How to remove the filter in a Bosch washing machine?
An experienced technician can remove the filter on a Bosch washing machine in a couple of minutes and without extra effort - this procedure is simple and elementary. But ignorance of some nuances can complicate a trivial task, even leading to a flood and damage to the drain pump. To cope quickly and without unpleasant consequences, you should prepare for the manipulation in advance, act consistently and according to the instructions. It also wouldn’t hurt to understand possible force majeure situations when removing the filter and solve them as usual.
If the machine is working properly
You cannot immediately begin unscrewing the filter - you must prepare for the procedure in advance. Without preparation, the water in the tank will rush through the vacated hole onto the floor. A flood can occur even when the tank is visually empty, since a certain amount of liquid remains in the pipes and spontaneously pours out without a “plug.” How much will leak is unknown - it all depends on the capacity of the Bosch model. You will still have to clean up the consequences of the flood, wasting your time.
If you anticipate spontaneous drainage, then removing the filter will be quick and easy. The main thing is not to rush and prepare for the procedure with the following actions:
You cannot unscrew the garbage filter immediately after washing at 45-90 degrees - the machine will not have time to cool down and you can get burned by boiling water!
disconnect the machine from communications, electricity and water supply;
remove from the machine all objects and things that deteriorate from moisture (extension cords, rugs, powders);
cover the surrounding area with oilcloth, polyethylene or old rags;
prepare a container for collecting water, a basin or a plastic container;
tilt the unit back so that the body hangs 3-5 cm in the air with its front legs;
Place the prepared container on the right under the machine into the resulting “gap” of 3-5 cm.
Once prepared, you can begin the procedure. You need to take a slotted screwdriver and use it to hook the technical hatch door, which is located in the lower right corner of the washing machine body. Once the latches are released, you need to open the door and find the black filter cover behind it. Then just grab the protruding “handle” and start rotating counterclockwise. Then we pull and pull the “spiral” out.
Water will flow out of the hole immediately after removing the filter. In this case, the stream will be uneven, since the “plug” will spray liquid around.
Problems removing the filter
As a rule, removing the filter goes smoothly - the nozzle can be easily rotated and leaves its seat without any problems. Sometimes the procedure becomes more complicated if the technical hatch does not open, the “spiral” sticks to the body or is blocked by debris. It is easy to determine the problem: a white-yellowish coating is visible or the “trash bin” simply does not pull out. In any case, you will have to cope with the situation in a different way.
First we do this:
looking for pliers;
“grab” the protruding part of the filter with pliers;
We are trying to clean out the trash can.
There is no need to press hard - the brittle plastic may not withstand the pressure and break off. If you can’t move the part like this, then tilt the washer body back, lift the front by 15-20 cm and lean it on the wall. Then we try to “knock out” the filter with our fist. The expectation is that the objects blocking the “plug” will move and no longer hold it.
Some “experts” on the Internet advise prying out the filter with a screwdriver, which experienced craftsmen strongly do not recommend doing. With such a manipulation it is easy to miscalculate the force and damage the cochlea, which will lead to additional costs. Naturally, the nozzle itself will suffer and will have to be replaced with a new one.
It is strongly not recommended to pry out the drainage filter with a screwdriver - you can easily damage the nozzle itself, as well as the seat and the volute.
If you couldn’t “knock out” the filter with your fist, then there is only one option left - push the plastic from the pump side. This is more difficult to do, but more effective. The algorithm is as follows:
lift the machine;
get to the snail through the bottom (to make it more convenient, it is recommended to remove the front and back panels);
release the supplied pipes from the clamps;
loosen the fastenings holding the pump;
pull out the pump;
clear the “path” to the filter;
Unscrew the filter and clean the removed pump.
It is not difficult to remove the filter on a Bosch washing machine. The main thing is to prepare in advance, remember safety precautions and regularly clean the machine to prevent sticking and blocking of the “trash bin”.
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