Is it possible to place a washing machine next to the stove?
There are many guidelines regarding the proximity of traditional kitchen appliances (refrigerators, stoves, sinks, etc.). But residents of small apartments often need to install a washing machine in the kitchen. And it is natural that many people worry about whether it is worth placing a washing machine next to the stove, whether it is completely safe.
Close installation
If every centimeter of kitchen space counts, many housewives have no choice but to place the stove and washing machine close to each other without any distance between them. This may seem convenient at first, but later a number of problems and troubles will arise in connection with this arrangement.
Firstly, vibration. During spinning, the SM vibrates quite strongly, and if it is in close contact with the plate, these vibrations will affect it too. It would seem that there is nothing wrong, but everything is not so simple. If the insides of the washing machine were created taking into account all the subtleties of the fight against centrifugal force, then the kitchen stove is not ready for such overloads. At best, this will lead to minor problems, at worst, to serious damage.
The second, but no less important, unpleasant consequence of such a neighborhood. Imagine that you are cooking soup or porridge on the stove, and at the same time the washing machine is working and starting to spin. With one hundred percent probability, part of the contents of the pan will end up on the surface of the stove, or even on the control panel. The food has been transferred, the stove is dirty, there is an unpleasant smell in the kitchen. Do you need it?
Third, these are the ventilation holes.Ovens of modern stoves are equipped with a special ventilation system and electronic control. However, if the washing machine with its body blocks the inlets and outlets of air flows, the stove will soon become unusable.
To avoid such problems, install the washing machine at a distance of at least a few centimeters from the stove, or even several decimeters. In this situation, such a neighborhood will not cause inconvenience.
Optimal clearance
Not only can a washing machine harm the stove, the opposite can also happen. Everyone knows that even today some apartments have old-style electric and gas stoves installed, that is, they were produced in Soviet times and, accordingly, are less advanced.
So, old models tend to heat up the walls greatly. If it comes into contact with the plastic elements of the washer’s body, this can cause serious damage, because old plates can heat up to 90-95 degrees, and this is too high a temperature for plastic. Thus, the washing machine will quickly fail.
What should you do to avoid problems?
Of course, a small apartment creates many problems, but non-standard solutions can come to the aid of the owners. For example, you can lay a thin layer of thermal insulation between the walls of the devices. In this case, the gap can be safely reduced to 0.5 cm. This is not all advice.
Install old gas or electric stoves away from washing machines (the distance should be from 2 to 5 centimeters, at least).
Do not heat the room using burners. Yes, this is very convenient in the off-season, but the walls of the stove can heat up too much over a long period of time.
Avoid close proximity between the washing machine and the stove so that vibration during spinning does not damage both appliances.
In any case, with the above-described proximity of the stove and washing machine, avoid actively using them at the same time. It’s better to separate washing and cooking, although this is not very convenient.
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