A plastic rib came off in the washing machine drum
A modern washing machine is a high-tech device, inside which dozens of complex operations, small and large, fast and long, take place every second. For a device to function properly, every part must be in good working order. Therefore, the ribs of the washing machine drum, also known as bumpers, may not be the most important elements in the machine, but they are definitely necessary for high-quality washing.
It is the bumper that turns the clothes over during the working cycle, which is why the “home assistant” can more effectively remove dirt from the laundry. Therefore, if you notice that a plastic rib has come off in the drum, you must immediately begin repairs so that the quality of the wash does not deteriorate.
Putting the rib in place
What should you do if, after the next wash, you suddenly notice that a rib in the machine has either broken, or simply torn off, or it is unstable and is about to come off? First of all, you need to put aside panic, because this breakdown is not serious, so there is no need to call a service center specialist. You can fix this problem yourself, which will require a small list of tools that are usually kept in every home just in case. In total we will need:
- construction hair dryer;
- a small burr machine, also known as an engraver;
- marker;
- plastic clamps;
- wire cutters
After preparing or purchasing all the necessary tools, you can begin the repair. There is no need to free up space at home, since all actions can be performed right where the washing machine is parked at normal times. It is only important to strictly follow our instructions so as not to damage the part further. Let us describe the procedure.
- If the rib does not break or come off, but simply becomes unstable, then first heat the back wall of the part with a hairdryer. This is necessary so that it gives way and can be removed without much effort.
Do not overdo it with heating, so as not to damage the bump stop - just 15-20 seconds of exposure to high temperature is enough.
- Pull the part towards you and remove it.
- Now on the edge itself we use a marker to place marks 5-6 millimeters below the latches.
- Next, using an engraver, we cut out four holes on the bumper, guided by the marker marks.
- We thread two strong plastic clamps into the resulting holes with the teeth facing up.
- We adjust the latches in the washing machine at the place where we will install the rib. The latches should be at 45 degrees.
- We put the rib in its place and thread the clamps into the holes in the drum.
- Once again we warm up the back wall of the part.
- We insert the element into the grooves.
- We fix the clamps, lower them down, tighten them and cut them with wire cutters.
- Finally, you can grind the sharp edges of the clamps with a burr machine.
After such manipulations, the laundry lifter will be securely fixed, and you can forever forget about the torn ribs in the washing machine.
What happens if you wash without a rib?
Unfortunately, very often owners of washing machines are sure that if one rib comes off, then there is nothing wrong with it and they can continue washing clothes as if nothing had happened. Allegedly, the machine has two more bumpers, which are enough to turn the laundry in the drum. However, such washing can harm not only clothes, but also the household appliances themselves.
Designers use exactly three ribs in the design of a washing machine for a reason. It is these three parts that allow for optimal distribution of clothing inside the device. If there are two bumpers or even just one, then this will cause an imbalance in the drum. If we add to this situation worn-out shock absorbers, due to which the equipment dangles during operation, then without a bump stop the machine will begin to jump around the entire apartment during washing, risking damage to internal elements or breaking something in the apartment.
Nothing good will happen to the clothes located inside. Under the ribs of the drum there are metal eyes that can create snags and even holes in things. The situation can be aggravated by the fact that over time the eyes acquire burrs, which will simply destroy any thing, even the strongest.
Thus, if your washing machine has lost one or more ribs, then it is better to forget about washing until the parts are installed in their place. You may still be lucky once and avoid serious damage to your clothes during rinsing and spinning, but nothing will survive two washes without a plastic fin.
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