Which washing machine is better, narrow or full-size?
According to the latest statistics on washing machine sales, users prefer narrow models. This trend is understandable, because narrow washing machines are more compact and fit into the interior more easily. However, if you look at the matter from a practical point of view, which machine will win: narrow or standard? Let's try to find out.
What equipment does the market offer?
Narrow washing machines have become popular relatively recently, and the fashion for them does not mean that manufacturers will immediately discontinue other types of models. In retail stores you can find units of various sizes:
- Standard washing machines are 85-90 cm high, 60 cm deep and wide.
- Narrow washing machines are also 85-90 cm high, 60 cm wide, and no more than 45 cm deep.
- Ultra-narrow washing machines are 85-90 cm high, 60 cm wide, and no more than 33-35 cm deep.
- Compact models designed for installation in a suite - height 65-70 cm, width - 50-52 cm, depth - up to 45 cm.
Why are narrow and super-narrow washing machines better than their larger counterparts? To answer this question, you need to consider their competitive advantages, because demand does not come out of thin air.
The positive aspects of this technique
As a rule, housing of the middle class and below in Russia is characterized by small footage. Therefore, the exclusive advantage of narrow washing machines is their compactness. When every meter counts, it really becomes important.
Other arguments in favor of purchasing narrow equipment.
- The dimensions allow you to “squeeze” the washing machine literally anywhere, be it a niche under the sink in the kitchen or a tiny bathroom where the washing machine will be combined with a sink using a common countertop.
- Narrow washing machines have vertical loading, so the housewife does not need an additional square meter to open the hatch.
- Excellent capacity despite its compact size. Now you can find an ultra-narrow washing machine with a load of up to 7 kg, which is very decent even for a standard model.
And one more significant point is the price. Narrow washing machines are much cheaper than wide units from the same manufacturers.
Negative aspects of narrow technology
It is impossible to simply reduce the size of the machine while maintaining all the characteristics of the full-size version, so manufacturers had to make certain sacrifices. Some of them are insignificant, but some will be difficult to close your eyes to.
- The area where the tank suspension unit is located has been reduced, which has significantly reduced its reliability. Shock absorbers on standard washing machines can last up to 7 years, but you can’t expect this from narrow machines.
- The area of the drum shock absorbers was also reduced, which also negatively affected the endurance of the dampers. In addition, narrow washing machines vibrate more and make more noise.
- Less stability and a higher level of vibration are also facilitated by a reduction in the weight of the washing machine itself and the area of its base.
Such design changes cannot but affect the quality of washing and the operation of the washing machine. For example, due to their small dimensions, narrow machines wrinkle laundry more than regular ones or knock it into one huge lump, which is why the quality of washing and rinsing is sharply reduced.
Attention! The functionality of narrow and ultra-narrow machines is always much poorer than that of standard models. As a rule, there are no functions of pre-washing, protecting the control panel, drying and others.
As mentioned above, strong vibrations and noise are the problem of all narrow washing machines. They lack the weight and dimensions for stability. As a result, even rubberized mats and other shock-absorbing aids do not save the situation, and during the spin cycle such a machine will jump around the room like crazy. For most users who are dissatisfied with narrow washing machines, their key drawback is noise and vibration during operation. It is worth considering this fact before abandoning the full-size version in favor of a compact one.
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