn on and wash his clothes. The UC error in a Samsung washing machine is no exception, and we will talk about it in our publication today.
When does the code appear?
To more accurately determine the reason for the appearance of the UC code (or its analogues) on a Samsung washing machine and decipher this code, you need to observe the moment it appears. There are several options for this error to appear, which I would like to dwell on in more detail.
- The UC error appears on the display of the washing machine at the very beginning of the wash, when the door lock is activated and you just pressed the program start button.
- This error may occur after the Samsung washing machine fills the tank with water for the first time. As soon as the water supply runs out, an error appears.
In many cases where the UC error appears, restarting the washing machine does not even temporarily solve the problem. You have to drain the water from the tank manually.
- The UC code unexpectedly appears on the displays of Samsung washing machines shortly after starting
operation of the heating element. This situation is interesting because the UC error does not appear on the display if you wash clothes in cold water.
- The last situation is associated with the appearance of this code immediately before the start of the spin cycle. As soon as the drum spins up to a speed of 600-800 revolutions, the program execution process immediately stops, and UC appears on the display.
A little earlier we mentioned some analogues of the UC code. Now we will explain what we are talking about. The fact is that different Samsung washing machines have different codes included in the self-diagnosis system. The same faults may be indicated by different codes. In our case, complete and partial analogues UC are the following codes: 9C, 9E1, 9E2.
What does it mean?
Let's finally figure out what this error code means. Literally, UC can be deciphered as power supply problems. That is, the sensors of the Samsung washing machine recorded a significant increase in voltage in the electrical network or, conversely, a critical decrease.
Washing machines of this brand, which were produced before 2012, responded normally to voltages from 175 to 270 V. In other words, the machine worked successfully during such surges and did not give any errors, or almost none. Over the past few years, the company has begun producing washing machine models with much more sensitive surge protectors, which residents of the Russian outback immediately noticed. In small villages, the state of the electrical network leaves much to be desired, and accordingly, the chances of getting a UC error when using a modern Samsung washing machine there are much greater.
The main reasons for the appearance of the code
The most common reason why an error code UC appears on the display of your washing machine is short-term and ongoing power failures. It could be:
- faulty socket;
- a power surge that is not fatal for the electrical and electronics of a Samsung washing machine;
- constantly low or too high voltage in the electrical network;
- faulty or unsuitable extension cord;
By the way, you shouldn’t connect an automatic washing machine to the mains via an extension cord at all, but if there is such a need, take an extension with a suitable power cord and short circuit protection.
- short-term failure in the control module voltage monitoring system.
In rare cases, the cause of the error UC is a control module failure. To be precise, the control module in such cases most often works, but one of the board tracks and/or the “leg” of the semiconductor element periodically shorts, which causes a failure. In essence, this problem is fraught with hidden danger, because after several restarts of the washing machine, the track may burn out and the control module will fail.
How to fix it?
If you encounter a UC error while operating a Samsung washing machine, do not rush to despair, because in most cases the problem is resolved without repairing the “home assistant”. However, you shouldn’t rejoice ahead of time either; first you need to check everything and clarify what exactly caused the specified failure.
First you need to find out whether the UC error will repeat if you simply restart the washing machine. The fact is that with this error, many problems are solved by rebooting, so let's start with that.
- Turn off the washing machine using the on/off button.
- Unplug the power cord of the “home assistant” from the outlet.
- We wait 3-5 minutes.
- We insert the plug back into the socket and start the washing machine.
If after rebooting the wash runs as expected and the UC error is no longer displayed, then you have dealt with some kind of short-term glitch. If the error repeats, you need to immediately start looking for its cause, it seems that everything is more serious than it seemed at first glance.At the second stage, it is worth thoroughly checking the electrical network. To do this, it may be better to call an electrician, but if you live in a small village and have already encountered problems with voltage drops or increases, you will understand everything without an electrician.
When checking the electrical network, be extremely careful and follow safety precautions. Violating these rules poses a danger to your life and health.
In this case, a special voltage stabilizer will help solve the problem with voltage surges. In the article How to choose a stabilizer for a washing machine, we describe in detail the types and purposes of these devices, and how they help to cope with the problems that a poor-quality electrical network throws at us. Read, you will learn a lot of new things.
You should also check the electrical outlet and wiring. If the washing machine is connected to the network via an extension cord, it makes sense to remove it and connect it directly to the outlet. The electrical outlet for the washing machine must be protected from moisture. Connecting the washing machine to a regular outlet may result in electric shock under certain conditions. According to statistics, several dozen people die in Russia every year from electric shock when they touch the body of an automatic washing machine. The conclusions suggest themselves.
Check to see if there is a large amount of water on the front panel of the washing machine. If water leaked onto the control board, a short circuit could occur, in which case repair of the electronics cannot be avoided. In fact, if you do not find any problems with the electrical network, the control board will need to be checked in any case and it is better to entrust this matter to a specialist.
Instead of concluding, we note that you should not repair the electronic module yourself. Our specialists quite often have to correct the inept interference of DIYers who tried to fix the washing machine with their own hands. Some faults can be repaired yourself, but others cannot; the control module can only be entrusted to a professional. Good luck!
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