Which washing machine to choose: Siemens or LG?
No one buys the first washing machine they see. As a rule, before going to the store, the consumer considers his needs and carefully studies the market. Often the question is stark: what to choose – the popular brand LG or the lesser-known Siemens? We propose to analyze both manufacturers and understand which machine is more reliable and easier to use. A detailed review of the most popular criteria will help identify the “leader”.
Where are the washing machines made?
When choosing Siemens or LG, the first thing you need to do is compare the technical capabilities of the washing machines. It’s better to start with build quality, which often determines the reliability and service life of machines. Thus, the equipment in question is assembled in the following countries:
- Siemens is mainly produced in Turkey, Spain, and China, but washing machines assembled in Germany and Russia also enter the Russian market;
- LG are manufactured in Russia, some models are assembled in Korea and China.
There is no clear “winner” here: the quality of the machine will directly depend on the country of assembly. According to statistics from service centers, washing machines from Germany and Korea are considered the most reliable. Russian assembly, regardless of the manufacturer, is too unpredictable and often leads to premature repair of equipment.
German assembly is considered to be of the highest quality, Korean assembly is in second place, and machines assembled in Russia are more likely to break down.
The second step is to identify the “weak points” of each brand. In Siemens machines this is the control board, while in LG the drain pump and dampers often fail. It is impossible to predict the service life of equipment in both cases - it all depends on the operating conditions.But one thing is for sure: repairing the pump is much cheaper and easier than diagnosing and replacing the control module.
Siemens is the leader in the type of loading of machines. This company supplies the market with both front-facing and vertical washing machines. LG does not have such a choice - only front-facing cameras. The presence of two design options is considered a “plus”, since “vertical” ones are in great demand. Firstly, they are more compact and easily fit in small spaces. Secondly, they are bought for back problems, so as not to bend over to the loading hatch. A comparison of the range of brands by type of installation is also in favor of Siemens. The German brand offers not only free-standing, but also built-in washing machines. In this regard, LG is inferior.
Modes and useful options
The next step is to consider the capacity of the machines. LG is ahead here, offering machines with a load of 4 to 17 kg of dry laundry. Among them there are also washing machines with a “borderline” drum: 5.5 kg or 6.5 kg, which helps you choose the ideal model. Siemens produces volumes of 5-10 kg. If you need smaller or larger equipment, then the choice will be obvious. True, such requests are quite rare: as a rule, 7-9 kg is enough for the average family.
LG washing machines offer 4-17 kg loads, while Siemens makes machines with 5-10 kg drums.
It is difficult to compare units based on the set of programs. Which washing machine is better in this regard depends on the specific model and consumer needs. The fact is that almost all machines have a basic set, regardless of their cost. It also happens the other way around, when washing machines of equal price differ greatly in the functionality they offer. It is important to note the technologies being introduced in the production of washing machines.
- LG.In the latest models, the company has successfully introduced steam technology. The “Refresh Laundry” and “Steam Wash” functions turned out to be in demand and received a positive response from consumers.
- The developers came up with and implemented a number of unique and useful technologies. First on the list is SensoFresh, which removes unpleasant odors from fabric without water or powder, thanks to active oxygen and smart sensors. The second useful feature is called i-Dos and is an advanced dosage system that allows you to calculate the required amount of detergent based on automatic analysis of the laundry, its weight and fabric type. The StainRemoval options, which remove 16 types of stains, and VarioSpeed, which automatically determines the washing time depending on how full the drum is, have proven themselves to be excellent options.
Both companies have models with a built-in drying function. But LG's range of washing and drying machines is much richer.
Quality of washing and spinning
When choosing the best washing machine, be sure to look at the quality of the wash. You can take into account the results of a test conducted by the domestic Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights "Roskontrol". As part of the test, 6 well-known brands were tested at once, among which were LG and Siemens. The experiment was carried out as follows:
- 6 different types of stains were applied to cotton fabric, including berry juice, grease and grass;
- washing machines were loaded to 80% of the required capacity;
- the “Cotton” program was turned on with heating up to 60 degrees;
- The quality and time of washing were assessed.
As a result, Siemens washed clothes 20 minutes before LG. The quality of washing was almost the same: for each type of contamination it was “good” or “excellent”. The “German” did a better job with the berries.
At the same time, the quality of the spin was assessed. The maximum number of revolutions varied on the models, but this did not affect the test results: both machines showed excellent results. The machine from Siemens wrung out a little better, the percentage of residual moisture on things was 41%. LG has 44% moisture remaining. A test from Roskachestvo clearly showed that Siemens washing machines are slightly ahead of their competitors in terms of washing and spin quality. Also, as a result of the experiment, it was discovered that the LG vibrates more strongly, which indicates less stability of the machine body.
Design and cost
At the final stage, we will compare the machines by design and cost. It is difficult to evaluate the appearance of the machines - everything is too subjective. But it should be noted that the Siemens lineup includes machines in white, silver and black. Equipment from LG is produced only in light shades; red washing machines have already been discontinued.
An important criterion is the price. Thus, machines from Siemens are much more expensive than their competitors. The cost of LG is lower, although here you can also find premium-class machines for 100 thousand or more. It is quite difficult to draw a conclusion - the machines are on almost equal positions, and a lot is decided by specific models and consumer requests. By most criteria, the more expensive Siemens was ahead. But LG is better represented in the budget segment and is several times cheaper to repair.
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