LG washing machine service life
Experts consider LG washing machines to be of average reliability. The machines last longer than the budget Candy or Indesit, but are inferior to the premium devices from the Miele or Bosch brands. Let's figure out how long the service life of an LG washing machine is. Will it last an average of 10 years, or will it break sooner?
Will an LG washing machine last 10 years?
When choosing a washing machine in a store, customers see a “10 years” sticker on all LG appliances. This inscription is impressive; it seems that the manufacturer guarantees at least ten years of uninterrupted operation of the equipment. In fact, this information on the label only indicates the durability of the inverter motor that the SMA is equipped with.
The manufacturer LG provides a ten-year warranty on the inverter motor.
If we talk about the general warranty period for the machine itself, it is 1 year. That is, within 12 months, the manufacturer will eliminate free of charge all malfunctions that occurred through no fault of the user. To do this, you need to contact the service center.
Nevertheless, experts highly appreciate the performance characteristics of automatic washing machines from the South Korean brand. Most models LG work without failures for 12-15 years, some washing machines last about 8-10 years. This indicates the reliability of the equipment from this manufacturer.
To extend the life of an LG direct drive washing machine, you need to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations, do not overload the equipment and maintain the device in a timely manner. We’ll tell you how to properly care for your “home helper” and how often SMA prevention is necessary.
How to care for LG SM
Timely, competent care will significantly extend the life of the LG direct drive washing machine. The simplest rule is not to overload the SMA. Moreover, it is worth understanding that different amounts of laundry can be placed in the drum at different washing modes. If in the “Cotton” program 6 kg of items are allowed, then in the “Wool” algorithm it is usually no more than 2 kg.
The second rule is to leave the washing machine slightly open after use for ventilation. Moreover, you need to not only open the hatch door, but also pull out the powder receptacle. It is better to wipe the drum walls and cuff dry.
Once every 2-3 months, the washing machine needs deeper maintenance. You should proceed as follows:
- de-energize the SMA;
- disconnect the machine from the water supply and sewerage;
- take out the powder receptacle, rinse it in warm water, if there are deposits on the walls of the cuvette, clean them with a brush;
- wipe the inside of the powder receptacle;
- unhook the inlet hose from the device body, remove the filter mesh, rinse the elements under running warm water, and put them in place;
- clean the SMA garbage filter, it is located behind the lower false panel or technical hatch door. When unscrewing the spiral, water will flow out of the machine, so the floor around the washer needs to be covered with rags;
- wipe the walls of the hole formed after removing the garbage filter;
- clean the drum seal; if there are cracks or mold on it, it is better to replace the seal;
- disconnect the drain hose from the CMA body. It is also recommended to rinse it under pressure of water.
When finished cleaning, spin the washing machine drum. It should rotate freely, with little tension. No knocking or grinding should be heard.If there is extraneous noise, a more in-depth diagnosis of the SMA will be required.
All of the above steps can be easily performed independently, at home. No special skills are required. The main thing is to follow safety rules.
The machine started to work somehow wrong
At a certain point in time, users may notice some anomalies in the operation of the LG SMA. For example, the machine begins to hum, knock and rumble loudly during the spin cycle. Then you will need in-depth diagnostics of the washer. You will have to check the counterweights, assess the condition of the shock absorbers and bearing assembly.
The algorithm of actions during in-depth diagnostics will be as follows:
- unplug the power cord from the socket;
- close the shut-off valve, unhook the drain and inlet hoses from the AGR body;
- move the machine to the center of the room to have access to all sides of the body;
- prepare a screwdriver and a dry cloth;
- remove the top cover of the MCA by unscrewing the two bolts securing it;
- dismantle the back panel by removing the fasteners;
- find the counterweights and examine the concrete blocks. Perhaps their clamps have become loose and the fastenings will need to be tightened. If the stones have cracks, the weights will have to be replaced;
- inspect the rear surface of the SMA tank. If rusty stains are visible on the plastic, we can talk about damage to the seal. The rubber band will need to be replaced;
- Unscrew the garbage filter. Shine a flashlight into the hole and see if threads or hair are wound around the pump impeller;
- check the dampers - the springs should be elastic. For preventive purposes, it is better to treat the shock absorbers with graphite lubricant;
- Clean the tubular heater. To do this, disconnect the wires from the heating element, loosen the central nut and remove the element from the SMA.Plaque and lime deposits can be removed by soaking the part in a vinegar solution;
- inspect all the small SMA sensors, every wire. Having found a defect, replace the part;
- feel the drain pipe and the hoses leading from the powder receiver to the tank - they should be dry and intact.
Before disconnecting the wiring from the parts, take a photo of the connection diagram so as not to make mistakes during subsequent assembly.
The failure of the bearing assembly is indicated by obvious symptoms, such as drum play, grinding and rattling noises during washing. To replace parts, you will need to disassemble the SMA tank. This is a rather labor-intensive process, so it is better to contact a specialist.
1 reader comment
Is it possible to repair my washing machine if it knocks, rattles and whistles a lot? Is it worth it?