3 Best LG Washing Machine Drum Cleaners
Using the Drum Clean program, the washing machine is able to clean itself. The user only needs to press the desired button, empty the machine and add detergent. Moreover, the latter is of paramount importance - special cleaners are needed to wash the washing machine. To get rid of dirt, scale, mold and unpleasant odors quickly and for a long time, you should choose effective products for cleaning the drum of an LG washing machine. Let's figure out what compositions and brands we are talking about.
Factory chemistry
To clean your washing machine, it is better to purchase a special product. It can be found in any store, and in a wide range: cheap and expensive, liquid and dry, with and without aroma. It is important to evaluate the cleaner comprehensively, studying its composition, effect and volume. A brief overview of the three most popular brands will help you with your choice.
- Beckmann. German universal cleaner based on citric acid, glycerin, non-ionic surfactants and activated carbon. Available in gel and powder form and is designed to eliminate scale, dirt and unpleasant odors even in hard-to-reach places. The user will also be pleased with the antibacterial effect. With regular use, it extends the service life of the machine, since special components protect the rubber and metal parts of the washer from hardening and corrosion. Costs between 180-400 rubles. for 250 ml.
- Tiret. Liquid cleaner for washing machines with complex action. Effective in neutralizing unpleasant odors, removing limescale, scale and soap.It also ensures hygienic cleanliness by washing the internal parts of the machine from all kinds of contaminants. Contains citric acid, non-ionic surfactants and flavoring. Due to the latter, the washing machine smells pleasantly of lemon after cleaning. Cost – 210 rub. for 250 ml.
- Bosch. Washing machine cleaner from a well-known brand - a manufacturer of large household appliances. This is a powder that removes soap and limescale, as well as dirt and unpleasant odors. Price for 200 g – from 490 rubles.
Before using any professional chemicals, you must read the instructions on the back of the package. There, the manufacturer provides the composition, dosage and rules for adding the product to the machine. Don’t forget about your own safety - wear gloves during the procedure and wash your hands thoroughly after it.
Home Remedies
A budget alternative to professional chemistry will be folk remedies - vinegar, citric acid and whiteness. They are always available, cost pennies, and fight pollution just as well as expensive brands. The main thing is to correctly calculate the dosage and follow the instructions.
- Lemon acid. It is enough to pour the “lemon” into the main compartment of the tray and run a high-temperature cycle with maximum spin. The amount of powder depends on the capacity of the machine: if the drum volume is 3-4 kg, then 100-150 g will be enough, if from 5 kg - 200 g, if from 7 - 250 g.
- Vinegar. To clean the washer with acetic acid, you need to pour about 250 ml of liquid with a 9% concentration into the main wash compartment. Then the mode is turned on with water heating to 90 degrees, and after 15-20 minutes the cycle stops for an hour. During this time, the essence will dissolve the scale and disinfect the drum. The program then continues.
After cleaning with vinegar, you need to ventilate the machine - leave the hatch and powder receptacle open for several hours!
- White. You will need bleach with a concentration of 0.5% in a volume of 250 ml. It is poured into the powder receptacle, and then the wash is started with heating to 30-40 degrees. The temperature cannot be increased, as bleach loses its properties in hot water.
Once cleaning is complete, it is recommended to start rinsing again. If there is still detergent left on the walls of the drum, you will have to start the cycle again, but without the cleaner. Remember that the contact of aggressive substances with laundry during the next wash will be detrimental to the fabric.
Keep your drum clean
Despite constant contact with hard water, dirty things and dust, the drum can remain relatively clean. To do this, you must not forget about prevention - constantly monitor the condition of the cylinder. As a rule, it is enough to remember the following rules for using the LG washing machine:
- once every 7-10 days, “run” the machine with hot water (turning on any high-temperature mode);
- Once every 1-2 weeks, rinse the tray to remove undissolved powder;
- After each use, wipe the drum and hatch cuff dry;
- at the end of the wash, leave the machine open (open the hatch, pull out the powder receptacle);
- use only high-quality detergents;
- after use, run a “idle” wash to rinse the mechanisms of detergent;
- Add hard water softeners when washing.
It is recommended to carry out comprehensive cleaning of the washing machine once every 6-12 months. Before “cleaning” the machine, it is necessary to drain the water from the drum, clean the drain, rinse the tray, cuff and hatch glass.
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