The washing machine is saved from vibrations and bounces around the bathroom by huge pieces of concrete, which counteract the resulting centrifugal force and hold the unit in place. Heavy elements are called counterweights, and, despite their hardness and external steadfastness, problems often arise with them. Thus, it is often necessary to tighten the bolts holding the blocks, replace a cracked stone with a whole one, or temporarily remove it when completely disassembling the machine. We will explain in detail how to do this in the article.
How to get to the counterweight?
To tighten or remove the counterweight in the washing machine, you will have to find it. Fortunately, finding a single concrete block or three separate pieces is not difficult. Just follow the following instructions.
Turn the machine with the back wall.
Unscrew the top cover of the machine.
Remove the back panel.
The counterweight may crack, split, or sag, causing imbalance and causing serious damage to the machine.
That's it, all that remains is to visually check the condition of the counterweights. In addition to a superficial inspection, you can tug on the stone inserts and check the tightness of the fasteners. It is recommended to carry out such “checks” at least once every 6 months in order to timely detect problems and make the necessary repairs.
Dismantling the part
If you need to temporarily or permanently remove the stone from the washer, then we start by loosening the fasteners - their role is played by 2-3 wide bolts on each concrete element. We find an open-end wrench or head of suitable diameter and completely unscrew the clamps from the block. Then we cling to the protrusions of the counterweights and carefully pull them out.It is worth understanding that these blocks weigh 5-15 kg, so it is better to think about an additional pair of hands.
Owners of Indesit washing machines will have a little more difficult time. Here, the counterweights are secured with special bolts that do not fit standard wrenches and sockets. But there is a way out - to make the instrument yourself. To do this, take a pipe with a cross-section of 20-22 mm and a length of at least 20 cm and saw through one end in the middle with a depth of 5 cm. From the other edge we drill a 2 cm hole and screw a 4*16 bolt into it, and then weld the screw from the inside. Such a device will easily catch on the latch and make it easier to remove the blocks.
If the counterweight is damaged
Diagnostics of the counterweight is extremely important, because if it is damaged, you cannot count on safe operation of the machine. Loose or split blocks will not be able to dampen the vibrations from the rotation of the drum and will cause an imbalance with devastating consequences. Therefore, if deviations from the norm are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin repairing them.
So, if the bolts holding the concrete have dropped and tightening does not help, we turn our attention to the growers. These elements compress and loosen over time, which also affects the fixation of the counterweights. It is better to update the screed and tighten the screws properly.
You cannot continue to operate the machine with a cracked counterweight. Especially if a large piece of it has fallen off. It is necessary to immediately remove all the blocks, accurately measure their dimensions and find an adequate replacement. There shouldn’t be any problems finding a new “cargo”: you can order it using the model serial number in an online store, make it yourself based on your measurements, or contact special technical centers.
Finding a counterweight in a washing machine, inspecting it and removing it if necessary is very simple. All you need is the right wrench and the muscle to handle a heavy load.
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