The washing machine fills with water jerkily
Many users notice that the washing machine fills with water intermittently. This phenomenon is especially often observed in machines from LG, Samsung and others. Moreover, the “home assistant” behaves this way only at the very beginning of the cycle, then the tank is filled as usual. Sometimes everything is aggravated by shaking of the inlet hose. Let's figure out what could cause this situation and what to do in this case.
Why did the breakdown occur, how to fix it?
In order for an automatic machine to effectively rinse the detergent from the powder receptacle, the inlet valve, as conceived by the engineers, should supply water in parts at the very beginning of the cycle. This explains the small jumps. With normal pressure in the water pipe, jerks are not felt by users and do not lead to “shaking” of the inlet hose.
With high pressure in the water supply, the jerks become stronger and can cause shaking not only of the inlet hose, but also of the pipe.
The solution to the problem is very simple. You need to find a tee tap to which the water inlet hose is connected. The valve should be slightly closed - this will reduce the pressure of the jet entering the system.
If you couldn’t adjust the tap perfectly the first time, try again during the second wash. This way you can achieve optimal water pressure. If a shut-off valve is not installed in front of the washing machine, try reducing the pressure on the common cold water riser.
The mesh filter is to blame
The reason that the automatic machine draws water in jerks may be a clogged inlet valve filter. Cleaning the mesh is very simple - even a “newbie” can cope with this task.The process requires only pliers and a screwdriver; the work will take no more than 15 minutes.
The inlet valve mesh performs an important function - it traps various impurities and dirt contained in tap water, protecting the washing machine. Over time, it becomes clogged - this leads to difficulty in water flow. To get rid of jerking, you will have to clean the filter.
The filter mesh is located at the point where the inlet hose is connected to the washing machine body. Before trying to get to the element, it is necessary to turn off the power to the automatic machine and close the shut-off valve. Let's figure out how to proceed.
Cleaning the filter element
The intake valve screen may be partially covered with limescale. For this reason, the normal flow of water into the system will be disrupted. To clean the filter you need to:
- Carefully unscrew the clamp that secures the inlet hose to the machine body;
- move the hose aside;
- look into the fitting - there is a mesh there;
- grab the protruding edge of the filter with pliers and pull the element towards you;
- Using a napkin or toothbrush, remove all plaque from the mesh, rinse it under warm running water.
If deposits cannot be removed from the filter, you can place the mesh in a citric acid solution for a couple of hours.
After cleaning, the filter element is installed back. Next, the inlet hose is connected to the machine and secured with a fastening nut. When finished, run a test wash. Usually, after such manipulation, the washing machine begins to fill without jerking, in normal mode.
1 reader comment
In my LG machine, when the cold water supply valve is fully opened, in some programs it immediately takes away powder and rinse aid. Technical support advised to slightly close the cold water supply valve. The rinse aid began to come in one by one, as it should. After the machine washed the clothes, but now the pipe began to shake when drawing cold water.
That is, when the cold water supply tap is open, water flows in more or less quietly. And in the evening, at night, you can wash it, but the vibration from the pipe comes in jerks. With such an aggressive intake of water, I think the gaskets need to be changed more often. And God forbid, in my absence, such shaking might cause a leak. And doing laundry in the evening became a problem when people began to rest so as not to be disturbed. The pipes are almost flush with the wall, they even shake the walls due to vibration.
I had an Indesit car, but it wasn’t such a horror, LG is a well-known brand. How did it happen? And in some programs, at certain places in the wash, it began to tap a little. Sometimes when washing you hear a small whistling sound. This did not happen during the first two or three washes. And we haven’t used it for another six months.