Using soda for a washing machine
Soda is known to everyone; it is valued for its widespread use in various fields. Our grandmothers also used this “white powder” to clean dishes, wash clothes and many other purposes. But today we will talk about how you can use baking soda in a washing machine and what benefits it brings.
Baking soda and soda ash: what's the difference?
When thinking about soda, many will think of baking soda, but that is only one type of this alkaline compound. In fact, soda comes in three categories:
- baking soda, it is called sodium bicarbonate, the chemical formula is written as NaHCO3;
- soda ash, chemical formula Na2CO3;
- caustic soda, chemical formula NaOH.
Baking soda is the weakest alkali, which is why it is used in confectionery production. Caustic soda, on the contrary, has a very strong alkaline reaction, so it is extremely rarely used in everyday life; it is mainly used in industry. We will be more interested in soda ash, which is suitable both for washing heavily soiled items and for cleaning a machine. But first things first.
Cleaning the washing machine
During operation of the washing machine, scale and limescale may form on its parts. Also, if you don't follow rules of care for a home assistant, then after some time you can feel the smell coming from the drum or tray of the machine. In such cases, soda ash will help clean the washing machine. It is not only several times cheaper than specialized tools, but also effectively copes with the task.
To clean your washing machine from unpleasant odors and mold, you need to:
- mix soda and water in a 1:1 ratio;
- Apply the paste to the drum and cuff, because it is under the elastic that mold most often forms. Don't forget to wear gloves, as baking soda can cause skin irritation.
- wait about 30 minutes;
- Use a cloth to clean dirty areas on the drum.
- run the machine in quick wash mode, but without laundry.
For your information! If there is no soda ash, then ordinary baking soda will cope with this task, especially if such cleaning is carried out regularly, at least once a month.
However, not only the drum, but also the powder tray may need cleaning. After all, limescale and soap deposits also accumulate on it. Cleaning the powder receptacle is similar to cleaning the drum. The soda slurry is applied to the tray for a while and then washed off with water.
Soda ash is a good water softener. You can add 2 tablespoons of baking soda when washing, directly into the powder. But only if you do not wash items made of wool or silk. This will protect the machine from scale formation.
Using washing soda
Most often, soda ash is used to remove stains. As we have already said, it can be added to the powder when washing things in the washing machine. But this only applies to things made of cotton and linen. Items made of wool and silk are “afraid” of the effects of alkalis, and things with a membrane coating should also not be washed with soda.
For medium hard water, add 2-3 tbsp. spoons of soda, you can pour it directly into the drum with things. For very hard water, you can add 5 tbsp. spoons of soda. An important condition for such washing is the water temperature, which should not be lower than 500WITH.
However, it is better to use baking soda when pre-soaking heavy stains. To do this you need to take 3 tbsp. spoons of soda and dissolve them in 10 liters of water at a temperature of 400C. Put things into the solution and leave them for 2-3 hours, then wash them by hand or in a machine using powder.
Another effective recipe using baking soda is used for washing kitchen towels. A handful of soda ash is mixed with grated laundry soap, and the mixture is placed in a large enamel bucket half filled with water. After the mixture has dissolved, you need to put the towels in water and boil. Then simmer them over low heat for another 20 minutes. After the procedure, wash in a machine with added powder.
A mixture of baking soda, vegetable oil, bleach and powder works great for removing greasy stains on kitchen towels. Three tablespoons of each substance are poured into a bucket of boiling water and towels are placed. Leave them in water until they cool completely, you can leave them overnight. Then rinse and machine wash.
For your information! You can buy soda ash at any household chemicals store, where you buy laundry detergent.
So, baking soda can become an indispensable tool in the household. It will help keep both clothes and washing machine clean. You can use it to clean the stove, wash the tiles, floors and much more, and maybe you will find your own use for soda.
1 reader comment
Calgon is the same as soda... why advertise how expensive it is when you can just buy soda :)