Samsung washing machine makes a lot of noise when spinning
Modern washing machines are manufactured in such a way that they do not make too much noise during the spin cycle. Therefore, if your Samsung washing machine makes more noise than usual during the spin cycle, then most likely an emergency situation has arisen with it, which is best dealt with as quickly as possible.
What to do if excessive noise occurs?
Despite progress, completely silent “home assistants” simply do not exist yet. Therefore, if the machine hums during the spin cycle, then this is completely normal, because it is at this stage of washing that the drum rotates at maximum speed.
At the same time, during the spin cycle there should be no extraneous sounds, such as knocking, grinding, rattling or clanging. If such sounds suddenly appear during work, then you should use the following recommendations and find the reason for this behavior:
If the noise exceeds 75 decibels, which is the average noise level for SM, then first of all you should check for metal, plastic or other parts on the clothing that could touch the walls of the drum during the operating cycle and thus cause loud noise.
You should also check that no foreign objects, such as coins or paper clips, have entered the washing machine tub.
You can always find out the maximum noise level that the machine should emit during operation - this information is indicated in the user manual.
Another reason for the noise may be an imbalance of laundry, which could fall into a lump if there was too much of it in the drum. The problem could also arise due to the presence of too large things in the machine, for example, a warm blanket.
To spin large bed linens, it is better to set the spin speed to 800 rpm or less.
When noise occurs during operation of the SM, it is necessary to turn off the device and disconnect it from the power supply. Try spinning the drum in several directions with your own hands and listen:
If there are no extraneous sounds, for example, quiet clicks during a full rotation of the drum, then you can proceed to the next stage of testing.
If there is a sound, say, a rumble, knocking or crackling, then you need to contact the repair service for detailed diagnostics.
But before calling the service center, you can check the shipping bolts that are placed on household appliances at the manufacturer’s factory. These bolts hold the tank of the machine during transportation, protecting it from any possible damage. The latches must be removed before starting operation - they are located on the back wall of the SM case in an amount of from three to five pieces.
It is also important to inspect the floor surface where the equipment is installed. The washing machine must be placed not only on a flat surface, but also on a hard surface, for example, concrete or tiles. Therefore, linoleum, carpet, parquet or laminate are poor coatings for installing household appliances.
Another common cause of noise is improper installation of the machine, which should be level. You can check this using a building level, which must first be checked on the side of the device, and then directly on it. If the inspection reveals unevenness, then it is necessary to adjust the legs of the device. Plus, you should make sure that the legs of the machine are securely secured with a nut.
The last step of the check can be considered cleaning the drain filter and impeller.Once all elements of the SM have been checked, all that remains is to run the test work cycle in the “Spin” mode, but without clothes in the drum. If the extraneous noise has disappeared, then the equipment can continue to be used without restrictions. If the sound remains, you will have to call a service center specialist for repairs.
The shock absorber is broken
If unpleasant noise occurs, you should not immediately replace the shock absorbers, because the problem may not be in them. It will not be possible to visually identify the problem, so you will first have to remove the racks and check them. These dampers are located at the bottom of the washing machine, right under the tub, so they cannot be reached without disassembling the device, which will differ in different brands and models of washing machines.
There is no need to be afraid of this process, because you need to disassemble the machine not entirely, but partially. On most washing machines, you only need to remove the back panel of the case. For example, on Bosch products, dampers have a classic design, which clings to the device body with one bolt from below, and is secured from above using a latch. In this case, dismantling will look like this:
Disconnect the washing machine from all communications.
Unscrew the fasteners holding the back wall.
Using a long 13mm drill bit, remove the bolt that holds the piece in place underneath.
Remove the latch and remove the damper.
If we are talking about washing machines of the LG brand and some others, then the case does not need to be disassembled at all. In this case, you can get to the shock absorbers through the bottom of the “home assistant”. Simply unplug the unit from the power supply and place it on its left side. After this, all that remains is to remove the fasteners from each end of the racks and pull out the damper.
If the latches are difficult to open, you can generously lubricate them with WD-40 to simplify the process.
The type of fastening is influenced by the brand of the equipment manufacturer, because in equipment from Samsung, Miele and AEG, shock absorbers are fixed using bolts on M8 and M10. In such a situation, to remove them from the body and tank, you will have to use either spanners or socket heads 12 and 13. It is very convenient to work with Whirlpool equipment - there the dampers are fixed with special latches, which do not require any additional tools.
If you take on disassembling a washing machine, you should do this with the utmost care so as not to damage the parts. Do not press too hard on the fasteners, and do not use too “heavy” tools for dismantling. Carefully monitor the integrity of the racks, plastic tank and other key components. When you remove the racks, they must be checked according to the following instructions:
press the rod;
pull it out of the part body;
evaluate the tension exerted by the stand.
In a situation where the rod easily comes out of the housing, it is obviously damaged, due to which it can no longer dampen the vibrations of the washing machine. Additionally, on some struts you can evaluate the presence of sealing grease in the piston, because if it is not there, then this is another sign of wear on the element.
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