How to make a machine from a washing machine engine
Whether in a professional workshop or in an ordinary garage, it is often necessary for some household needs to accurately drill several holes in metal, wood and other materials. An ordinary household drill may not be suitable for this, especially when increased accuracy is needed. A drilling machine from a washing machine, or rather from a washing machine motor, which you can make yourself, can come to the rescue. It will cost you very little. The manufacture of such a machine will be discussed in the article.
Main details
Before assembling a drilling machine using a washing machine motor, it is necessary to clearly understand the safety rules, both during assembly and during subsequent operation of such equipment.
Remember! Working with a homemade drilling machine can be dangerous to life and health! Be extremely careful and do not forget that if you do not have the necessary skills, you should not undertake the manufacture of such units. We do not encourage everyone to make and use drilling machines and provide this information for informational purposes only.
So, what parts are needed to make a drill press? Conventionally, all the necessary parts of the machine can be divided into 3 groups: engine and drive mechanism, bed and mechanism for moving the drill in a vertical plane, electronic filling. The first group includes:
- commutator electric motor from an automatic washing machine;
- engine pulley;
- pulley on the drill shaft;
- V-belt.
Second group details:
- steel angle 50 mm;
- steel beam 30x60x30 cm;
- square sheet of metal 40x40 cm;
- steel staples;
- old steering rack from a VAZ eight;
- fasteners;
- drill shaft;
- bearings 6003 2RS;
- bearings 8103;
- drill chuck;
- a homemade turntable made from three hairpins welded together.
And finally, the parts of the third group are represented by electronic filling, which will control the engine speed so that the drilling machine works stably without failures. The easiest way is to use a ready-made chip TDA 1085, although there may be other options.
Machine mechanism
By making a drilling machine from a washing machine motor and other motors, DIYers have long realized that it is easier to achieve what they want by using as many standard standard parts as possible. This may make the structure a little more expensive, but it will be more reliable and last longer, and most importantly, it will be easier to assemble. A striking example is the use of a VAZ steering rack in the manufacture of a moving mechanism. In essence, this is a moving mechanism; all that remains is to come up with a worthy frame for it.
In the picture above you see the initial stage of manufacturing the drilling machine mechanism. We reliably weld the steel beam to a sheet of metal, thus creating a reliable and strong frame. We screw the steering rack from a VAZ 2108 to a vertical steel beam with bolts and brackets as shown in the figure.
Next, we cut a thin steel pin into 5 parts and weld a pinwheel from them. You can buy a ready-made standard turntable from any machine of suitable sizes.
In this case, we immediately had problems securing the turntable and had to cut a small notch in the base of the steel beam.
We move on to a more complex stage, namely the manufacture of the base of the moving mechanism and parts of the mechanism itself, without which the drilling machine will not be able to function. This part of the machine is shown separately in the figure above.
- From the scraps of the corner you need to make a rectangular frame with an allowance on one side for fastening elements. These large bolts are equipped with bearings, thanks to which this most important structural element will move up and down the beam as if on rails.
- We weld another piece of corner to the side of the frame, in which you need to drill a hole for the bolts. They screw the frame to the movable steering rack.
- From two corner pieces we weld a square profile into the body of which we will insert the drill shaft with bearings. Accordingly, a cartridge will be placed on the shaft on one side, and a pulley on the other.
Now all we have to do is screw the part shown in the picture above to the steering rack. The result is a solid base, which already looks like a drilling machine.
Motor and its connection
Connection, testing and adjusting the engine speed of the washing machine We have discussed this several times in other publications, so we will not dwell on this. We just note that before installing the motor on a drilling machine, it would be a good idea to check it for functionality.
So, from the corners we weld a frame on which we place the engine and screw this structure onto the side onto the movable mechanism of the drilling machine. First we place a pulley on the motor shaft.
Now all we have to do is tighten the drive belt between the pulleys, connect the motor to the TDA 1085 microcircuit board, power the machine from a household electrical network, and you can test the new drilling machine that you managed to make with great difficulty. Load a chuck with drills of different diameters and see how the drill press copes with making holes in thick sheets of metal - a fascinating sight.
Important! When connecting the microcircuit to the engine, do not forget to protect it with a plastic case, you never know what could fly into it in the workshop during operation.
In conclusion, we note that it is quite possible to make a drilling machine using a motor from a used washing machine if you have the right hands, a great desire and a workshop with the appropriate equipment. Such a machine “will cost three kopecks, but will work like a charm. Good luck!
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